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Best Bet Of The Day Tables ~ April

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Re: Best Bet Of The Day Tables ~ April * Just a postscript from last month, prize winners Falbrav and Rainbow have both donated their winnings towards the Overall winners trophy. I have to get them from SJ either way so will stick it in my account and replace it with the cash when purchasing the trophy, just so you all know how it works. Thanks to the guys, a very sporting gesture:ok

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Re: Best Bet Of The Day Tables ~ April

Tight at the top and Milen has a 7/2 winner (EW) to stay second but he will only get 11 bets in at best by my reckoning.
Not much use in me winning anyway. What do we do when the sponsors give a free bet to the winner, but have closed his account due to its "unprofitable nature"? Don't remember the exact words, but was something similar. The biggest joke I've ever received from a bookie. Well they are possibly right, it was unprofitable .. for them ;)
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Re: Best Bet Of The Day Tables ~ April Well done Fin great profit for the month :clap:clap:clap:clap Well done all that made a profit :clap:clapand all that took part this month :clap Thanks BH for your time and hard work :notworthy:notworthy:notworthy

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