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Low level sit & go's


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I've played poker on and off for a number of years now. Never really taken it serious, it's been more of a social thing. Playing home games (usually 5 or 6 people sit & go's) and rebuy tournaments at the casino. It almost always involves a large amount of alchohol consumption. I've decided i'm gonna give the online sit & go's a try. I'm planning to play 6-8 games a day. I'll start with low stakes, £5-£10. Probably deposit £50-£100 and just see how i get on. Any recommendation's on where to play? A friend has recommended Willhill. Apparently it's got a large variety of sit & go's and is constantly busy. Thoughts?

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Re: Low level sit & go's

Is the standard of player not very high on Pokerstars?
I think the percentage of good and bad players is lower. The level of predictable players is higher due to the increased number of multitablers. Overall I dont think that makes it any harder to beat. If that makes sense.
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Re: Low level sit & go's

I think the percentage of good and bad players is lower. The level of predictable players is higher due to the increased number of multitablers. Overall I dont think that makes it any harder to beat. If that makes sense.
What's your thought's on the 6 handed, 3 places payed sit & go's? & and is it better to avoid turbo sit & go's?
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Re: Low level sit & go's If your a low volume/low stakes player I'd give pokerstars a miss yes lot of traffic but I'd give full tilt a go at least you can get a decent rakeback on there and the traffic is just as good for sngs if your only playing a few tables.

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Re: Low level sit & go's

What's your thought's on the 6 handed' date=' 3 places payed sit & go's? & and is it better to avoid turbo sit & go's?[/quote'] The answer to both questions is entirley dependent on your own style of play. I would imagine the latter is better if you are more aggressive. 10,000 starting chips with half hour levels would suit me best, but I'd far prefer to play 1000 starting chips with 3 min levels. Lifes too short. At the end of the day if your in it just to make money you need to try every type and keep accurate enough records to work out your best hourley return rate.
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Re: Low level sit & go's

Why have you dropped to 30-40 a year now gl?
When I started playing online there was only two poker books in circulation, no software aids and the player pool consisted of 90% sports book users and casino members. It was very easy money against players who wanted a quick 45 minute "fix". Full of multitabling grinders now. I didnt keep up with the technology and info available and got passed by too many players to the point that I am a fraction of a % above break even at best these days in STT's. As Woodie says, with such a small margin it is soul destroying. (think his is a bit higher:hope) Prefer to use my whole 1% adavantage playing low stakes cash or my 5% disadvantage playing MTT's with a 10% overlay to STT's If you can find me a site with STT's that have an overlay, let me know;)
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Re: Low level sit & go's

Just to add Woodies input is more valid than mine as he currently plays a lot of stt's mine is more from a historical point (I used to play 3000-4000 a year more like 30-40 these days)
OMG, you must have been playing a lot of hours every day back then :loon
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Re: Low level sit & go's problem ive found playing low level sitngos on stars is most are turbos,ive no problem playing turbos but if i wanted to play a more serious game i would prefer to play regular sitngos with a longer clock and more levels, again thats a problem at low stakes as the rake % charge is higher. i remember when i started playing ABOUT 5 OR 6 YRS AGO A $1 SITNGO COST YOU $1.10 to play now some are charging $1.25, thats awful youve no chance of wining over a long period,its disgraceful players are getting fleeced.I only play on Stars nowadays but i would take the rake into consideration as well as traffic when looking for a game at lower stakes.

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Re: Low level sit & go's When I started playing the lowest stake stt was $5+$1 which meant all the real fish had to play there. I'd pay $2 rake on a $5 stt to get those games back:eek Lowest stake holdem was $0.50/$1.00 fl and $25nl, happy happy days:dude Even rush poker dried up for me when they bought in a lower level for all the fish to drop down to.

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Re: Low level sit & go's It doesn't matter to much which pokerroom you choose to play $3, $5 or $10 SnG's. Playing at the right buyin level is the most important part I think. You have to be able to beat the 10% rake and still have a decent ROI when you really beat a buyin level. Getting rakeback can help, but it's just a little help. With Full Tilt you get 27% rakeback, That is good for 2.7% cashback for what you pay in full for SnG's. Take it easy if you just start online, get used to the pace of the online game and the fact that there is no body language that you can try to read. Online it's more about recognize patterns, betsizes, timing, etc to give you a tell on what is going on in your opponents mind, and maybe pick up a few good moves and learn from your opponents too. Playing online can be profitable, but it's also a great way to improve your pokerskills in general so you also get better offline.

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Re: Low level sit & go's Decided to play at Willhill. I've just been trying to get a feel for the different games. The biggest problem i've found is the boredom. I don't have a long concentration span and quite often i find myself going off looking at different websites which has cost me a few times. I've been playing 6 seater sit & go's and the odd heads up battle. I played a bit of internet poker years ago but just never felt comfortable at 10 seater tables. They tend to drag on aswell which is off-putting. I took your advice and started off at $5 games. I deposited £20 with the intention of depositing more if need be. I'm up to about £65 now from my original deposit. The game i feel most comfortable in at the moment is the double stack game. You get 3k chips with 7 minute blinds.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Low level sit & go's Play as many games as you feel comfortable with. No good playing 8 games if you get confused and can only cope with 4. I only play 4 games at a time now as I can get them all on the screen.. I have played 10 - 15 sng's at the same time. Mainly on stars as they popped up on screen for me when it was my turn to act. Different people like different things mate. With regards to type of game. My advice is stick with the same game and stake. When you are confident and have the bankroll move up and not before.

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Re: Low level sit & go's Table ninja is a must. obviously the bigger screen the better. My pc's packed up so at the moment I'm just grinding on a laptop 18inch screen with a 24inch monitor on the side. I stack all the games that are in early stages on one side then any games that are late stages I move accross to laptop screen.

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Re: Low level sit & go's

Table ninja is a must. obviously the bigger screen the better. My pc's packed up so at the moment I'm just grinding on a laptop 18inch screen with a 24inch monitor on the side. I stack all the games that are in early stages on one side then any games that are late stages I move accross to laptop screen.
Table Ninja, only works for Stars or FT? To bad I don't play much on those sites, but it still looks interesting. Is there also something like that for i-Poker and other smaller networks?
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Re: Low level sit & go's Low level sit and goes are generally frequented by new players, this is why when playing with a routine and bubble bursting performance, your stats can remain quite comfortable. When however you begin moving up into the larger stakes, you begin to face more challenging and experienced players. Its worth staying low, the money can be good, but its drawn out, and as all players know, it's hard to resist those bigger numbers at the top.

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