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Dave Mardell

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Posts posted by Dave Mardell

  1. Re: AK - what now? The problem is now that these idiot comentators on TV are always banging on about "coinflips". Unsuited overcards can be a bigger dog than you might expect against pairs, particularly if that pair interfears with any straight possibilities. AKo vs QQ - coin flip? Its closer to 60-40 for queens. Hardly a coin flip! I would advise anyone to get a hand odds calculator and compare various pairs to AKo and AKs and see which situations are infact flips. Then we call all stop shoving in with AKo like its the imortal nuts :)

  2. Re: top 2 pair with bet and shove in front of you You know he could easily have a K9 or Q9 here, maybe even aces, all of which he might tip in with to try and prevent the draw. Obviously the JT is a threat but in an unrasied pot you dont really know where you are If you call and you made a mistake you are unlikely to be totally dead. End of the day though the fact youve only incested 60 into the pot, your stack is still healthy and you dont really know where you are, I think you can afford to let it go.

  3. Re: From down and out to down and out. You got your money in twice a decent favourite. Your gonna bust out like that 1 in 6, maybe 1 in 9. So relatively frequently. Be glad your getting action when your a favourite. Poker is about the long term, and if you cant deal with the short term irregularites that are inherant in the game then your sanity will not last. Oh and be wary of labeling people fish based on them "showing crappy cards". I imagine a lot of people used to think GUs Hansen was a fish :) I have actually be trying out a "system" for the super fast structure SNG's on prima that (so far) seems to be taking down the money. It is decidedly "fishy" It gets me called lots of unpleasant things, but I can deal with that, and it also gets me an all in call when I have AA, and I can deal with that too :)

  4. Re: So what's the score with Goalpoker Paul? PokerZone was asking for viewer stories about if they know anyone at the WSOP or if you have gone themselves through a net qualifier. Might be an ideal opportunity to send the OwnGoalPoker story in and see if they comment. Would certainly do a lot of damage to GP to have bad coverage on live TV :ok

  5. Re: Poker Novice Questions Didnt realise some were exclusive. Currently on 365. Might have to give Spin Palace a go! If I get on TV and am dealt 7-2o Im moving in with that fooker! The best damed hand in poker - LIVE ON TV!

  6. Re: How To Play This? Ida bet a bit more at the flop - the size of the pot infact. Should have been about 320? If its called you have to figure your beat, unless he has 7-8 and is drawing at the straight or flush like a plank? Certainly after that turn there is a good chance your beaten by A6, A9, JJ, QQ KK and AA and the river compounds your missery bringing the flush. Personally one of the biggest improvements to my game was to stop playing TT like its a serious hand. Its really a small pair. Lot of overcards combinations that are playable that can outflop you hard. Now I treat it like sevens. Limp in and get out if you sniff an over pair or bad flop.

  7. Re: What would you do?

    Sure' date=' but Masterplan's read was AA. If he's reading for AA.. then it's a marginal call.[/quote'] Which is exactly what I was trying to get at in my post. The call wasnt bad against overcards, but "knowing" your up against aces...well..like you say - marginal.
  8. Re: Call 2 all-ins? My memory must be playing tricks on me. Thanks for the correction :)

    No. Sklansky thinks it's rubbish as well (except in some very specific situations which don't apply here).
  9. Re: What would you do?

    I can't remember where I read it' date=' but some pro recomends raising to 2.5xBB instead of 3. If blinds are at 10/20, raise to 50-55 instead of 60. The extra chips you save count for something in the long run. I've done it occasionally when stealing, and it sure does hurt less when the small blind comes over the top.[/quote'] Indeed. I use it a lot in the late stages of SNG's where a 3xBB is too much of my stack buy a minimum raise shows too much weakness.
  10. Re: How To Play This? You had aces, you didnt raise enough, you got called by 4 people one of whom will out flop and you refused to back off. You man probably showed you a 6 or a nine? With aces and kings early in a tournament the blinds are not big enough relative to stack sizes to be playing it cute. At 4xBB the implied odds for calling bad hands are massive. YOu need to be betting about 15-20% of your stack and moving in on the flop if anyone is daft enough to call. If they have outflopped you well thats poker, they certainly didnt have implied odds to do it with 20% of your chips in the middle (your giving them 4/1 if you know your moving in on any flop)

  11. Re: Call 2 all-ins?

    You want to knock the shortie guy out' date=' it increases both your ev, you see this type of unoffical cooperative play quite often.[/quote'] Yeah thats something Slansky bangs on about. Dave Ulliot shares the same opinion as me of Slansky - hes an idiot! I dont see any value in kocking someone out of a tournament until your either in the money and your prize position increases, or very close to the bubble. Beyond that your sole concern should be aquiring chips. Why give someone with a worse hand a shot to beat you?
  12. Re: What would you do?

    i figured i could take the extra blinds
    Nothing wrong with that assumption, but you dont need to raise 5xBB to pick up the blinds. If the table is tight and the blinds have no hand they are just as liable to fold to a minimum raise as they are a big one. Ida gone with the standard 3xBB - as it stands youve over extended your self on a VERY mediocre hand
    or end up 50/50 or better with one of the shorties with my 4s.
    Hard to imagine how you could get a call and be better than 50 50 to be honest. A3 maybe but chances are huge that at BEST your facing overcards, and more than likely an over pair - which is infact what happened.
    the single re-raise smelt entirely of aces, so i called the 800 into the 3100 pot giving me good enough pot odds with my stack to see if i hit my set.
    44 against AA is roughly a 4/1 dog. The pot was giving you 3.875/1, so a call was slightly incorrect. However I dont think your really going to want to put more money in unless you hit a set which is a 7/1 proposition which you did not have odds for. Even if you figure to get the rest of your stack in (which aces probably calls on that flop) 800 to call only gives you 4.5/1 against the rest of your chips which is a far cry short of the 7/1 needed. In the end you was a bit unlucky that your read was off and you walked into a suicide flop that you cant really get away from, but you should never have been there. As I say your idea of picking up the blinds was fine but you over extended yourself - had you only raise 3xbb the minimum reraise is so much easier to fold...
  13. Re: Call 2 all-ins? Yeah nothing wrong with your play there. You had the shorty well beat, and you got a coin flip from the guy who has you covered. Good shout to wind up with 6700 chips that didnt pan out. Not sure how the guy called with 88 though :)

    Er.. shorty had K7s I think. I had ATo. So still not that much of a dog going in' date=' but I didn't want to be flipping for my stack at that point, hence the push.[/quote']
  14. Re: Call 2 all-ins? The short staqck has probably found a small or middle pair he can chuck in with. The guy on 3000 probably doesnt have much himself. Maybe AQ AJ TT or JJ and is trying to get the low man heads up by pushing in. I think I could only call in that spot with QQ KK AA or AKs The short man may well have aces but its only 700 to you and with QQ + you probably figure to have the guy on 3000 chips beat and will win his side pot for a good profit. 88 is a straight fold though. They could both have only over cards and thats a lot of cards to fade for your money :)

  15. Re: To call or not to call?

    My read on him is he has a pocket pair maybe 10's ? One of which is a heart, he now has a made flush and you're in big trouble.
    Only 3 hearts out there. I reckon hes got a raggy ace three for two pair myself
  16. Re: Unexploitable Heads Up play

    But I think your argument is wrong' date=' if someone played this strategy against you in a cash game then you couldn´t wait for Aces, [/quote'] Good point. Absoloutly correct of course.
  17. Re: Fixed Limit

    so i said fair enough you dont want my 35k a year in rake i will go elsewhere it made financial sense to
    Seems to be that a lot of these poker rooms don't particularly value customers. The ammount of rooms that have ripped me of (most notable truepoker and the VC rooms (Racing Post and The Sun) with deposit bonuses etc...makes you wonder if they think they can make a living with no customers?
    after my initial success on the ladders on ladbrokes i got bored not enough finals going each day
    Same as my complaint...
  18. Re: Fixed Limit

    purist will shirk with horror at the next statement but personally i play as many hands as possible but not trash like 8-3' date=' 7-4 etc etc hands with a modicum of playability[/quote'] Ive watched you play Omaha Hi-Lo 6 handed on Ladbrokes. I did notice you liked to mix it up a lot but very rarely got yourself in a really bad spot. Nick tons of small pots while everyone waits for the nuts to bust you, and then you get away super cheap. Was fun to watch :) I notice that Ladbrokes now offer the "Money Tree". Very similar to Prima rounders bit with a slightly softer structure in the opening levels. Whats the play like on those? Plenty of people playing them? Problem I had with ladders is after id built my tokens I struggled to get more than one final level game in a day outside of the weekends...
  19. Re: Unexploitable Heads Up play

    No - the argument is that if you play like this, it is unexploitable by any tactic!!!! But as I said - it sounds too good to be true and pretty unbelievable to be honest.
    OK a lot of this goes way over my head, but i think the "theory" is based around the fact that a GOOD heads up player should beat a BAD heads up player the mjority of the time because of the ability to exploit weakness in the bad player to take them off the best hand.... This theory could never work in heads up cash because your man just has to wait for aces, and I dont think it would work in a heads up STT because there is too much time for your opponent to wait for the good to take you on with. I think the tinking is aimed at the heads up stage of a tournament where the blinds are high. The thinking being that if you attemt to play the guy then baring some fluke hand like a beaten boat you probably have no shot to win, but being that you are now "freerolling" with 2nd place money you can adopt a super aggressive strategy that gives you maybe a 1 in 3, 1 in 4 shot at the top spot. It looks to me that the hands he has you moving in with from the small blind figure to be a better than evens chance again a random holding. Win the large BB or be a favourite...Its also figured to get you called if you have a Top 10 hand because you will be pushing all the time. I think the important thing is not to get "unexploitable" confused with "unbeatable". What hes saying is that by getting your money all in you give a superior player no opportunity to outplay you, and so basically cards talk. In the late stages of a tournament he might not pick up enough cards fast enough to take you on until he is crippled.
  20. Re: Fixed Limit

    What can a slightly above average player expect to make per hour (eg one BB)
    The pro's figure that making about one, maybe two BB an hour playing Limit Poker would see you doing well. "Slightly above average" probably means your a break even - small profit kind of player, but being that I dont play Limit, and I dont know you at all I cant really comment...
    and what would you estimate to be the maximum loss in say a 4 hour session.
    The maximum you can lose in a 4 hour session is your entire bankroll.... YOu could get dealt aces ever hand straight for 4 hours, and have it cracked almost every time. Highly unlikely and if that happens the universe would probably collapse - but my point is that poker IS a game of chance, and even playing PERFECT poker you can and will go on some length losing steaks if you play for long enough....
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