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$500 Regular Player tournament ** 26th JULY @ 20.15 BST ** - VIP League Season 2


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$500 Regular Player Tournament

Hi everyone This has been scheduled for Monday 14th June at 8pm. There will be an email circulated in the next 24 hours to everyone who is eligibleIf you have not recevied an email by Sunday and you believe you are eligible, please post in here or drop me an email James
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Re: $500 Regular Player tournament - VIP League Hi all, Sorry, few IT issues over the weekend. We've recently moved offices and what seemed to have gone very smoothly to start with all went a bit wrong in the last couple of days!! Emails regarding this tournament will go out tomorrow!!! James

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Re: $500 Regular Player tournament 14th June - VIP League Season 2

Everyone eligible should now have received the email. Anyone that hasn't but thinks they should have, please let me know! James
I don't think i've recieved an email, have checked spam folder too, i'm sure i played 11 games on bwin and a couple on paddy, which should make me eligilble for this. Could you confirm whether i am please James.
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Re: $500 Regular Player tournament 14th June - VIP League Season 2 You were on the list and should have received the email, but I've resent just now. If you don't receive it let me know and I'll PM you the details here.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: $500 Regular Player tournament 28th June - VIP League Season 2

Hi, Unfortunately, due the complications of setting up private tournaments on the iPoker network and a little miscommunication with Paddy Power, this tournament has had to be delayed. It will now take place on the 28th June at 9pm. You will be automatically registered. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience - the good news though is that there are only 20 odd runners in this tournament so plenty of value for you all! Regards James The VIP Poker League
If anyone didn't get this by email and thinks they should be eligible to play, might be wise to contact James sooner rather than later. You should have already had emails asking for your details in order to get you registered for the tourney.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: $500 Regular Player tournament TBA - VIP League Season 2 The email suggested it would be after the World Cup, although James did say he'd let us know in a couple of days. Not too good on timescales, but everything seems to get there in the end! I'm sure we'll hear something soon. :ok In my experience, Paddys support is very good but their backroom admin is abit rubbish.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: $500 Regular Player tournament TBA - VIP League Season 2 Hi guys, Sorry for the overall crapness on this. A combination of PPP not being quite as helpful as they have been in the past and us not being as fully on the ball as we should have been is the cause. This tournament is 99% certain to be run on Monday 26th July at 9pm. I would like to say I'll be able to confirm this for sure tomorrow, but it might not be until early next week for 100% confirmation. We are working very hard on exploring options and trying to put something together for the next season as we really want to reward those who have stuck by this league, as well as making it attractive enough to get more numbers involved. I would just like to point out we have and continue to put a huge amount of effort (and not insignificant funding!) into this with a disproportinate return. Our absolute uncompromising goal is to make this a league that offers geniune value to the players and is enjoyable for the players and we are not giving up on this goal. We have made a less than zero return on this, and while I'm not looking for any kind of sympathy, we have continued to work so as not to let down those players that have stayed committed to the league and have expressed a desire to help us make it succeed. This was never expected to a huge revenue winner for us, it was about a branding exercise as much as anything and we genuinely wanted to do something that would be good for the players. This may all sound a little cliched and whatnot, but I'm being honest. I've enjoyed having the PL community being part of this (and am very grateful) but I also hope that our efforts are at least appreciated, even if the results of those efforts are not to be applauded. We don't give up easily, and we are determined to keep plugging away until we get the formula right. And I also want to make sure that those that have been supporters for the longest benefit from the significant added value we are hoping the league will offer. Take these comments as you wish (as I'm sure you will!) but I'm speaking with complete honesty and hope people understand where we are coming from. James

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Re: $500 Regular Player tournament TBA - VIP League Season 2 This has (finally!) been confirmed for Monday 26th July at 9pm. We have been chasing this up and this delay is not really down to any lack of effort on our behalf. It will be a password protected tournament, and will be found in the PPP Lobby under PPP Exclusives >>> Private Tournaments. Password will not be released until Monday. Any queries, please let me know.

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