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** April Poker League Result : 1st Like2Fish, 2nd McG, 3rd andybell666 **

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  2. A great post,well done! Everyone has the same goal even if we go about it in different ways. As a young man i tried everything-speed ratings,forms ratings,systems,horses to follow lists,trends,scalping,dobbing,match betting,in play,exotics- the list was endless and the results were mixed.Like most though,as soon as i hit a losing streak i was off trying something else-only to find the strategy i had just left,had started to win again. If anyone was stupid enough to ask my advice,i would suggest they do exactly what you do..and that's to stick with what you like and how you like to do it.Yes of course listen to everyone's views,process those idea's and discard the ones you think are irrelevant,and then move on. Stick to your chosen method and just try little tweeks every now and again to see if you can improve your results. When you have tweeked as much as you possibly can,(and you are still losing),then, and only then, will it be the time to consider trying something else.
  3. Totally agree,that if you were to pick an odds on winner everyday, making a 10 point profit would be difficult,though not impossible. But what if you started the first day/days of the monthly competition well and found a 7/1 winner or two 7/2 winners for example,putting you 7 points in profit. One could argue that picking a long odds on shot everyday for the rest of the month after then to make a profit of 10 points is not really that daunting. You may have noticed that a post of mine on this thread earlier today predicted two long odds on chances....and both won! So if i can do it..:)
  4. Absolute queen was 10s when I posted to keeping to that p/ is +0.8 .4 pt ew Lighthouse Mill 10/1 810 h
  5. Here are the weekend’s MLS games for your perusal. Thoughts and bets below please.
  6. Around 30% of favs win which also means 70% don't win. I take my chances with searching through the 70% remaining.
  7. Final chances to bet on Spanish football this season. At least they have the courtesy to spread them out a bit for the benefit of us frazzled goalscorer punters! Let us know below if you like the look of any bets on these games.
  8. Today
  9. This is a nugget from @LeMale that is well worth remembering especially when listening to "noise" " I have found that i can't un-learn what i now know so i find it more difficult to find the big price winners," I would add. Be very careful what you get fixated on, always be prepared to be flexible in your thinking and never be afraid to let go of bad or dodgy ideas.
  10. Here are the final Serie A fixtures of the season, spread across Thursday to Sunday. Have a study and see if anything looks worth a bet; share with us below if so.
  11. Terrible Terrible ride by Coen on bloom vega. 750 Pascailia 9/4 3 pt win
  12. Endofconversation 20.40 Southwell 7/1 BetVictor
  13. Bet 22 is Iemmello (Catanzaro in Serie B) at 12/5
  14. Like what has kind of been said, each to their own. What i will add/say is this...I still class myself as a novice who now has, what year is it now, about 4/5 or maybe 6 years worth of flat racing knowledge, nothing at all in my eyes compared to a lot of guys/girls on here, but what i'd noticed with my betting about 2 years ago was that i was now betting on horses at stupid prices, prices that i would never have entertained 3,4 or 5 years ago and by stupid i mean anything from 3-1 to 9-1. (Never will i bet, or have i ever bet, a single on anything that's odds-on up to 11-4) I had noticed that i was not having as much fun as i used to and i put that down to not getting my buzz from a long shot winner or even a place, short price winners mean nothing to me and i was having more bets on them and less on the big priced nags that i loved. Luckily for me i noticed what had happened, with the extra knowledge and help from people on this site, i was looking at certain things that i never used to and was ruling out quite a lot of the bigger priced horses and was left with the shorties. I have found that i can't un-learn what i now know so i find it more difficult to find the big price winners, but i do find them believe it or not, just always seem to pick the wrong one for the Naps comp! People will say what i do is Wrong, but what you have to understand is what i stake has hardly changed from when i started, £2 win and £1 ew and i will very rarely change that, so betting £2 on a 1-4 shot to get 50p is not for me. With some of the shorter priced horses i bet on now it's £2 win on odds up to 20-1, a judgement call on odds from 22-1 to 33-1 (depends on places/extra places and runners) and ew for any odds above that, 90% of the time, again depends. I've rambled on again, as usual, but like i started this with, it's each to their own, there are tips and advise for any one who wants it and although i have never met any one on this site, i know who to trust and i know who talk a good game, the main thing is, i believe, is that no one on here wants anyone to get into gambling debt/problems and you seem like me in that you have your amount that you can afford to play with and what will be, will be, so good luck to you and everybody else on however you bet, just keep it fun.
  15. 6.40 Huntingdon Sunset in Paris ( each way ) 33/1 William Hill
  16. Nice fat prices there Stuart. Best of luck
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