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Help me with my hand reading please! HAND 1


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I view the biggest weakness of my game to be my ability (or not) to read my opponents and accurately put them on a hand - so I'd like to work thrrough a number of (random) hands and get PLrs views - I havent "cherry picked" the hands, or picked bad beats, or hands I've lost (or won) - the criteria I've used have been hands that have gone to showdown and hands where the pot has been over 100xBB. I've then gone to a random session, and taken the first hand. I'll also delete my hand from the HH initially - see if you can work out what I've got!! I'll participate in the discussion on what my opponents have (I'll try and avoid seeing what they actually have in the hand history!), but not on what I may have. So I'll post the hand histories, segment by segment - give my thoughts on what I think my opponents range could be, and hopefully get feedback on what I'm not considering, and what other hands I can eliminate (or cannot eliminate). Site: Full Tilt Stake: NL10 Version NLHE Rush 6 max Pre deal: All players have any 2 cards! (obvious I know, but that's the starting point before we have any added information - opponents could have anything!) ***** Hand History for Game 19364156738 ***** (Full Tilt) $10.00 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Thursday, March 18, 03:28:21 ET 2010 Table Lightning (6 max) (Real Money) Seat 5 is the button Seat 1: overreact ( $7.07 USD ) Seat 2: Artem35 ( $14.28 USD ) Seat 3: SMikhey ( $2.84 USD ) Seat 4: JPeazy713 ( $12.58 USD ) Seat 5: Hattevon ( $9.90 USD ) Seat 6: Telepe ( $10.89 USD ) Telepe posts small blind [$0.05 USD]. overreact posts big blind [$0.10 USD]. ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Telepe [ ?? ?? ] Artem35 folds SMikhey calls [$0.10 USD] JPeazy713 folds Hattevon folds Telepe calls [$0.05 USD] overreact raises [$0.30 USD] SMikhey folds Telepee ??? So what do we know? Player UTG open limps, then everyone folds to me in the SB. I just call. The BB raises to 3xBB and the open limper then folds, so we're left with the 2 blinds in the hand, and I'm out of position. It will cost me 20c to call a pot of 50c. Effective stacks are 70xBB. The raise from the BB is pretty small, and he is out of position against the UTG player if he calls. That suggests to me that the BB may have a reasonable strength hand - stronger than we may expect for a BB defence (if it were just against me, I'd struggle to narrow his range from any 2 cards). However it's still a blind defence, so his range should be pretty wide still. I do have some HUD data on this player (I've filtered my DB so I only see hands from prior to this hand) - I have 169 hands at this level, which is quite large compared to most, so suggesting he's a regular player. Backed up by the fact he is playing 21/15 - so pretty solid for 6max! Now my minds going round in circles - is he wide, or can I not judge? Is he defending with any two cards or has he got real streangth? I find the 3xBB raise quite bizarre if he is a regular - small for his position and against 2 opponents (who have admitedly not shown any real strength. What about me - what do you put me on at this stage? What kind of hands would I just call with on the SB?

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Re: Help me with my hand reading please! HAND 1 GaF you've got to stop analyzing $0.05/$0.10 and I dont mean that in a bad way. The amount of time and effort you are prepared to put into your poker you'd be far better of playing at least slightly higher stakes. At this level the only cards you need to know are your own:ok

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Re: Help me with my hand reading please! HAND 1 No I skipped over that article - will go and give it a read :ok The rakeback article on the next page was the one that interested me most - frustrating that they didn't flesh it out at all by naming sites - fear of upsetting advertisers maybe? Going wildly off topic (maybe I'll start a new thread later - I intended to anyway - just wanted to do a little bit of research of my own first) - which sites are best (and worst) for rake cost on micro stake cash tables? My perception (without having checked) is that Full Tilt (and Pokerstars) are amongst the best and Ladbrokes/Prima amongst the worst? Full Tilt obviously only if you have rakeback. I guess iPoker should be pretty bad too, as rakeback is so hard to get, but they still have to maintain margins for those they do give rakeback to...

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Re: Help me with my hand reading please! HAND 1 Boss take 5% if the pot reaches 20cents there cant be any worse than that. Back in the "olden Days" prima were one of the last sites to take out any rake before the pot hit $5. FL was far more profitable when the pot was free under $5

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