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Dave Mardell

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Posts posted by Dave Mardell

  1. Re: The Fish Thread The trouble with so called "fish" is that even they can be dealt big hands sometimes. Can burn of a lot of chips hunting em down and if you luck aint in you can end up losing heavily yourself. However it is common knowledge that these players will leak like the titanic over the long haul, and that the better players will be draining their chips. Dave Colclough target phil helmuth at the WSOP. The toughest player at the table. His reasoning was that being the best player at the table he was ammasing chips from the dead money. Taking all the risk ascosiated with it as well. He figured that he only had to out play phil once or twice to collect what he had made from the dead money. So alllll the money flowed from the dead wood to phil, and the Dave C knicked it from Phil. Nice strategy :)

  2. Re: Things that piss you off when playing poker

    In fact 3) People who say "nh" or "wp" when it was clearly neither.
    Agreed. Why just today in a STT on ladbrokes we were four handed. I was the short stack on the bubble. However a double through would actually put me second in chips, but with a 400 BB comming next hand i needed to find a hand NOW. Found JJ, excellent - All in. Called by A3o. Flop AAA. Harsh. Not the least bit bothered by the beat. I got my money in in a very good spot and got unlucky. Happens. What bemused me was the barrage of WP! and NH! and VVVVVVVVNH! from the other two players. Well played? He called off 2 thirds of his stack a 3/1 underdog. WP my ass :)
    4) People who wait until the last second of the timer before calling all in preflop with AA.
    Now this isnt quite so bad. In a tournament there are occasionaly times when you might just might have to think about if you really want to call for all your chips with AA. Let me provide an example. Your playing a $10 STT which pays 3 places. 4 players remain. You are PLAYER A. Blinds are at 400/800 A has 5000 in chips B has 8000 in chips C has 1000 in chips D has 1000 in chips in the big blind You raise and Player B moves all in for 8000, player D in the big blind HAS to call here. If he folds his BB hes gonna have 200 left. Its time to gamble for this boy. Player B will likely have a hand and will likely beat Player D. Sure your beating player B but he can bust you. Aces are not invincible and if you call and loose you go out third. Worse yet the all in BB might fluke something big and you gou out 4th when you had a substanial chip stack! Lets assume you do indeed bust along with the player D. You make $10 profit. However if you pass here. Even if played D doubles up you still have him pegged in chips, and player C is also on the way out. Baring some miracle chances are that by folding you will eventually come second. You make $20 profit. You double your profit by folding Aces. Crazy huh? If it was 3 handed the call is a little more clear cut. Sure you can fold and be assured second. But youll probably be too short to win heads up. You make $20 by folding aces here. But at this stage your freerolling. You can go ahead an take on the massive stack with Aces. You chances of winning the hand are high, the small stack will give up now and youll be heads up with approx 12,000 vs 3000. An almost sure win. In this case you profit by $40 by calling aces. Make sense?
  3. Re: Sites and Usernames Ladbrokes: Dave_M UltimateBet: Dave_M Pacific: Muddle I mostly exclusively play Ladbrokes though. You'll find me in the treble chance ladder mostly. I suck 99% of the time but rare moment of poker genious keep me hooked....$1300 in winnings from said Treble Chance Ladder being one of the more recent ones. Blowing away a significant chip lead in the Cruise Mania freeroll was not one of my finer moments though :)
  4. Re: Sites and Usernames Ladbrokes: Dave_M UltimateBet: Dave_M Pacific: Muddle I mostly exclusively play Ladbrokes though. You'll find me in the treble chance ladder mostly. I suck 99% of the time but rare moment of poker genious keep me hooked....$1300 in winnings from said Treble Chance Ladder being one of the more recent ones. Blowing away a significant chip lead in the Cruise Mania freeroll was not one of my finer moments though :)

  5. Re: Showing cards My views tend to mirror Jezzas some what. I tend to muck my hand most of the time. 99% in fact. Poker is a game of partial information so why give out more than is needed. People like to show that look i had 4 aces but all that does is shows everyone at that table how you best when you have a monster. As a player of STT as my mainstay, Your only going to be playing these guys for around 40 minutes. Show them nothing you dont have to. I would say I have two exceptions. If im playing an exceptionally loose STT when I make a hand that is or is close to the absoloute nuts I would show it once, in the hopes that it will create a table image thats says "you really dont want to call my pot sized bet on the flop". This will be important as you really dont want 5 way action when youve got a decent hand....too many ways it can go pair shaped over the next 2 cards The exact opposite is true in a super tight STT game. There will come a time when you have to put a bluff in if your not catching cards and I would tend to show that bluff once. One people see you cna bluff they will be a lot happier getting in a pot with you. Of course you know next time you put in a big bet your gonna be sitting on an absoloute monster, and oh boy will you be paid.

  6. Re: Table Etiquette - Your Views Wow its been a looooong time since I posted here. Okily On your initial point, ignore it. The single hardest thing to do in poker is check your emotions at the door. However what you need to realise is that the guys berating you probably have their head in check. They are trying to get you to make emotinal calls by questioning your play. Ignore it, and when you get a hand, a real hand, they will likely loose a lot of chips to you. On the hand its self id like to raise a few points if i may be so bold. As i think has been mentioned if you are going to play a hand on the button, especially goo like T3s you really want to raise to try and just pick up the blinds. If you dont raise you open yourself up to all sorts of problems. What exactly do you want to flop with T3s Unless your lucky enough to meet a player like the one you describe above who cant lay a hand down your either gonna win a tiny pot or worse loose all your chips when you get a little something 1) 3 pair is likely to be beaten 2) If you make a top pair ten and get action chances are your beaten 3) IF you flop a flush and get action your probably beaten by a bigger one 4) If you flop 33A and get action your either against 3 higher kicker, A3 or AA and so on.... And onto how the hand played out Ok so if you make your flush or house or trips or whatever the hand will probably good, but when you flat call the button, if the SB calls aswell and the BB declines to raise you have gotten 2/1 in the pot on your flat call. The odds of you making a full or flush are a lot lot longer than 2/1 here but ho hum your in. It goes check check. Your call for the minumum when bet was actually spot on. YOur odds of drawing a particular suit of a card on the next card are approx 4/1 and with three of you in, plus his bet, the pot would have been giving you this. So thats a perfect call. However I think your bet of 150 on the end was a huuuuuuuuuge mistake. As it happens you were lucky and got a guy to call with a worse hand but typically this will not be the case. Your bet was 150% of the pot. This guy was clearly a fool for calling but many poker players would recognise the flush there, and your bet is so large they can only call if they are beating you... Lets look as some possible scenarios on the end, baring obvious idiots like this guy who called anyway. 1) You bet 150, he reads you for a flush, he folds, and you win no more money 2) You bet 150, he has the better but non nut flush and calls and you spunk 150 more than you needed to. bet you wish you checked now 3) You bet 150 and he reraises you all in. Oh shit, I really bet you wish you checked now! And wow ive gone on for ages. Sorry. Um in short yeah the guy was an ass :)

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