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Black Belt Poker - London Live 12-14 March 2010


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Re: Black Belt Poker - London Live 12-14 March 2010 Found it end of day 1b chip count Neil Suarez -- 293,200 Priyan de Mel -- 176,000 Chris Wood -- 164,000 Dean Aldred -- 158,700 Jeremey Bakes -- 152,900 Daniel Laming -- 129,600 Glenn Laming -- 122,400 Robert Stain -- 121,900 Joe Laming -- 110,400 Michael Hyam -- 108,800 Mark Norman -- 100,500 Paul Zimbler -- 100,100 Warren Wooldridge -- 90,700 Lesley Kumar -- 90,700 David Sparks -- 77,500 Daniel Williams -- 77,200 Dianne Ambler -- 75,600 Jamie Roberts -- 77,100 Steve Dickson -- 76,500 Jon Neale -- 69,900 Paul Pham -- 69,000 Richard Willoby -- 63,200 Paul Garnham -- 60,900 Roy Farranat -- 57,600 Tim Magnus -- 41,700 Martin Taylor -- 40,700 John Hayes -- 39,100 Mike Tse -- 33,500 Frank Lippitt -- 32,400 Simon Morris -- 31,800 Harry Stafford -- 28,100 Gary Graham -- 27,300 Simon Tung -- 26,800 Jay Patel -- 26,500 Gregory Bert -- 25,900 Jason Lam -- 24,200

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Re: Black Belt Poker - London Live 12-14 March 2010 Out in 64th. :sad Pushed in the Cut Off with my last 10 BB's with K4, only for the button to find 10/10. No luck and gone. Had managed to build my stack up to around 40k after a couple of uncalled shoves, but then the blinds started kicking in and was back down to 30k when I shoved. Dave Colclough was two to my right. He tried a move from the button the very first time I was BB. He raised to 6k (1200/2400 300a), and I found Aces :eek. I pushed my 25k stack in but he folded immediately. Maybe I could have played that a bit more tricky and flat called his raise and then shove to his (probable) c-bet on the flop? In hindsight that would probably have been the best play but I guess I got a bit excited!! :loon Gutted not to have went further but small consolation that I went fairly deep in such an excellent standard tourney. :ok

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