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Poker books or sites


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Hello all new to the forum and just after some advice please,I have been playing poker for about just over a year and I was finding that I was making some good progress,started on play money then went In to low money games and sng`s but every time I try to step up it doesn't work out,so I was wondering if there were any good books or websites that I can read over to improve my game many thanks.:)

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Re: Poker books or sites :welcome It is very difficult to get up the poker ladder these days, but there is a massive amount of info out there and to be honest I would have a clue were to start with the book side of things. I think if you want to make it past base camp as a newbie you really have to splash out on some sort of tracking software(poker tracker etc). One thing I would recommend is subscribing to the poker player magazine, very easy to follow strategy features and other bits and pieces that more than cover the subscription fee. This is as good a website as any to improve your game;)

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Re: Poker books or sites

Thanks for the reply glceud and at the risk of sounding dumb what is poker tracker software cheers.
I dont know what it is either I just use the fact that I dont use it as an excuse for the fact that I'm not a millionaire. But I've just heard that Phill Ivey doesnt use it either so perhaps you dont need it:eek
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Re: Poker books or sites As suggested Harrington books are great start, def worthy read but slighty dated now, now, after harrington, check out winning poker tournaments one hand at a time, one of the most populer right now is the revised edition of Kill Everyone, which has Elky comments in, If you really want to improve Join a training site, for Mtts, poker xfacter, or Poker Pwnage, theres also a new site Tournament Poker edge, im a member of all 3, obv to much time on my hands lol, PXF has the largest back catologue of training videos, most active forum, some of the SHeets early stuff is amazing, some other great coaches Johnnybax, doubledave, sandler, tons of content...

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Re: Poker books or sites You might like to try some "Pokerschools". Pokerstars has the Intellipoker, you find it with going in Pokerstars lobby, than one of the tabs should lead you to Pokerschool, clicking there leads you to Intellipoker. I personally not like it this much, may be as I am on the german intellipoker side, and this is very confusing plus most of the "lessons" are by Katja Thater which I can not stand. There is a quiz as well, if you pass it you get tickets for Pokerstars tourney. Quite nice Another "school", and this is something I do have a look at and do the challenges there is the Full Tilt Academy, there are lessons, and quiz, and challenges, so you might like to read the lessons, I find the challenges quite helpfull plus they give you points where you can change into tickets or other stuff. The lessons are videos by several different Pros

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