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Embarrassing Question

billy the punter

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I should know all this but I don't! I'm quite ignorant regarding poker software. I use Sharkscope religeously, to tighten my own game as much as searching opponents to be honest. If I could have some idot-proof info from you it would be great. What kind of software is available? What is most useful? Bearing in mind I'm predominently a MTT player. I don't mean any of these "what you should do %-wise" based on opponent's ranges. More about in-depth tracking of my results, like an improved Sharkscope for example. :ok

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Re: Embarrassing Question

I got sharkscope last week $15 for 1 month cus i'm playing more HUSNGs' date=' how can you use it to tighten up your game? I haven't really used it too much apart from looking up players.[/quote'] I just meant simplistically really. Not so much improving what you do, more playing to your strengths - I should've explained it better. I find the memory plays tricks. We sometimes think we are better at rebuys (for example) than we actually are. The advance search is very helpful to find out how we are doing at certain games, speed, buy-ins etc. And the "more options" tells us interesting things such as most-profitable days/time of day etc. Such things need a big sample obviously, otherwise it can be merely coincidence. It's certainly the best $15.99 I spend each month.
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Re: Embarrassing Question I think Poker-edge is more cash games isnt it? :unsure For MTTs I dont think there is really any "must have" software - the traditional PT or HEM might provide some help, but nowhere near on the scale they do for cash tables. (That would also give you most of the breakdown on your stats that you get from Sharkscope too) I think ICM software would probably be the most useful :unsure I dont know if any is available live (I'm sure it is, but I dont know what) - but more useful for offline analysis anyway - though probably your ICM knowledge is already high enough not to need it? If you want to improve(and spend money to do so) - maybe one of the coaching sites that specialises on MTTs? (I think PokerXFactor is the main MTT specialist?) Even if it doesnt directly help your game, it can help you understand the way others think, and make it easier to get into your opponents head....

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Re: Embarrassing Question Thanks guys. Wasn't really looking to improve gameplay per se. I'm more looking for something to make my own analysis easier. I'm a bit anal and I like to know exactly profitable my current game is at every level/game/type etc. I suppose Sharkscope is the best for that anyway? Just looking for ways to budget my time, I don't fee I need to make drastic changes to my game (other than the usual constant experience learning curve). It's more about not wasting time on rebuys (for example) as my ROI is lower on them than it is on F/O's, stuff like that - if that makes sense. Will take a look at those links though. I think you're right though, software is more helpful to the cash player. Thanks all for the info. :ok

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Re: Embarrassing Question Sharkscope is only a glorifed Database - so why not just develop your own Spreadsheet/Database and keep track of your own. They can then be adapted as you best require - obviously you can't look up others aka Sharkscope, but certainly can keep track of your own profit/loss areas as detailed as you like.

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Re: Embarrassing Question I use PokertrackerOmaha for plo8 cash games but nothing for tournys. At the small stakes tables I think you don't need to get too technical with it-you just want to make sure there are plenty of losing players and not many winners sat down. However, the biggest benefit for me is that keeps me focused on the games. When you are getting bored it is easy to start watching a film/surfing the net/drinking/all of the above - instead of concentrating on the game. When tracking software is running in the background I find myself tinkering with that when I get distracted rather than doing other things and just occasionally spotting something that I would have otherwise missed. So to answer your question it wouldn't matter what software I use, so long I as use something. I am going to give "Tournament Indicator" a go to see if it can help cure my tendancy to play tournys on "Autopilot", crashing out half way through -complaining that I never got any cards when the real problem was that I didn't take the opportunities that were out there.

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Re: Embarrassing Question

Sharkscope is only a glorifed Database - so why not just develop your own Spreadsheet/Database and keep track of your own. They can then be adapted as you best require - obviously you can't look up others aka Sharkscope, but certainly can keep track of your own profit/loss areas as detailed as you like.
Yeah was thinking that, it's likely that is what I will end up doing. Just being lazy and looking for something that does it all for me really. :D
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Re: Embarrassing Question

I use PokertrackerOmaha for plo8 cash games but nothing for tournys. At the small stakes tables I think you don't need to get too technical with it-you just want to make sure there are plenty of losing players and not many winners sat down. However, the biggest benefit for me is that keeps me focused on the games. When you are getting bored it is easy to start watching a film/surfing the net/drinking/all of the above - instead of concentrating on the game. When tracking software is running in the background I find myself tinkering with that when I get distracted rather than doing other things and just occasionally spotting something that I would have otherwise missed. So to answer your question it wouldn't matter what software I use, so long I as use something. I am going to give "Tournament Indicator" a go to see if it can help cure my tendancy to play tournys on "Autopilot", crashing out half way through -complaining that I never got any cards when the real problem was that I didn't take the opportunities that were out there.
Yeah that's a good point. I find I go on auto-pilot if I play too many tables. 5+ tournaments mean you cannot get a real feel for the table and therefore take advantage of situations. I'm a much better player when I have 4 or less on the go.
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