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A7 top pair


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Played a fair bit today and this is the one hand that got me thinking more than any others anyway. It's a final table of a 180 $4 the opening raiser is a loosing player but has been opening up nearly every pot, He's opened up every button and I've 3bet him every time and he's snap folded. Do most of you fold here? we're both big stacks PokerStars, $600/1200 NO Limit Texas Holdem Tournament, 8 Players Board: UTG: $13,036 UTG+1: $23,765 MP1: $53,703 CO: $59,208 Button: $16,222 SB: $40,339 BB: $16,500 MP2: $47,227 Dealt to: CO Ah.gif7h.gif Pre-flop: (3 folds), MP1 raises to $2,555, CO raises to $7,200, (3 folds), MP1 calls $4,645, Flop:($16,200) (2 Players)7s.gif6s.gif5s.gif MP1 checks, CO bets $11,180, MP1 raises to $46,378 and is all-in

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Re: A7 top pair Taking into account the previous hands he has folded I would put him on an over pair with a spade or even a set both of which have you in a bad way, Best case situation is he has the ace of spades and an overcard. You should fold.

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