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BPP League - March 2010


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Re: BPP League - March 2010 :ok cheers Chapman. As I didn't get the Inter result from Sunday I'm going to have to skip it. :( Sorry for delay. 27hr day on Sunday with about 4hrs sleep either side caught up on me. :zzz So, update now done which includes Monday's Betfair, Tuesday's Cake and tonight's Virgin and Paddy. New leader is Rivrd. :clap Long way still to go, I think it's going to be a close one this month. :ok

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Re: BPP League - March 2010 Hmmmm, now I remember why I stopped allowing points for all places - the file is too big and I'm crashing every time I try to post it. :lol Will try again tomorrow but for the moment am just showing the top 30. Rivrd picks up more points at the top, but Fonzie makes up some ground and moves into 2nd. :ok

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Re: BPP League - March 2010

Updated after recent games. :ok Rivrd still in front but the chasing pack are closing the gap. :) Current BPP needs to pull his socks up, with 2 ducks in his counting scores.:spank
what can i do against JJ with my KK and he hits a J on flop and then McG gets a 1 outer :puke,its tough at the top :tongue2;)
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Re: BPP League - March 2010 Final table posted after this week's games.:ok (Tuesday's Cake game isn't included as the result wasn't posted.) There was just a final bit of jockeying for position in the minor places and a slight reduction in the gap to only just over 100 pts, but that same gap covers the next 13 places :eek So :clap well done to Rivrd on taking the title this month. His total includes 3 individual tournament wins. :notworthy And also thanks to everyone (all 64 of you :D) who took part in any of the games this month. :ok New definition of variance - "teaulc" who went from BPP to BPPspoon (if we gave one) in the space of 31 days. :loon

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