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Dave Mardell

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Posts posted by Dave Mardell

  1. Re: Show Me The Money.... Your right to a point. And you should definetly be playing for 3rd and then the win in a STT, however there is a minor flaw in your logic. Consider that a STT is not a single bet, but a serious of odds related situations that will allow you to gain the chips needed to win or bust out. Ok so if your sitting in a $10 with 5 players left. You have 5000, another guy has 5001, and the remaining players each have say 1666 each. YOu could probably limp through to the money here more often than not, although one quick double up by the shorty against you and its even in chips... Lets say that you run this situation 5 times. Lets say you wake up with up with AA one away from the bubble and the guy that has you covered moves in before you. You fold and get 3rd all 5 times. Your return is $100 You call all in a 4/1 favourite or MORE. You will bust out once. But 4 times your hand will hold, you will have two thirds of the chips in play with 4 people left. You should expect to win at least 2 in 4 of these situations for the same return as limping around - $100 - but realistically you should get cash in all 4 the VAST majority of the time for substantially higher profits. Say 2 wins and 1 second and 1 third = $150. 50% improvment on ROI!

  2. Re: Muddle's Personal Tournament Challenge

    i'm confused with those prima rounders results dave.
    Yeah its a bit confussing. Sorry. By comming 4th in the $112 I won the buy in to the lext level. Which is 275 or somesuch. Needless to say if I fail to get 5th or better in the level 5 that profit would crash fast... Maybe I should take those of the records....
  3. Re: Muddle's Personal Tournament Challenge

    AAhhhhhhh Dave Grasshopper did learn from the Master afterall nice going mate but the path is a rocky one good luck in becomes a zen warrior master :P
    I thought it was me that told you - wishful thinking perhaps :notworthy I actually cashed £1700 from a £20 deposit on Ladbrokes Ladders. Tasty!
  4. Re: Muddle's Personal Tournament Challenge

    Holy crap. I've gotta start playing the rounders.. I thought you won tokens through to the next level though, and only the last level paid cash?
    Yeah its tokens, but they HAVE cash value because you are allowed to play the same levels again rather than move up. You can therefore build up a bankroll of entry tokens to play the final level with. It is my experience with the Ladbrokes Ladders (which are similar) that you can roughly cash out the same ammount as you have in tokens given enough buy ins.
  5. Re: Slowplaying KK? Preflop play was fine. Two elephants calling trying to catch something that need to be got rid off so I like your reraise. The flop is free of an ace and personally I think you gotta push in here. Pot is plenty big, and the last thing you wanna do is let a draw in or Ax pop his ace. But I think youve got to call the reraise. If hes got aces he got aces, but its more likely he has TT, JJ or QQ and thinks the flop is good for him now you have missed with your AK. HE might even have AK suited himself.... Either way your a favourite and if you walk into AA, 88, 66, or 44 your just unlucky. Truth be told he probably reriaes all in with a "monster" like TT or JJ, so he may well have 44 or 66 with his flat call for a ton o money. Its the sort of chimpery you often see. But you know thats a flop for kings and you takes yer chances.

  6. Re: Muddle's Personal Tournament Challenge

    the difference is because he has moved 'up the ladder')
    Exactly, so the results are slightly inflated as one loss will actually send me right back down again :) And Barney, the buy in is somewhat dependant on whats available. Time of day and all that. Will make my next post end of day results, but be aware that there are 2 ladder tournies in progress so i could come down hard and fast soon :D
  7. Re: $300 up for grabs at Party Poker in August

    Cant work out a way to track how many points ive earned as it does not update until the next day.... gonna have to count em on paper :(
    Does anyone know how to get your daily total BEFORE the next day? Does anyone know if Tourny fees count. What about the double points bonus from happy hour?
  8. Re: Anyone for a private game on Prima? I think its important that when we play these games we all learn something. I learned a valuable lesson in this game: When chelskired raises 6xBB do NOT come over the top ALL IN with 7-2o. Yes I KNOW its the "best damned hand in poker" but chelskired is a lucky fooker and his premium trash AQo will hold up... :spank

  9. Re: Good Fold? The hand history is a little unclear as to the ammounts involved, but when he finally comes over the top how much was in the pot? How much was it to call? Were you getting 4/1? Cos if you were you should be calling ayway evne if you now know he has aces.

  10. Re: Good Fold? "wallace58 posted to play - $1.00" Smacks to me that this was a hit and run. He's just joined the table after the guy you had a read on left, he cant be bothered to wait for the BB and just happens to pick up AA? I hardly think so. Ida called in a heart beat.

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