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The ATR Interviews (13) ~ JTW1

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Ok time for another Interview, this time i've selected a 'veteran' to the Punters Lounge. JTW joined up back in November 2004 and has racked up over 5,000 posts. For those that are ATR exclusive you will know him best for his thread on 'Trends', along with Bowles they always can be relied on giving the members any trends going for any big race. For those that venture elsewhere on the PL JTW is very active in the Football threads aswell as supporting most of the competitions. Always big enough to defend his corner and puts a lot of work into his systems and the ATR sections, guys like JTW that stand the test of time have made the PL what it is today and made it an enjoyable place for regulars and newbies alike. Thanks to JTW for answering my questions:ok As usual i'm sure he will answer any fired at him by the readers. ________________________________________________ Previous Issues in case you missed them;


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Re: The ATR Interviews (13) ~ JTW1 The Punters Lounge 1. You joined the PL in Nov 2004, how did you come across the site in the first place? I think it was through a poster from another website , can't remember which one , but PL was the 1st betting forum i joined . 2. When you first joined did you think you would be still posting after 6 years? tbh , Yes , but i didn't think that the place would become as good as it is now . 3. Do you think the PL differs or offers anything more than the many other betting forums out there? Definately the best of it's kind for sheer variety and standard of posters . Each section has it's regulars who , in the main are knowledgeable and most importantly enjoy what they do which comes across in their posts . The insistance on reasoning for punters putting forward their bets is a major plus as it helps not only the experienced punter but also the newbies to the world of horse/sports betting . It is definately a 'community' and of course there have been ups and downs but it's survived and with everyones help can keep going . [Thats enough brown-nosing , is the cheque in the post Paul :lol 4. You have had a few threads in the Systems section over the years, which has been your favourite one? Without a doubt the UNDER 2.5 goals thread was a real favourite of mine . For so long it paid dividends and certainly opened my eyes as to the difference in some of the main leagues in Europe with regards to how many goals are scored , before i started it i really didn't know that the French/Greek leagues are [or were] pretty tight goals-wise whereas Germans/Dutch just love banging them in .[ ooh-er missus :loon] Unfortunately things went a bit tits-up over the past couple of seasons and i suspended it but i'm hoping to give it another chance this season , so my love affair with XANTHI SKODA [god bless 'em ] may well be re-ignited 5. Your probably best known nowadays for your 'Trends' thread, why do you find Trends so appealing? If i'm totally honest , i don't know, they just do !!! It's a subject that has intrigued me for a good long while , but it's only since the advent of the internet and the vast array of information available that i've relly been able to tinker with the subject at great length . Pre pc days i used to buy the Superform annual [ poor mans Timeforem] and would spend hours going through the past results of races where i thought an edge could be gained by finding out if a 'Trend' was apparent , which tbh was either age , odds , weight or draw . The old Sporting life used to have a Ten Year Trend section which i always read religiously . I suppose it's trying to find that elusive 'edge' over the bookies thats inspired my fascination for Trends 6. Is there anything that annoys you on the PL or improvements that you would make? Don't know if annoying is the correct phrase , more like frustrating that every thread regarding the Scottish Premier League has ended up being closed. In many respects it's been the fault of the contributors , and i'll admit to playing a small part in some of the 'exchanges' that has lead to others taking exception . Maybe it's time for an anything goes attitude ?? It's hard for outsiders to fully understand the politics and attitudes that unfortuanately exist up here with regards to the Celtic/Rangers thing and sometimes harder to understand some of the 'Banter' associated with it and maybe some extra leeway sould be given but i fear that we;ve seen the last of such threads on PL . 7. Do you think the role of a moderator is appreciated by the members? On the whole NO , i would think it's a pretty thankless job on the whole but vital to the running of the forum in general to prevent it disintegrating into a Betfair type slagfest [see Old Firm threads :rollin] but it's like a referee in football , if you don't notice them then they are doing a good job 8. You join in all of the competitions, do you think these are an important part of the ATR? Definately , it brings the members closer through discussion and humour . Don't think that prize's are an issue but are an added bonus if you happen to be lucky enough the win one . 9. Do you think there are enough 'discussion' threads on the ATR or is it all about tips and individual threads? ATR is primarily about betting and tips with the vast majority of posters only really concerned about the racing on THAT day . The KEY RACE threads started by BOWLES were a great initiative and were well read but there were only 3/4 regular posters who contributed and nobody would appear to be missing them so i think they have served their purpose . On matters regarding the politics and issues facing the racing industry as a whole , i don't think there's too much interest shown by members and thats not to say thats a bad thing it's purely a matter of what people look for in ATR . Nothing to stop anyone expressing an opinion but just don't expect others to be as interested in that aspeact of the game . 10. Some accuse the ATR as being a bit 'cliquey', a reason why some lurkers maybe dont join up, do you think this is true? Can't say i've noticed any Clique's around the place and certainly any new members are always welcomed . Maybe it's because there's a hardcore of members who regularly post their thoughts and therefore newbies might be wary of offering alternative opinions , but on the whole ATR is probably one the most welcoming section of PL imo. 11. Do you think being part of the ATR has made you look at things differently or do you do things pretty much the same as before? You have to be open-minded in this game , there's always ways to improve and reading how others approach their betting angles is fascinating and if you can apply some of them to how you bet then all the better . Even those who have differing views and are willing express those thought's in a challenging way have to be evaluated and if you can take something positive out of the experience then that has to be a good thing 12. Any chance we might see you at one of the famous PL meet ups in the near future? Would love to :ok 13. Your first thread on the PL was about French Football, do you still bet on the football? Was it really ?? so long ago........................:lol Betting on football , by jove yes :nana can't wait for it all to kick-off again esp as i'm quite excited by a ratings system i came up with last season and has shown promise ................it's takes a lot to get me excited these days :loon Horse Racing & Betting 1. What got you interested in Horse Racing? My Uncle George , who was a member at AYR and my Dad who has loved a bet for as long as i can remember . Have fond memories of the 2 of them taking me to Powderhall dog track on many a Saturday night when i was a boy , many many many years ago !! 2. What type of racing do you enjoy the most and why, flat, NH, Big races, sprints, classics, AW? Personally i would just choose a day out at a NH meeting for the spectacle and atmosphere . However i prefer the Flat for betting and the classier the race the better . Nowadays i avoid Handicaps like the plague and have never been able to take to AW racing at all , although i realise they have a big part to play during the winter months but why in the Spring /Summer is beyond me. 3. If you could change one thing in Racing or Betting overnight, what would that be? Monopolise the TOTE and turn it into an exchange based system . Horse Racing's financial and integrity problems sorted in one. 4. Can you remember your first bet, how old were you and where did you put it on? I really wish i could , i really do !!!!:lol 5. Can you reveal your biggest win to date, you dont have to be specific about the amount but what was it on? LINDA GREEN at Windsor 2 years ago , was there for a meeting with a couple of mates from down south when on hols and can still remember her burting through to win easily @ 12/1 , i managed to get £50 @ 14's and as i had had a winner before it and drink had been taken i bet a bit more than i would usually would have , thankfully it came in 6. What was the last horse race meeting you attended? KELSO last November 7. What aids do you use to follow form, sites, books, software? Racing post and Sporting Life websites almsot exclusively 8. Do you bet online or still visit the high street? Which do you prefer? Online without a doubt , despair everytime i go into a bookies as they are all turning into amusment arcades 9. Do you think the exchanges have made a difference to the way people bet since they were introduced? Don't think that can be denied , and definately for the better . The difference in the odds available , esp on the horses , can sometime be quite staggering . Never layed a horse and don't think i ever will but the fact that it's an option available to the punter is another positive 10. Do you think Horse Racing is 'clean' at the moment and does this effect the way you bet? The question is does it appear to be 'clean' and i would say as a outsider that it probably as straight as is possible when you consider the amount of money that is wagered on it every day. Betfair has been a major player in trying to protect the integrity of the sport so more power to it , but there has been and always will be those that seek to gain an 'illegal' edge and imo thats more likely to happen at the lower grades and thats why i tend to try and stick to the Listed/Group races when betting , although when you get outfits like Ballydoyle using the racetrack to get their charges fully fit , therefore 'needing a race' it does make you despair for those who follow the stable runners. 11. Do you ever bet Ante Post on the big races? No , the thought of losing money without even a run makes me feel :puke 12. Who do you think will win the Flat jockeys title this season? HANAGHAN may well just hang on , esp with the Stoute stable going through a sticky period 13. Do you bet on other sports aswell as Racing, if so which do you think brings you the most profit? Only football and to be honest i do a lot better with that but the Racing bug bites deep ;) 14: Have you ever had a bet on a speciality market like BB or XFactor? NO !! Quick Questions 1. What is your homepage at the moment? Don’t have one, always on blank 2. Name a site on your favourites that may surprise us? Wolfgangs Vault.com , if you like listening to live recordings made by some of the biggest and best [ older] bands it's worth a wee look at . 3. Favourite Music, song, band? Fav type - 70's Country rock -Eagles , Gram Parsons , Michael Nesmith , Poco etc Song - If i had to pick one it would be You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet by Bachman Turner Overdrive . Fav Band - Lynyrd Skynyrd 4. Favourite TV show, not sport related? One foot in the Grave - I am turning into Victor Meldrew :rollin 5. What was the last book you read? Last one was probably Dick Francis's worst ever - SECOND WIND , didn't even finish it it was so poor. Just started to read RINGERS and RASCALS by David Ashforth about Ringer scandals in racing . One of the best books about racing/betting was his HITTING THE TURF , hilarious and far too near the truth for every one of us punters . 6. What do you do for a living? Delivery driver with UPS . 7. What Car do you drive or would like to own one day? An old Golf . 8. Do you have any hobbies away from sport? Boringly no 9. What Football team do you support? Hearts , however i do have soft spot for the local side , Livingston . 10. What was the last live sporting event you attended outside of Horse Racing? Chelsea v West Ham in March of this year . 11. What gadgets do you own, Ipod, Mobile, Xbox, PS3, etc. Mobile phone is all , the lad has an X-Box and a PS3 so i'm covered there ;) Don't want an Ipod , there should be something physical about music rather than just downloading onto a piece of plastic/metal [ see , Victor speaks :lol] 12. Favourite game ever played? APOCALYPSE on the Ps1 , nothing to do with the picture of that name but had Bruce Willlis's voice on it , nothing but pure unadulterated shooting fun with a decent soundtrack . DOOM was amazing at the time !!! 13. Biggest personal achievement so far? Being a dad and Grandad , nothing could ever top those . Any other comments? Shit happens!! so enjoy life and have Fun :cheers __________________________________ Thanks JTW

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