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I-poker problems again - any ideas?


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Re: I-poker problems again - any ideas? Same here, I'm with Sky broadband and it seems far worse if any one else in the house is on another computer at same time. Might try putting one of them cables straight into the router to see if that helps

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Re: I-poker problems again - any ideas? i have been playing tonight with the lead connected to the router and my lappy and it has made no difference at all,so i am guessing it has something to do with the forward ports? too tech for me

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Re: I-poker problems again - any ideas? Could be your ISP. I had problems with Absolute Poker and my ISP had to do some testing before putting AP on their "safe" list which solved all my issues. I suspect that isn't the problem as I know you have been playing on there before with no problems but it's worth contacting them in the first instance.

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Re: I-poker problems again - any ideas? In view of that, I reckon there could be something in this...

i'm lucky Seasoned Punter ball.gifball.gifball.gif Join Date: 12 Apr 2008 Posts: 373 icon1.gif Re: PokerIdol Malta Madness - Inc. Team event and €1K ME
Originally Posted by teaulc viewpost.gif well i had another go at this software and worse than BWIN,sorry Chris i doubt i will be playing here again :\
I see you've been having trouble with iPoker as well. Do you have any other wireless equipment in the house or have you or a neighbour moved any wireless thing close to theirs/yours. I had trouble for months and when we got rid of our sky video sender thingy the problem went away.Then the neighbour decided to move their's to the same place as ours on otherside of wall so mine is now on the floor. The only thing that interfers with mine now is the microwave.
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