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Virgin Free Flight Offer


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Shame their mailing system isn't sophisticated enough to feminise the wording (so in the immortal words....I'm out :tongue2) but looks like a decent deal, assuming the registration period is still open (raking period starts Monday so hopefully OK as long as you reg before you play). From the T&Cs, only one voucher can be used per party booking so you'll need to pay for anyone accompanying you, or be billynomates. :ok 100630-WinFlightsto.jpg Hi Helen, 3 things to do in Prague

  1. Down a few pints of the brown, frothy stuff
  2. Clay pigeon shooting with the boys (preferably NOT after pints of the brown frothy stuff)
  3. Travel back 1,000 years at the castle dominating the city's skyline (AFTER brown frothy stuff is out of one's system)

Sound like your dream holiday? To snap up a Return Flight from Prague or various other European Destinations, you'll need to register this weekend by clicking here and earn 10 V* POINTS every day from Monday 2nd to Wednesday 11th August. Your dream lads' holiday awaits... Good luck! Virgin Poker

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