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Omaha hand 6 handed


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Date:2009/12/16 16:54:07 ET
Type:Tournament (221477043)
Game:Omaha PL
Table:'221477043 11' 6-max
Blinds: $60/120
Table info: Seat 1: UTG+1 ($10,602) Seat 2: CO ($5,532)
Seat 3: Button ($16,945)
Posts small blind $60
Seat 4: SB ($20,975)
Posts big blind $120
Seat 5: BB ($6,345) Seat 6: UTG ($9,529) Dealt to UTG+1 As.pngQc.pngQh.pngAh.png Preflop: (Pot: $180) FOLD UTG RAISE UTG+1, to $360 FOLD CO FOLD Button CALL SB, $300 FOLD BB Flop: (Pot: $840) 5h.png6d.png7h.png CHECK SB BET UTG+1, $720 RAISE SB, to $1,440 I'd like some opinions on this hand from more experience plo players. I'm not asking what he has cause it's pretty obvious he has flopped massive. But what is our move her do he play on? I still consider myself a plo noob and proberly over play these flush draws to much.
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Re: Omaha hand 6 handed There are only certain times I will open-raise with aces...

  1. In late position - although would still only limp if the hand was AA29 rainbow.
  2. Four working cards, double suited, straighting, with another pair etc.
  3. If blinds are big late in a tournament.

Your hand is strong, aces and queens (one-suit) is a premium hand so raising isn't wrong obviously - I'm sure 95% of players would raise here. However at this stage in the tournament, where it's all about the flop, I wouldn't raise every time here. My plan would depend on the play up till now. Given what you can raise, implied odds offered, and what you can win if not called what does a raise here achieve? If you get called and do not hit trips, flush or straight, you're going to be scared, and given there is plenty of play left in the hand (due to stack sizes) post flop (possibly playing out of pos) you're going to worry. Making the pot bigger preflop forces you to fire that bet and then expensively chase the pot with a draw, after all the pot is too big to give up on. A limp also disguises your hand well if it goes to the flop un-raised, or if someone raises you can now re-raise and win a pot with the re-raise or get it all in (hopefully against KK which is a hand many players will commit all their chips with). Anyway, that is just personal preference and there are times when I would raise in your position - just mean it's best to mix it up with aces. Ok, as played, no surpise to see a caller. Although tempting (due to the pot-size) you have to fight the urge to bet that flop. I know it's been checked but you have to take a free card here, I'm sure as soon as you were raised you were kicking yourself. A lot of players who hit the flop will check/raise you, and a few players will check/bluff you - it's a massive scare flop to a typical raising hand. His bet is odd. The min-raise if horrible if he has a made hand. He may have the nuts and be betting it incorrectly, he may have a marginal hand (two pair, trips, small straight) and with his small raise he is trying to find out where he is, or if he is a decent player it could be a subtle bluff putting you on aces. Therefore there is an argument for shoving, if you think is marginal/weak a re-pot may get through - plus you have outs. However given you have position the call is the best option. He has give you the gift of correct odds - take it. You're lucky he has made it cheap and you have the luxury of seeing what he does next. Call the 700 and see what happens.

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Re: Omaha hand 6 handed I definately agree with billy here. He has summed it perfectly. You are way too deep to be making that raise pre-flop. I would never open limp in holdem but in omaha tournaments the reverse is often true, you shouldn't open raise, certainly not with AAxx or KKxx hands in early position. A limp is best becasue you can call if someone raises behind, or re-raise if there are a few callers as well because the pot will have grown nicely. If no-one raises and you miss - thats fine - you played the hands really well and lost the minimum! After this flop you should check behind, but after you are raised, it is an obvious call.

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Re: Omaha hand 6 handed Thanks for the reply Billy I was hoping you'd be one of a few who replied to this with your plo game. I'm surprised you don't recommend raising pre. If there was alimper in front of me I think I prob just limp to but seeing as I'm first in the pot I always like to raise maybe I need to rethink this in plo if you think it's best to limp even if first in the pot. Bare in mind I was mutlitabling while playing this so I didn't have many reads on opponents being so early on. Onto the hand, I did call the 700 and a King drops (clubs) on the turn. He bets 2k. Would you carry on here or give up?

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Re: Omaha hand 6 handed i'm of the same view as billy up to the flop:ok most of the time i'm very passive in early position and very aggro from late poss,especially when i'm on a table with quite a few decent players. in probably 90% of situations i'd play this way and try to outplay them later in the hand. sometimes i will raise from early a fair bit but then i raise a "fairly" wide range (like small/mid connectors,high double suited etc)so the aces aren't as obvious to a good player and the bad ones will think you have aces every time.i only tend to do this if i've managed to get a big stack vs the rest of the table,then that allows me to take a few risks and use a bit of bullying power:). think i'd fold to the 2k bet on the turn but it's very marginal. on the plus side you might get a call if you do hit your flush in this situation. on the minus side its starting to get a large part of your stack thats going in.you can fold now and you still have a massive stack vs the blinds, so you have plenty of time to wait for better opportunities than this.

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