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Scotty's Bank Builder- Part 2


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Re: Scotty's New Bank Builder Well it took a whole week to come to terms with what happened there on Sunday :p It was bound to happen at some point, and I'm just glad it did after I managed to get into a profit. The plan now is at some point to continue from the cash I banked. But like anyone else that has tried these kind of things, starting again is by far the hardest part. So have decided to take a wee break from here and come back after a few weeks with a new goal and a new bankroll. You know the saying "he who dares wins", "this time next year we'll be millionaires" :p As always thanks to all that viewed and commented on this thread. You watched me put my heart (and cash) on the line through hundreds of bets, and dozens of very close calls. Until I return I wish you all much success with your own punting :hope Bet 598: LOST final score Southampton 2 - Manchester Utd 3, 1st Goalscorer- Rickie Lambert Means new balance to bet: Zilch Banked: £570.98 Total P/L: + £370.98

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Re: Scotty's New Bank Builder Right then folks, it's time I returned to this thread, as I said I would earlier. Starting tomorrow, Part 2 will be up and on the go-go. I really enjoy doing these, it's a bit of fun that I can keep going for a long time (generally), and gives me something else to talk to my pals about if anything. It adds a little something to your weekend, and keeps you interested in keeping on top of sports again. -------- The starting bank: £570.98 Why £570.98? Well it is a big starting bank, but it is what was banked last time out, so even if it loses on the first bet, I will only have lost my initial roll of £200, which is not a lot for 2 years worth of betting. Also as you can tell from my last outing, these hunts tend to last a good wee while (God willing), so this is no £500+ quick fix, it is something I can enjoy over a prolonged (again God willing) amount of time. The first challenge: The plan at the start is to go from £570.98 to £761.57 (my last betting balance, before things went t!ts up), without banking anything. The accumulating effect should speed things up in returning to where I was last time out. Of course this means that if I lose during this period then I won't have banked anything, but again £200 over more than 2 years is not a lot. I'm not willing to throw money away for no good reason though, and should I lose during this time period then the hunt will be over. The second challenge: After getting a betting balance of £761.57, the plan then is to bank very liberally (well above my norm) most of the winnings from any bets. This will be done until the Banked amount reaches £570.98 again. Again a loss during this time period then the hunt will be over. The third challenge: If I get to this stage, then anything banked will be pure profit and my betting balance should also be ticking along nicely. If I get to this stage and then lose- there will be a Scotty's Bank Builder- Part 3! Good luck to all GHers, I have been keeping up with most hunts on here, hopefully we can all win a nice wee amount!! :hope Scotty :ok

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Re: Scotty's Bank Builder- Part 2 Bet 7: WON final score Atl Madrid 6 - Deportivo 0 Won: £3.94 :loon Means new balance to bet: £582.04 Stage 1 (Betting balance: £570.98 to £761.57), Currently £582.04: 5.80% complete Stage 2 (Banked: £0 to £570.98), Currently £0: 0% complete

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Re: Scotty's Bank Builder- Part 2 Bet 8: WON final score Rubin Kazan 0 - Spartak Moscow 1 Won: £4.19 :loon Means new balance to bet: £586.23 Stage 1 (Betting balance: £570.98 to £761.57), Currently £586.23: 8.00% complete Stage 2 (Banked: £0 to £570.98), Currently £0: 0% complete

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Re: Scotty's Bank Builder- Part 2 Bet 9: WON final score Swansea 1 - Middlesbrough 0 Won: £1.26 :loon Means new balance to bet: £587.49 Stage 1 (Betting balance: £570.98 to £761.57), Currently £587.49: 8.66% complete Stage 2 (Banked: £0 to £570.98), Currently £0: 0% complete

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Re: Scotty's Bank Builder- Part 2 Bet 10: WON final score Newcastle 1 - Manchester City 3 Won: £6.27 :loon Means new balance to bet: £593.76 Stage 1 (Betting balance: £570.98 to £761.57), Currently £593.76: 11.95% complete Stage 2 (Banked: £0 to £570.98), Currently £0: 0% complete

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