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What should I have done????


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Posted this in the Staking Section.... More will see it here though, all input welcome. First proper night back and I am already posting for advice :(:(:(:(:(:(

post_old.gif Today, 19:58 #54 (permalink)
RB aka Rule Britannia ball.gifball.gifball.gifball.gifball.gifball.gifball.gifball.gifavatar14272_10.gif Join Date: 26 Dec 2006 Location: Glasgow Age: 30 Posts: 6,181
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icon1.gif Re: GaF staking Rule Britannia in Super Series
Sorry GaF, not this week. :eyes This was the damaging hand. Should I have flat called pre-flop? Should I have raised more? Should I have raised less? On the flop..... should I have bet out straight away? Should I have called? Should I have folded? Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhh] Btw, no complaints with my exit hand. played itself.... on Cut off with AKo and 325 chips, just over 10x BB. Straight All In, called by 88. Didn't improve any. 8yJllpdj.jpeg
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Re: What should I have done???? I dont think there's any getting away from that hand - I'm going bust there every time. (except maybe against an extremely passive opponent who hasnt got all the money in before the turn when the Ace comes - having said that - I probably put the money in for him before then anyway!)

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Re: What should I have done???? Preflop: What kind of a player is the button? Tight and straightforward or do you think he's trying to punish the limper? Generally think its pretty hard not to play back against a button raise with a hand like QQ/JJ. He's almost going to call any decently sized preflop raise here and if you want to set yourself up for a flop shove you have to 3bet to 700, which telegraphs your hand as QQ/KK so usually you don't get worse hands to come along. Flop: Very opponent dependent if you think he's a fish who can stack off with QJ or 89 then why not. But I would prefer betting out here (550-600) so if I'm raised AI I might lay this down more easily if I do not want to gamble. Against an opponent you respect you're not really ahead of much, maybe a pair with an OESD, and by checking to him you give yourself a much tougher decision to make. With that said, once you cbet and are raised all in, you are going to have odds to call against any hand except KQ: Against: A set you are a 2 to 1 dog, 2 pair you are almost dead even but slightly behind 78 you're a 2.25 to 1 dog KQ he's an 85% favourite with a 13% chance of a split JQ you're a 60% favourite with a 33% chance of a split 89 you're a 72% favourite with a 1.5% chance of a split So let's say you make a relatively small cbet of 550, and he raises all in. At this point you are being given 3.85 to 1 pot odds (810 more into 3125 pot) so its a call. Here's what I got from pokerstove: Text results appended to pokerstove.txt 77,220 games 0.005 secs 15,444,000 games/sec Board: Ts Jh 9c Dead: equity win tie pots won pots tied Hand 0: 44.739% 42.21% 02.53% 32596 1951.50 { QdQh } Hand 1: 55.261% 52.73% 02.53% 40721 1951.50 { JJ-99, KQs, QJs, J9s+, T9s, 98s, 87s, KQo, QJo, J9o+, T9o, 98o, 87o } If you add in a slowplayed KK/AA your equity drops to ~42%. Hand pretty much played itself out especially in this stage of the tournament; With these stack sizes in a 3bet pot you can't really get away from the hand. ** Just my 2 cents as I'm more of a cash game player and I'm pretty sure you're already familiar with all these pot odds and stuff, just wanted to put it across in a clear manner:ok

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Re: What should I have done???? As I'm out of position I'm raising more than 240. Sometimes I may even shove. He may've called anyway. Tens on the button vs QQ in the BB will play itself most of the time so little you can do. However you aren't always gonna be facing tens, that's why I like a bigger raise, you don't want to give him odds to calling with a suited ace, AJ, or connectors. If he is going to outflop you you want him to pay the wrong price.

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