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My PokerStaking Goals and Video


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After the first 5000 hands I played, I had a wealth of information from Dave. From the information Dave gave me, I put a sticky on my screen with what I believed were my most significant goals for the next 5000 hands. Having just completed the second batch of 5000 hands I want to compare the two batches and see if I met the goals. 1) Raise or Fold more often pre flop - never limp into an unraised pot. First Batch: VPIP 16.58%: PFR 11.74%: Difference 4.84% Limp with previous callers: 86 times Open Limped: 33 times Where not facing raise pre flop: profit 0.10 BB/100 Second Batch: VPIP 17.99%: PFR 16.09%: Difference 1.9% Limp with previous callers: 4 times Open Limped: Never Where not facing raise pre flop: profit 0.20 BB/100 Looks like a big improvement :) 2) Reduce Blinds VPIP to below 11% First Batch: Small Blind: VPIP 18.48%: PFR 12.71%: Loss 0.11 BB/Hand Big Blind: VPIP 11.18%: PFR 4.67%: Loss 0.20 BB/Hand Second Batch: Small Blind: VPIP 10.76%: PFR 8.99%: Profit 0.02 BB/Hand Big Blind: VPIP 8.65%: PFR 5.56%: Loss 0.27 BB/Hand So mixed results - I succeded in the goals to get VPIP below 11% and saw a great improvement (indeed a profit) from the Small Blind. The Big Blind did however produce a worse result 3) Cbet far less First Batch: I had 201 CBet opportunitues where I won 131.97 BB/100 I cbet 167 times (83%) for a profit of 181.74 BB/100 I didn't cbet 34 times for a loss of 112.50 BB/100 Second Batch: I had 307 CBet opportunities where overall I won 133.31 BB/100 I Cbet 218 times (71%) for a profit of 221.67 BB/100 I didn't CBET 89 times for a loss of 83.15 BB/100 I achieved the goal of Cbetting less frequently, however the impact (for this sample) appears minimal. 4) Other I didn't set myself the specific goal, however did feel that playing position far more extremely was the way to go from what Dave said - so I intended to play the Button far more liberally and tighter elsewhere. First Batch: Button: VPIP 26.82%: PFR 20.92%: 0.15 BB/Hand Second Batch: VPIP 39.92%: PFR 37.29%: 0.51 BB/Hand That is a massive improvement - and I felt one of the major succeses of the second batch. Video Here's the video of my final hours play in the second batch. As ever - feedback most welcome. http://rapidshare.de/files/48618628/5kto10k.mp4.html

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Re: My PokerStaking Goals and Video The first 22mins are faultless. Though maybe you could consider raising slightly more in EP i.e 3.5x or 4x the BB so get more folds. 22:42 - AQ (top right) you select to fold to the all in before the next 2 players have acted. Personally i'd wait to see if it gets folded round then i'd call the $1.35 or $13 equivalent at 100nl because you have a lot of outs against a random donk. With the caller in the middle it makes things awkward, i'd be tempted to still call and see a turn and see what happens. (Just played the vid on and see a J spikes the turn :lol oh well) 24:30 AK (bttm left) Barelling the Q turn can never be bad, villains will fold a ton and we have a load of equity with high pairs and straight draws. 26:10 bttm right I like the play a lot, if you want to bluff after checking the flop you have to bet the turn and any river which you do so top notch. 29:40 bttm right the re-raise on the 6KJhh is very spewy, villains are rarely going to bet so small on this kind of flop and fold anything they're ever raising and there's so many turn cards that will improve their hand to flushes, 2pairs, gut shots, straights etc it's just a spewy spot. 31:30 top right with the set is such an awkward spot after the guy min bets because there's a player left behind i'd probably just call too. If it was heads up i'd re-raise as you get a ton of value from 2pairs and pair + draws which i think is a lot harder to get 3 handed. 33:47 top left with 76ss i see you scrolling up the raise bar and again it just seems real spewy, you fold out all his air (90% his range he's playing so aggrotard) and create a big pot with a gut shot and low flush draw. Take the turn card and it's likely he'd shut down on turn/river when he misses anyway so if you miss there's no problem just a simple bluff. And crucially if the 3rd spade or 4 comes off he'll donate his stack anyway if he has a hand. 35:10 bttm left with A5s i see you're isolating again and you've done that an absolute ton which isn't too bad a play but if you do it so much people will start to re-isolate you and with a nice hand like A5s that can make a lot of nut hands there's no harm in taking the cheap flop multi-way and saves your image a bit. (and you do get re-isolated :lol) 35:43 bttm left i don't see much value cbetting the flop they're going to fodl everything you beat and call with everything you're behind to, there's a lot of gut shot combos like your hand they'll call multiple streets with, taking the turn for free is best imo. 36:50 top left i notice you raise 4x HU vs BB. Why's that when 5/6 handed you raise 3x UTG? Raising 4x is what i like doing in the SB but there should be some consistency with your raises OOP. 38:49 top right, i don't know if you're tilted from losing 99 v AQ but i see you hovering over the call vs the all in with the 99 and i nearly have a heart attack. Rockyboy UTG has raised that much to get it in with the shortstack who does ship so i don't think he'll be doing that with any pair below 99 but nearly always high cards that will bet when he hits post flop so you're essentially set-mining with a 1/5th of your stack and that can maybe be justified, maybe some people will not mind it but personally i see it as a huge waste and don't like it at all tbh. OH YOU FOLD HALLELUJAH :lol :clap lol @ the chat with 44 :lol ;) TBH i didn't think about what he could have i was just looking at your bets and applauded politely. (Can you run any hotter BTW :lol) 50:50 bttm left is a car crash of a raise to put the shortstack all in on the monotone board but i'm sure you knew that. 55:00 top left, forget a car crash this is a multi-vehicle pile-up. Where do i start? Flatting the 3bet with JJ is fine, so long as you intend to get it in post flop on a dry board. AFAIK it doesn't look like from the stats you have much history with this player so i'd just be 4betting this all day long vs an unknown. So you do look to get it in on the 784r re-raising to $4. This is where the lorry jackknifes. Your raise to $4 looks like you're totally committed to getting it all in so basically that narrows down the range for which villain will re-raise all in (I think you now clock this likelihood as you've requested timebank after he ships). I'd prefer a smaller re-raise on the flop, one that doesn't look like you're totally committed to going all in. After you raise to $4 you HAVE to call the all in so at least you save some face and show him the goods. If somebody re-raised me to $40 on the flop and timebank called with JJ i'd say 'lol thanks for the slowroll' in the chat because it looks totally terrible TBH. So there we are after the first 22mins i was expecting a comfortable viewing hoping to barely say anything then more and more dodgy stuff started to creep in, other than the JJ nothing too major but some spewy stuff that can cost on other days. If you felt you were behind with the JJ then call the flop, don't commit half your stack then fold (or think of folding) thinking of folding is a worrying leak IMO as i just don't think your thought process is right in that situation at all. I was going to say ok now time to move up to 100nl but the JJ worries me and so 50nl would be safer. Anyway you got a great 6max game.

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Re: My PokerStaking Goals and Video

The first 22mins are faultless.
I've only watched the 1st 23 mins so far so only skim-read the rest of the post, but given the amount of text you've written it could be interesting :lol I think GaF's going to move upto 25NL for the final 5k hands of the staking, once that's over I definitely think he could go higher though. Plenty of things to work on, but no-one's got a perfect game, and there's still plenty of fish higher up.
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Re: My PokerStaking Goals and Video

29:40 bttm right the re-raise on the 6KJhh is very spewy, villains are rarely going to bet so small on this kind of flop and fold anything they're ever raising and there's so many turn cards that will improve their hand to flushes, 2pairs, gut shots, straights etc it's just a spewy spot.
The way that I usually read a micro donk bet out of position into me as the pre flop raiser is that they're either drawing and wanting cheap cards or weak (something like 3rd pair or an underpair) and wanting to get to a cheap showdown. I wish I could easily get the stats out of PT for this as I'm not convinced it's an error to make someone pay in this kind of situation when I believe that they're trying to keep the pot small/cheap.
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Re: My PokerStaking Goals and Video

33:47 top left with 76ss i see you scrolling up the raise bar and again it just seems real spewy, you fold out all his air (90% his range he's playing so aggrotard) and create a big pot with a gut shot and low flush draw. Take the turn card and it's likely he'd shut down on turn/river when he misses anyway so if you miss there's no problem just a simple bluff. And crucially if the 3rd spade or 4 comes off he'll donate his stack anyway if he has a hand.
IIRC that guy was uberbad (lol - you dont need me to tell you that when you can see he's playing 62/62 !!) - He'd been raising most hands pre flop and cbetting 100% post flop, frequently folding to a reraise - I dont think I raise him because of my straight flush draw - I think I raise him because I've seen him fold frequently in that situation - I suspect we'll see (or have seen) me playing plenty of hands with him and reraising with far less than I had there.... I'm not the most obsercant of players :$ but even now I remember that alias - so he must have been bad :lol :lol :lol One of the (non measurable) goals I had written on my post it was "play the fish more often when in position" - this particular guy was one of the main players I'd flagged to focus on and try and play hands against - regardless of cards - as I said - if my recollection is right I'd pegged him as loose aggressive, but weak and happy to fold - that meant betting into him frequently... (PS I'm not "arguing" with your wisdom - your proven track record is far superior to mine - if I'm disagreeing with you, it's because it's what I'm thinking and want further persuasion from your point of view - your post/comments here are gold for me and dont let the fact I might try disagreeing with them persuade you otherwise :ok)
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Re: My PokerStaking Goals and Video

35:43 bttm left i don't see much value cbetting the flop they're going to fodl everything you beat and call with everything you're behind to, there's a lot of gut shot combos like your hand they'll call multiple streets with, taking the turn for free is best imo.
I think you're talking about bottom right. CBetting is something I have real problems with. I know the way I have been doing it is bad, wrong and waaay sub optimal. It's one of the things Dave tackled after the first 5k hands. My second 5k saw a drastic cut back in CBetting - however I'm not sure it improved my profitability and I think it may be because I'm not really picking my cbet (or not) spots very well.... My natural instinct is that I want to cbet absolutely everything (literally!). If the flop comes down broadway cards and I raised pre flop, then I represent that I have hit the broadway cards with what I raised pre flop havent I :) Conversely, if the flop comes low, then I want to represent an overpair. I always want to represent something!! In this particular hand - the flop comes AJT rainbow, so I want to represent a strong ace - maybe even two pair - I have to dont I? (as I said - I always think that!) What am I scared of? KQ is a real threat but if he's gutshoting or got a weak ace, he'll fold to a second (or third) barrel (if I can fire them)....
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Re: My PokerStaking Goals and Video

36:50 top left i notice you raise 4x HU vs BB. Why's that when 5/6 handed you raise 3x UTG? Raising 4x is what i like doing in the SB but there should be some consistency with your raises OOP.
I think I usually would raise 3xBB from UTG but 4xBB from SB against BB. Main differences I feel are: - I know in the SB that I'm going to be out of position, whereas from UTG, I'll often have position post flop against the blinds - Open Raising from the SB looks far weaker than open raising UTG. I can get a better balance of action from the SB with a larger raise than I can from UTG with a larger raise - A 3xBB raise (from UTG or SB) gives the blinds great odds to call very wide, but the non blinds have worse calling odds - I want a wider range of callers from the blinds when I'm UTG than when I'm in the SB because of post flop position
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Re: My PokerStaking Goals and Video

50:50 bttm left is a car crash of a raise to put the shortstack all in on the monotone board but i'm sure you knew that.
No I dont - the same problem where I feel the need to cbet EVERYTHING :$ My train of thought. If he has a good heart he's usually calling. If he doesn't, he's usually folding. Lets say it's random (not true because we have the information of his open bet - but lets ignore that for the moment) - so what are the chances that he has a heart (any heart) by random? 9 hearts left in the deck of 47 cards - so the chances of his first card not being a heart is 38/47 - the chances of the second card not being a heart, given that the first card wasnt a heart is 37/46. The chances of neither card being a heart should be (38/47)x(37/46)=65%. 2 times in 3 he wont have a heart and would fold. Some of the remaining 35% of the time that he does have a heart, it will be a low one and he'll fold. So my thinking is that 70%-80% of the time he'll fold - if that were true, then putting in $1.50 to win $0.90 is positive ev. Add on the fact that I'll sometimes win when he does call and we go to showdown and the situation is even better. However, the flaw in the thinking could be the point I made earlier - how do I read a micro donk bet into me as the pre flop raiser? I think it means there is a good chance someone is drawing - so that would indicate a heart - however even against a lone heart I'll often have a coin flip
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Re: My PokerStaking Goals and Video lol - the level of my indecision in that JJ hand was awesome :lol :lol :lol :lol I cant believe how much I move the cursor around! I agree though - I cant get away from it by that point and should have been totally committed - though alarm bells are ringing and I'm convinced I'm in trouble and need help..... How small a reraise do you make on the flop? My raise to $4 is giving him better than 3-1 - its costing him $2.50 into a $7.90 pot. If he's getting 4-1 or 5-1, he's not going anywhere with overcards is he? If an overcard comes to my JJ on the turn (as it often will) then I'm in a scary spot - I've gone from probably having the best hand to facing a very good chance that I'm behind. I believe (incorrectly) that I'm ahead now, but vulnerable to the cards to come - I want to get the money in nowwhilst I feel I'm good dont I?

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Re: My PokerStaking Goals and Video

I was going to say ok now time to move up to 100nl but the JJ worries me and so 50nl would be safer. Anyway you got a great 6max game.
Thanks for the feedback and the encouragemanet Nade :) It's appreciated. I'm looking forward to giving things a bash at NL25 for 5000 hands and then I'll formulate a plan from there.....
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Re: My PokerStaking Goals and Video

The way that I usually read a micro donk bet out of position into me as the pre flop raiser is that they're either drawing and wanting cheap cards or weak (something like 3rd pair or an underpair) and wanting to get to a cheap showdown. I wish I could easily get the stats out of PT for this as I'm not convinced it's an error to make someone pay in this kind of situation when I believe that they're trying to keep the pot small/cheap.
I agree that donk bets on flops are usually scared bets but i think board texture is key in these things and so on this board there are so many different combos of cards the standard villain is betting out here that he just isn't going to fold to a raise. You made the right play as they folded in this situation but it's worth thinking about which board textures are best to make plays on etc.
In this particular hand - the flop comes AJT rainbow, so I want to represent a strong ace - maybe even two pair - I have to dont I? (as I said - I always think that!) What am I scared of? KQ is a real threat but if he's gutshoting or got a weak ace, he'll fold to a second (or third) barrel (if I can fire them)....
Nope not at all, you don't have to represent anything at all a lot of the time (unless you're bluffing then you're turning your pair of Ts into a bluff which isn't neccessary but that's a totally different convo...). I think maybe what you're thinking is you have to represent a big hand because you'll be cbet bluffing this flop a lot. Forget all that 'balancing ranges' bollox it's totally unnecessary below probably 400nl and the guys that make vids i watch on DC i notice barely mention balancing at lower stakes now because it just doesn't matter, play your hand for what it is nobody is adjusting so it doesn't matter. The key in these spots is to think value value value. Will he call with anything worse than a T? no. the ONLY hand he calls with we beat is QT. Instead we check flop, check a blank turn, fire the river. Villains will look us up with all sorts of any pair and they never have an ace, the only pair they call with we lose to is a J so there's loads of value. What i've learnt a lot over the last 3 months is you can just play your hand for what it is and people will pay you off all day long. You have 3rd pair, check 2 streets and get some 1 st value, no need to over-complicate things.
I think I usually would raise 3xBB from UTG but 4xBB from SB against BB. Main differences I feel are: - I know in the SB that I'm going to be out of position, whereas from UTG, I'll often have position post flop against the blinds - Open Raising from the SB looks far weaker than open raising UTG. I can get a better balance of action from the SB with a larger raise than I can from UTG with a larger raise - A 3xBB raise (from UTG or SB) gives the blinds great odds to call very wide, but the non blinds have worse calling odds - I want a wider range of callers from the blinds when I'm UTG than when I'm in the SB because of post flop position
That all makes a lot of sense, the main counter i will say is you give the guys in CO/BTN free reign to call in position and position is king. At 100nl regs don't make many mistakes in position so that's why i'd opt against raising smaller so to discourage people having position on me (and you'd have a bigger pot vs blinds). If you play well post flop raising 3x UTG then it's hard to argue with ;).
No I dont - the same problem where I feel the need to cbet EVERYTHING :$ My train of thought. If he has a good heart he's usually calling. If he doesn't, he's usually folding. Lets say it's random (not true because we have the information of his open bet - but lets ignore that for the moment) - so what are the chances that he has a heart (any heart) by random? 9 hearts left in the deck of 47 cards - so the chances of his first card not being a heart is 38/47 - the chances of the second card not being a heart, given that the first card wasnt a heart is 37/46. The chances of neither card being a heart should be (38/47)x(37/46)=65%. 2 times in 3 he wont have a heart and would fold. Some of the remaining 35% of the time that he does have a heart, it will be a low one and he'll fold. So my thinking is that 70%-80% of the time he'll fold - if that were true, then putting in $1.50 to win $0.90 is positive ev. Add on the fact that I'll sometimes win when he does call and we go to showdown and the situation is even better. However, the flaw in the thinking could be the point I made earlier - how do I read a micro donk bet into me as the pre flop raiser? I think it means there is a good chance someone is drawing - so that would indicate a heart - however even against a lone heart I'll often have a coin flip
I just think they're never betting out on this texture flop with nothing, they don't expect you to fold a heart so they have a peice of the flop that they're never folding to an all in IMO.
lol - the level of my indecision in that JJ hand was awesome :lol :lol :lol :lol I cant believe how much I move the cursor around! I agree though - I cant get away from it by that point and should have been totally committed - though alarm bells are ringing and I'm convinced I'm in trouble and need help..... How small a reraise do you make on the flop? My raise to $4 is giving him better than 3-1 - its costing him $2.50 into a $7.90 pot. If he's getting 4-1 or 5-1, he's not going anywhere with overcards is he? If an overcard comes to my JJ on the turn (as it often will) then I'm in a scary spot - I've gone from probably having the best hand to facing a very good chance that I'm behind. I believe (incorrectly) that I'm ahead now, but vulnerable to the cards to come - I want to get the money in nowwhilst I feel I'm good dont I?
I think $3.2-$3.5 would give the illusion of you being a bit scared maybe semi-bluffing, it's not a mile away from $4 but every little helps. If you make it 3.2 you have 2/3 of your stack left, that will be enough for most villains to think they have a solid amount of fold equity so shove on you lighter but it's all pie in the sky i guess people are random :lol. -- I've seriously picked on all the mistakes i can spot in the video so although it might seem i'm being harsh there's barely any true mistakes, just a couple of small things i've pointed out that are really easy to change. As i've said your general game is solid, probably more solid than a lot of 100nl players :ok
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