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Just won £50 quid on Roulette with this system...


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A mate of mine showed me this system for Roulette, you're all probably aware of it... You stick 50p on red or black, if you win you stick another 50p on, if you loose you double your stake and bet again and so forth. It's my first time using it and I've gone from £5 to £54.50 in under an hour. As you can probably imagine the urge to continue playing is unbearable, but I thought I'd pop my head in here first to see if anyone else uses it and might have some tips for me. Obviously I know it isn't 100% safe, or even close, but my luck seems to be in today. Anyone else use/used this system? Cheers

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Re: Just won £50 quid on Roulette with this system...

As you can probably imagine the urge to continue playing is unbearable' date=' but I thought I'd pop my head in here first to see if anyone else uses it and might have some tips for me.[/quote'] The best tip is to quit while you are ahead.
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Re: Just won £50 quid on Roulette with this system...

The best tip is to quit while you are ahead.
Yep that's what my girlfriend just told me, so I withdrew £45 and left a tenner to play with. Now I'm back up to £30 lol. I'll try get up to £40 and withdraw £30 leaving another tenner to play with. If I loose the tenner then I'll walk away.
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Re: Just won £50 quid on Roulette with this system... Hi Shane, glad that you won a few quid but walk away with a profit before you become another victim of the martingale system ! Just do a search for martingale on this forum or any other to see the pitfalls of this system :ok Whilst people often think it's easy money because "you never get 10+ blacks etc on the trot", the truth is that a) it does (and will) happen b) the stakes required to recoup previous losses become very large very quickly (I'm sure there's a queue of people to tell you the same thing so I'll leave it there !).... :ok

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Re: Just won £50 quid on Roulette with this system...

Hi Shane, glad that you won a few quid but walk away with a profit before you become another victim of the martingale system ! Just do a search for martingale on this forum or any other to see the pitfalls of this system :ok Whilst people often think it's easy money because "you never get 10+ blacks etc on the trot", the truth is that a) it does (and will) happen b) the stakes required to recoup previous losses become very large very quickly (I'm sure there's a queue of people to tell you the same thing so I'll leave it there !).... :ok
Cheers dude. I tend to just pick a colour (red/black) at random as I've witnessed 13 blacks in a row. If I get a consecutive run of either colour, I normally stick with it until the opposite colour rears it's ugly head. I see what you mean now about having to recoup previous losses with large bets. What I tend to do now is for example say I have £30, I bet 50p, it looses, I bet £1, it looses, I bet £2, it looses, finally I bet £4, and if it looses (hasn't so far :hope) I then start over betting 50p. I think it's a good system if used properly. It's a relatively easy way of turning a tenner in to twenty quid. As long as you don't take the system as Gospel. It's definitely not a long term solution.
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Re: Just won £50 quid on Roulette with this system...

You've forgotten the fact that you are playing against computer software designed to pick up your betting patterns' date=' hence eventually it will give you enough of the wrong colour on the trot. Quit whilst you have been lucky.[/quote'] Is this true? I thought it picked the numbers at random? Can you explain, or show me where to find how this exactly works?
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Re: Just won £50 quid on Roulette with this system...

A mate of mine showed me this system for Roulette, you're all probably aware of it... You stick 50p on red or black, if you win you stick another 50p on, if you loose you double your stake and bet again and so forth. It's my first time using it and I've gone from £5 to £54.50 in under an hour. As you can probably imagine the urge to continue playing is unbearable, but I thought I'd pop my head in here first to see if anyone else uses it and might have some tips for me. Obviously I know it isn't 100% safe, or even close, but my luck seems to be in today. Anyone else use/used this system? Cheers
Oh dear,so what happens if you lose 8 times in a row,and yes it will happen, doubling up on every loss,you'd be staking 128 pound to win 50 pence with a total loss of £255.50 if the 128 pound bet lost as well:cry By the far the worst roulette "system" you could play.
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Re: Just won £50 quid on Roulette with this system...

You've forgotten the fact that you are playing against computer software designed to pick up your betting patterns' date=' hence eventually it will give you enough of the wrong colour on the trot. Quit whilst you have been lucky.[/quote'] That's quite a statement. Can you back this up with solid evidence? If it was true it would be a massive scandal. I am 100% sure you are mistaken though, as the casinos would be incredibly stupid to risk exposure by cheating on a game which already is guaranteed by mathematical laws to make them money.
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Re: Just won £50 quid on Roulette with this system...

That's quite a statement. Can you back this up with solid evidence? If it was true it would be a massive scandal. I am 100% sure you are mistaken though, as the casinos would be incredibly stupid to risk exposure by cheating on a game which already is guaranteed by mathematical laws to make them money.
I agree. Please back it up with evidence.
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Re: Just won £50 quid on Roulette with this system... The red/black system has been touted on the net for ages now with the promise of a 98% strike rate if you stick to the progressive staking policy (Martingale). It may well provide encouraging results in the short term and this can only serve to get you hooked on a "system" that will bite you big style sooner than you think,especially if you play the same RGN machine online. There are ways of making small amounts at roulette if you play at bookmaker terminals in high street shops,but only if you are disciplined and are prepared to change terminals after a win ie hit and go ! Do not play the same shop for more than two hits and certainly never the same machine,you are asking for trouble if you do ! I will post more on this contentious subject in due course and on my own variation on the red/black system which can be fruitfull if you can be extremely well disciplined and not greedy. Bye for now.

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Re: Just won £50 quid on Roulette with this system...

I agree. Please back it up with evidence.
I love people "asking for evidence". How do you prove or disprove something you can only see from one side of the internet? How about somebody provides evidence that it doesn't happen in online casinos? There is no such thing as a "random" number generator. The best you can hope for is that the non randomness isn't too predictable, basically a "near randomness" with an unknowable input. Any software, even if it has billions of algorithms to generate a number with, is still running to a programmed script. It's random to the player - but is that truly random to the software? On the basis of who runs / owns the software, it's a pretty good guess which side of the connection could access & manipulate that input if it needed to do so. This is why I stick to sports betting. It' a lot harder to manipulate 22 football players than it is a piece of software.
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Re: Just won £50 quid on Roulette with this system...

I love people "asking for evidence". How do you prove or disprove something you can only see from one side of the internet? How about somebody provides evidence that it doesn't happen in online casinos? There is no such thing as a "random" number generator. The best you can hope for is that the non randomness isn't too predictable, basically a "near randomness" with an unknowable input. Any software, even if it has billions of algorithms to generate a number with, is still running to a programmed script. It's random to the player - but is that truly random to the software? On the basis of who runs / owns the software, it's a pretty good guess which side of the connection could access & manipulate that input if it needed to do so. This is why I stick to sports betting. It' a lot harder to manipulate 22 football players than it is a piece of software.
Why would anyone play randomn number generator roulette in the first place when you can play real live roulette at a number of online casino's,if your unable or don't want to visit a real B+M casino,makes no sense,especially as rng roulette is nothing like real roulette.
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Re: Just won £50 quid on Roulette with this system...

I love people "asking for evidence". How do you prove or disprove something you can only see from one side of the internet? How about somebody provides evidence that it doesn't happen in online casinos? There is no such thing as a "random" number generator. The best you can hope for is that the non randomness isn't too predictable, basically a "near randomness" with an unknowable input. Any software, even if it has billions of algorithms to generate a number with, is still running to a programmed script. It's random to the player - but is that truly random to the software? On the basis of who runs / owns the software, it's a pretty good guess which side of the connection could access & manipulate that input if it needed to do so.
That's just plain wrong, and a stupid thing to say. Could get the forum and yourself in trouble without proof that what you say is right. As Lardonio says, there is no reason for any Roulette company to cheat, as there is NO system that works. It's purely a game of chance and a profit margin is already built in. If a company wants to take you to court it is up to you to prove they are fiddling, not for them to prove they don't. So what is your evidence Fleet Fanatic?
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Re: Just won £50 quid on Roulette with this system... My comments are opinions of myself, not Punters Lounge. Is that good enough? Also I am speaking theoretically, hence the use of the word "could", rather than "are doing so". There's a big difference in those phrases, as any lawyer would tell you. So Ginge, what gives you or others the right to demand anything from me? Where's your evidence that it isn't a possibility? I've offered my point of view & why, yet all you do is make threats? Run this all by me again & tell me where I have accused any specific company??? The answer is - I haven't. And are you saying that despite having online websites powered by software, that these sites do not track their customers betting habits & betting patterns electronically? All these people being limited or banned are all as a result of somebody manually searching through 1000's of transactions? Of course they track their customers' actions - the question I am asking is how far do they go whilst doing that. I maintain what I said though about being random - there has to be an input telling it what to do, in the case of an online site, that would be the software program - it doesn't matter how many algorithms are used in the generation process, it's generated by a computer script & therefore can never be called "true randomness". Only this year was the first truly random computational number generator produced, and that was based on the principles of quantum physics - somehow I don't think that's something used in the gambling industry quite yet, do you? I won't be replying again.

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Re: Just won £50 quid on Roulette with this system...

You've forgotten the fact that you are playing against computer software designed to pick up your betting patterns' date= hence eventually it will give you enough of the wrong colour on the trot. Quit whilst you have been lucky.
No "opinion" there, just "fact", no "could", just "will" (certain), you are saying this programme is "designed" (specifically made to) do something which I believe may be illegal.
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Re: Just won £50 quid on Roulette with this system... There's a huge difference between using a computational number generator, which for all practical purposes is as random as a snow flake and certainly a lot more random than any mechanical device, and cheating by monitoring betting patterns and deliberately manipulating results by breaking them. I feel FleetFanatic's opinions are as wrong as they could be, and while I think bookmakers are open to using dirty tricks I am sure they are not as incredibly stupid as to risk their gold mine in order to achieve something that mathematical laws would achieve anyway.

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Re: Just won £50 quid on Roulette with this system... Actually I agree with Fleet, it is my opinion that on line casinos are fixed! there you go, another bold statement, I used to play these regularly (though haven't for a couple of years) I stopped as I regularly saw the ball land on '0' twice in row (far more than the >1000/1 odds suggest) even 3 time in a row, or the same number 3 out of 4 spins, and regularly >12 of the same colour on the trot. There is nothing anyone can say to convince me that they are not fixed, so there! (and I won't be commenting again either)

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Re: Just won £50 quid on Roulette with this system...

No "opinion" there' date=' just "fact", no "could", just "will" (certain), you are saying this programme is "designed" (specifically made to) do something which I believe may be illegal.[/quote'] So anyway, which company did I accuse? Just for the record, like. Oh. I didn't. :dude
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Re: Just won £50 quid on Roulette with this system...

Actually I agree with Fleet' date=' [b']it is my opinion that on line casinos are fixed! there you go, another bold statement, I used to play these regularly (though haven't for a couple of years) I stopped as I regularly saw the ball land on '0' twice in row (far more than the >1000/1 odds suggest) even 3 time in a row, or the same number 3 out of 4 spins, and regularly >12 of the same colour on the trot. There is nothing anyone can say to convince me that they are not fixed, so there! (and I won't be commenting again either)
:clap The fact is none of us can prove or disprove it either way.
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Re: Just won £50 quid on Roulette with this system... You make a wild and unreasonable statement, you provide the evidence. That's how it works. Without evidence, you're just another Internet crazy, or village idiot, claiming that cows fly at night when nobody sees them, Elvis Presley is working as a sales clerk in Millwall, that George Bush was frequently abducted by aliens during his time as president (ok, this is plausible) or that casinos are deliberately beating casino punters by analyzing their betting patterns. An easy way of recognizing conspiracy theorists like that is their faulty use of the phrase 'the fact is' when they make their wild accusations.

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Re: Just won £50 quid on Roulette with this system...

You make a wild and unreasonable statement, you provide the evidence. That's how it works. Without evidence, you're just another Internet crazy, or village idiot, claiming that cows fly at night when nobody sees them, Elvis Presley is working as a sales clerk in Millwall, that George Bush was frequently abducted by aliens during his time as president (ok, this is plausible) or that casinos are deliberately beating casino punters by analyzing their betting patterns. An easy way of recognizing conspiracy theorists like that is their faulty use of the phrase 'the fact is' when they make their wild accusations.
A bit like when you talk about your "value" betting then. :rollin
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Re: Just won £50 quid on Roulette with this system... So when is your "value thread" going up or are you going to continue talking drivel as usual

Without evidence, you're just another Internet crazy, or village idiot
Your words not mine :rollin Keep digging your hole Lardy :rollin
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