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How to have fun at poker


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I was just playing a Step 2 STT on Pokerstars (top 2 qualify for Step 3, plus some minor prizes). There were two tw*ts at the table who were having a "my dick is bigger than your dick" battle with each other in chat, and were also being arrogant and insulting to other players. It got to the last three, and I had a very big stack to their small stacks. They were both good enough to realize that they needed a big hand to take me on (with two out of three to qualify), so it was easy to increase my stack further. I wasn't in a hurry to take one of them out, so I manipulated it to keep their stacks roughly equal as they both dwindled. Am I evil? :unsure

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Re: How to have fun at poker As I play a lot of sng's I often find myself folding in the sb to a short stack purely because I want the bubble to last longer. Why? cause I can make more chips on the bubble than I can when we're in the money providing the players and tighting up on the bubble that is.

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