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Poker in the Park 2010 - PL Private Event - POST 2 HAS NEW DETAILS


Poker in the Park 2010 - PL Private Event - POST 2 HAS NEW DETAILS  

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Re: Poker in the Park 2010 - PL Private Event - POST 2 HAS NEW DETAILS Ok, here is a list of the prizes for our event. Winner of the event will win the PuntersLounge PITP Trophy 1st placed PL Finisher will win £100* 2nd placed PL Finisher will win £75* 3rd placed PL Finisher will win £25* Bounty prizes too** £25 Paul Ross £25 Morlspin £25 Teaulc £25 Nade Total added value of £300 :ok * Must be a registered user of PuntersLounge.com to win prize. Prizes will be paid after the event as no money is allowed to change hands at the venue. ** If the bounty is taken out by a non PL member, the money on their head will be used for drinks after the event.

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Re: Poker in the Park 2010 - PL Private Event - POST 2 HAS NEW DETAILS So what time is everyone meeting at this boozer? It's just round the corner from my hotel where i should be arriving at 3:30ish so can get in any time after that unless i go for a wander...

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Re: Poker in the Park 2010 - PL Private Event - POST 2 HAS NEW DETAILS You'll get it tonight as I've just called the organiser. Apparently we have 16 registered as of 10am this morning. Igor and Galronix have regged since then, so that's 18. If you register after they've sent your ticket out tonight, another email will be sent at midnight Wednesday. After that you'll have to queue up with Joe Public. :ok Anyone who wants to come along for a drink, won't be allowed in the poker tent if you're not playing, but the rest of the area is open to you. :ok

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Re: Poker in the Park 2010 - PL Private Event - POST 2 HAS NEW DETAILS Oh, regarding the prize money PL is adding. Please don't mention this as they have no licence for it. All tourneys will be freerolls on the night. The added value will be paid to your bank account on Friday morning, if you give me your bank details on the night. ;)

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Re: Poker in the Park 2010 - PL Private Event - POST 2 HAS NEW DETAILS

Nor me. Hope it comes tonight else it will be difficult to print it as I'm out and about from tomorrow onwards.
Rob, if you want to send me your email and password (can always change it to a temp password if you like) ill print it for you as im not leaving newcastle til 11am Thursday. Ill bring it to PITP with me Option for you if you need me.
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