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Building a Bankroll From $500 - Heads Up Cash


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A week ago I was the most motivated poker player on the planet. I was doing everything right in terms of preparation and play, and the results were good. The last few days I have probably got a bit arrogant, stopped preparing properly, and started playing worse. And tilting, either by playing worse, or moving up levels. And the results have been bad. So, in order to return that discipline to my play, I'm going to start a challenge in here (and I absolutely promise that this one, unlike so many others, won't be aborted within a day or two :lol) It's quite simple - I will be attempting to build a bankroll from $500 playing NLHE Heads-Up cash games. I will be using this thread to regularly post HEM stats, graphs, hands, and basically anything that I feel is interesting/useful to me - hopefully some of you might look at it too. What is the target I hear you say? Don't laugh. $250,000. I said don't laugh. One of the problems I've had in the past is that I've set myself low targets, and when I've achieved them I feel like I've proved myself, and earned the right to mess about in higher stakes games/formats that I don't play very well. So, I'm aiming high. There will, of course, be smaller targets along the way. Which is where my bankroll requirement table comes into it.

Stakes Bankroll Move Down
$0.25/$0.50 $500 -
$0.50/$1 $1,500 $750
$1/$2 $4,000 $3,000
$2/$4 $12,000 $8,000
$3/$6 $27,000 $18,000
$5/$10 $65,000 $45,000
Those bankroll requirements are a little bit out, since I will also be making withdrawals along the way. To play a new level, I will have to withdraw the previous levels bankroll. For example, to play 100NL, I must have a bankroll of $1500, but I must also withdraw the $500 that I started with, meaning I must actually have $2000 in my poker account to move up. When I reach $5/$10 I will have withdrawn a total of $45k along the way. As long as I don't go broke from the first $500 deposit, and manage to make it up to at least 100NL then I will break even at least. I will post more details later. I plan to start this sometime either tonight or tomorrow.
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Re: Building a Bankroll From $500 - Heads Up Cash Sounds awesome, really looking forward to this :notworthy Love the goal you've set of 250k, it's definitely attainable with discipline and skill. My goal at the start of the year was to just play a lot with the sky being the limit, i really think it's possible to make 100k+ a year so i'm confident you can get to the 250k and far beyond. I'll probably look to you for HU advice too. GL :ok

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Re: Building a Bankroll From $500 - Heads Up Cash

Sounds awesome, really looking forward to this :notworthy Love the goal you've set of 250k, it's definitely attainable with discipline and skill. My goal at the start of the year was to just play a lot with the sky being the limit, i really think it's possible to make 100k+ a year so i'm confident you can get to the 250k and far beyond. I'll probably look to you for HU advice too. GL :ok
Thanks Nade. Like you say, definitely possible, let's see what happens! I'm going to be using this thread as a bit of a blog also, some will be poker related, some won't, so if you start reading some crap in here and you're thinking "Where's the poker?", just scroll down to the nearest graph and you've probably found it.
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Re: Building a Bankroll From $500 - Heads Up Cash 120-0-Greenstone-Fishhook-Fish-Hook.jpg The Hei Matau symbolizes prosperity. Luckily I am not a superstitious person - if I was I'd be giving this challenge up before I started. I've owned a piece of jewellery almost identical to the picture above for 6 and a half years. I picked it up in New Zealand when I was 19, the first time I'd ever been overseas alone. It's extremely important to me, and reminds me of a lot of good times, and great people. Fifteen minutes after starting this thread, while hanging round my neck, it spontaneously snapped in half and fell to the floor. Hopefully not a sign of things to come.

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Re: Building a Bankroll From $500 - Heads Up Cash

The last few days I have probably got a bit arrogant' date=' [b']stopped preparing properly, and started playing worse. And tilting, either by playing worse, or moving up levels. And the results have been bad.
Just a quick question how do you prepar akk i ever do is turn up and play i am doing something wrong?? :ok
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Re: Building a Bankroll From $500 - Heads Up Cash

Just a quick question how do you prepar akk i ever do is turn up and play i am doing something wrong?? :ok
I try to make sure I am in the right mental state to be playing poker. I avoid playing when tired, when hungry or thirsty, after consuming alcohol. I avoid playing when my mind isn't completely clear, and when I know I am going to be interupted during the session. When I am not preparing properly, I do things like play first thing in the morning when I can't possibly be in the right mindset, I play a 10 minute session to pass some time, or when jet-lagged etc. Things like this obviously lead to a deteriation in my play.
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Re: Building a Bankroll From $500 - Heads Up Cash

You don't check the condition of your jewellery before you play poker? :loon
No when i play online i whear t-shirt and my underpants, when playing live i whear t-shirt, trousers and a watch to see if i need to change the time for my taxi :lol Seriously what prep do you need the only thing i want to know is how many people get cashed. :ok
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Re: Building a Bankroll From $500 - Heads Up Cash Here's my first graph from HEM graph1.jpg Ok, so it's a bit blank. But at least we now have the before, for the before and after picture. I've been thinking about which site to play on. It's basically between 3 - Stars, Full Tilt and iPoker. Stars, I really don't like the software, it's slow compared to a lot of other sites (although I've not played there for a while). iPoker the competition is soft, but the traffic isn't massive for HU. Full Tilt, I get 27% rakeback, and the traffic is high, but the competition is a little tougher (though still easily beatable). So I'm going to go with Full Tilt, rakeback will be included in my bankroll. EDIT : Just for my own reference, current rakeback due to be paid from previous play is $141.1 - I will withdraw that when it comes through. I've decided to start this tomorrow. I really need a solid 10 hours sleep tonight, so I don't think I'll be playing my best, and I have a day off work tomorrow also. I think some early morning tennis to clear my head, and then time to hit the tables.

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Re: Building a Bankroll From $500 - Heads Up Cash

GL I'll be looking in for sure. Quick Q though, why did you settle on a 10BI roll to kick off with? I'm sure you can crush $50HU but doesn't leave much room for error.
You're right, it's not a big bankroll. But basically if I lost it, it's not going to impact my life at all, and I'd consider starting again with another $500. By starting with $500 instead of $750 or $1000 (still pretty small rolls), it also requires more play from me before I move up, and more hands are never a bad thing.
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Re: Building a Bankroll From $500 - Heads Up Cash Yeah I got that it's your roll for this challenge (and guessed you'd be reloading it if things dont go to plan). Just didn't want anyone thinking playing $50 HU if $500 is your whole roll was a good idea lol. GL anyway, I'll pipe in with my 2c as it progresses. I suck at HU though, think my biggest problem was dealing mentally with the swings, and being a nit lol.

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Re: Building a Bankroll From $500 - Heads Up Cash I couldn't have started much worse. Down 6 buy-ins in rapid time. 1 guy in particular is giving me a lot of trouble, despite being a huge fish. He's raising 6-10x BB, 3-betting a huge amount etc. It's not secret how to beat someone doing this, but unfortunately you need hands, and currently I'm not getting them. And the one time 1 4-bet shove on him with KQs (about 55% equity v his range) he shows up with AA. The good thing is that he's sat at the table with a huge stack + wants to continue playing, so I've every chance of taking it all off him

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Re: Building a Bankroll From $500 - Heads Up Cash Gl Dave, the variance for this is gonna be pretty high so don't be too disappointed if you have to reload at the start! After all as you said your starting bankroll is easily replaceable for you so it doesn't really need to be protected.

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