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AA hand


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Just wanted some ideas on this hand thought it was quite interesting witht he guy chatting in the chat box. Wondered what some would do. PokerStars Game #44418507472: Tournament #273413355, $8.00+$0.80 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XXI (800/1600) - 2010/05/21 19:32:55 WET [2010/05/21 14:32:55 ET] Table '273413355 45' 9-max Seat #1 is the button Seat 1: woodiejr (72212 in chips) Seat 2: sixers03 (31621 in chips) Seat 3: Boomba K (38451 in chips) Seat 4: egreenhill (49308 in chips) Seat 6: Misha25 (76615 in chips) Seat 7: CHOPPER1945 (16591 in chips) Seat 8: dolly525 (57087 in chips) Seat 9: titocache (49973 in chips) woodiejr: posts the ante 200 sixers03: posts the ante 200 Boomba K: posts the ante 200 egreenhill: posts the ante 200 Misha25: posts the ante 200 CHOPPER1945: posts the ante 200 dolly525: posts the ante 200 titocache: posts the ante 200 sixers03: posts small blind 800 Boomba K: posts big blind 1600 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to woodiejr [As Ah] egreenhill: folds Misha25: raises 3200 to 4800 CHOPPER1945: folds dolly525: folds titocache: folds woodiejr: raises 5200 to 10000 sixers03: folds Boomba K: folds Misha25: calls 5200 *** FLOP *** [8s 6c 5c] Misha25: checks woodiejr: bets 14999 Misha25 said, "hmmmm" Misha25 said, "..." Misha25 said, "KK?" Misha25: calls 14999 *** TURN *** [8s 6c 5c] [4d] Misha25: checks woodiejr: checks *** RIVER *** [8s 6c 5c 4d] [2d] Misha25: checks Woodiejr ????????????????????

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Re: AA hand Just thinking out loud: On the flop the pot is about 25k. I like the size of your bet (15k). What can he have to call here, considering he raised 3xBB UTG? Some high pair, AK/AQ, suited connectors are a possibility. He could be slowplaying a set, or drawing with AKs or SC. He "knows" you have a big pair or AK. "Call flop, check turn, check river" is a dubious play if he's strong. If he thought he could beat a high pair, then it's very risky to check river, hoping to be able to put in a check-raise. I would assign his possible holding like this. A) He has you beaten (set, two pair, straight) 40% B) He has nothing (He raised with AK/AQ. AJ is a stretch) 30% C) He have something, which you can beat (99-KK, 98s) 30% The pot is about 55k if i calculated it correctly. This feels like a really marginal situation. Normally i don't mind valuebetting light on the river, but here i would lean towards checking behind. If you bet for value, like 20k, you have a very very tough decision if he raises or shove all-in. You will take down a very nice pot if your aces hold up, otherwise you will save yourself alot of chips. I say check.

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Re: AA hand I would check as well, i think ive prob won the hand i expect to see 9s 10s jacks or maybe queens,if i had trips there is no way i wouldnt be betting the turn to protect my hand as there are a lot of draws out,i cant put him on 2 pair, its touch and go but i would still be checking the river unless i have seen him make bad calls, you may get called by jacks or queens if you bet otherwise he will fold or reraise all in if he has you beat, may be loosing a value bet but in these situations you mostly get a fold or reraise , have to know what sort of player he is.

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Re: AA hand If you think he's a really good player who can pounce on yr weakness, then its good to check behind here. Otherwise I would bet around 15-20k here, this should show a profit in the long run. I don't think he has a 7 and pocket threes shouldn't have called the flop bet given the preflop action. He'll have a set/2pair here sometimes and the important thing here is your table image, if you have been aggressive recently then he might check on the river knowing he won't get called by worse and try to induce a bluff from you if you had air. I'm speaking from a cash game perspective though..

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Re: AA hand

Just thinking out loud: On the flop the pot is about 25k. I like the size of your bet (15k). What can he have to call here, considering he raised 3xBB UTG? Some high pair, AK/AQ, suited connectors are a possibility. He could be slowplaying a set, or drawing with AKs or SC. He "knows" you have a big pair or AK. "Call flop, check turn, check river" is a dubious play if he's strong. If he thought he could beat a high pair, then it's very risky to check river, hoping to be able to put in a check-raise. I would assign his possible holding like this. A) He has you beaten (set, two pair, straight) 40% B) He has nothing (He raised with AK/AQ. AJ is a stretch) 30% C) He have something, which you can beat (99-KK, 98s) 30% The pot is about 55k if i calculated it correctly. This feels like a really marginal situation. Normally i don't mind valuebetting light on the river, but here i would lean towards checking behind. If you bet for value, like 20k, you have a very very tough decision if he raises or shove all-in. You will take down a very nice pot if your aces hold up, otherwise you will save yourself alot of chips. I say check.
This really is an excellent post and explains everything!:clap:clap:clap TQM
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Re: AA hand If it was me I would be reraising his 4800 alot more pre flop than to 10,000. UTG 3x BB raise, that says he strong, if you raise to say 16,000 you will find out how strong he really is. If he has a tricky hand like 78s or something rediculous hand like that then he will fold which you want really... 10k reward for you raise, you dont want tricky suited connectors trying to fish you out. On the other hand, your big scary raise may induce him to come over the top with holdings like AK, AQ QQ KK or even JJ depending on his style. But lets say you do play like you did to the river, I think a value bet of at least 20k here is usually in order. Of course all this is dependant on how you have seen him play. The chat seemed odd too.. I was thinking whilst reading it, he must have QQ... is he trying to scare you into checking it down if you have JJ because he doesnt want to play a big pot O.O.P with QQ vs another big stack? Guess i was right with my initial instincts. I dont mind the check behind if you have no info on him, but check call flop, then check check doesnt really say he has you beat to be honest. Just wondering, what tny was this, how many runners, how many left, your position, average chip stack?

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Re: AA hand Good post by hooloovoo, but one thing which isn't mentioned there is what a bet on the river would look like to your opponent. The standard play with your hand would probably be to check behind, so a bet of around 20k would most likely look like a bad bluff with AK. Yes you might get reraised which would be a bit of a disaster (theoretically as I know he has QQ!), and normally I would be very aware of that and check behind, but in this particular hand my instinct was to lean towards a value bet since it would look so much like a bluff. This would add weight to the percentages given by Hoovooloo where you are ahead because you are more likely to get a call.

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