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The 18k - Key Hands

billy the punter

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Given there will be plenty of PL interest in this tourn over the coming weeks I thought I'd start a thread devoted solely to it. Saves clogging up the team's staking thread. Post your key hands, whether you want advice, to merely discuss a hand, or even moan about a bad beat. There are plenty of regular opponents in this tourn so I think this thread could help. :ok

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Re: The 18k - Key Hands Easy game :tongue2 ***** Hand History for Game 593742043 ***** (Betfair) Tourney Hand NL Texas Hold'em - Thursday, October 22, 07:38:46 ET 2009 Table 18000 Guaranteed NL Holdem 287207 (Real Money) Seat 6 is the button Seat 1: rockme ( $2540.00 USD ) Seat 2: navonod ( $4278.75 USD ) Seat 3: hotgirrrrl ( $2680.00 USD ) Seat 4: veej ( $2946.25 USD ) Seat 5: Telepe ( $2215.00 USD ) Seat 6: lansaik ( $2510.00 USD ) Seat 7: 1Palm ( $3150.00 USD ) Seat 8: doladro ( $4625.00 USD ) Seat 9: Wilkly ( $2745.00 USD ) 1Palm posts small blind [$15.00 USD]. doladro posts big blind [$30.00 USD]. ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Telepe [ :Ac: :7c: ] Wilkly folds rockme calls [$30.00 USD] navonod folds hotgirrrrl folds veej folds Telepe calls [$30.00 USD] lansaik folds 1Palm folds doladro checks ** Dealing Flop ** [ :6c:, :2c:, :Qc: ] doladro checks rockme checks Telepe bets [$100.00 USD] doladro calls [$100.00 USD] rockme calls [$100.00 USD] ** Dealing Turn ** [ :9s: ] doladro checks rockme checks Telepe bets [$300.00 USD] doladro raises [$600.00 USD] rockme calls [$600.00 USD] Telepe raises [$1785.00 USD] doladro raises [$2970.00 USD] rockme calls [$1810.00 USD] doladro wins $1160.00 USD rockme shows [:Kc:, :Tc: ] Telepe shows [:Ac:, :7c: ] doladro shows [:3c:, :5c: ] ** Dealing River ** [ :Kd: ] rockme wins $650.00 USD from main pot Telepe wins $6660.00 USD from main pot

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Re: The 18k - Key Hands Posting this into hopefully embarassing myself into learning the lesson!!! I so often overvalue an overpair, but I still cant put it down :wall :wall :wall :wall I knew I was beat :wall :wall :wall

***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 593773299 ***** NL Texas Hold'em $100 Buy-in + $9 Entry Fee, Level:5 Blinds(75/150-(no ante)) - Thursday, October 22, 20:31:40 GMT 2009 $18,000 Guaranteed NL Hold'em #287207 Table 1 9-max (Real Money) Seat 8 is the button Total number of active players : 9 Seat 1: TheWonkyFez ( 1,750 ) Seat 2: navonod ( 6,392.50 ) Seat 3: hotgirrrrl ( 2,380 ) Seat 4: Periculos ( 9,868.76 ) Seat 5: Telepe ( 7,248.38 ) Seat 6: lansaik ( 1,186.98 ) Seat 7: 1Palm ( 2,905 ) Seat 8: scandiuk ( 3,223.62 ) Seat 9: 72nloose ( 5,638.39 ) Tourney Level:5 Blinds(75/150-(no ante)) 72nloose posts small blind [75] TheWonkyFez posts big blind [150] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Telepe [ :Ts:, :Th: ] navonod folds hotgirrrrl folds Periculos folds Telepe raises to [450] lansaik folds 1Palm folds scandiuk folds 72nloose calls [375] TheWonkyFez folds ** Dealing Flop ** [ :8d:, :4d:, :6h: ] 72nloose bets [1,050] Telepe raises to [2,400] 72nloose goes all-in 72nloose raises to [5,188.39] Telepe calls [2,788.39] ** Showdown ** Telepe shows [ Ts, Th ] 72nloose shows [ :Ks:, :Kh: ] ** Dealing Turn ** [ :4s: ] ** Dealing River ** [ :6d: ] ** Hand Conclusion ** 72nloose wins 11,426.78 from main pot with two pair, Kings and Sixes ************ Game 593773299 ends ************
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Re: The 18k - Key Hands ***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 593731067 ***** NL Texas Hold'em $100 Buy-in + $9 Entry Fee, Level:1 Blinds(10/20-(no ante)) - Thursday, October 22, 19:17:34 GMT 2009 $18,000 Guaranteed NL Hold'em #287207 Table 17 9-max (Real Money) Seat 4 is the button Total number of active players : 9 Seat 1: pcplod ( 2,500 ) Seat 2: Andreas2008 ( 2,500 ) Seat 3: 5hortstak ( 2,560 ) Seat 4: steviemac ( 2,425 ) Seat 5: Cabhan ( 2,480 ) Seat 6: lukiladi ( 2,500 ) Seat 7: Harold Boom ( 2,190 ) Seat 8: Acehigh1977 ( 2,845 ) Seat 9: navonod ( 2,500 ) Tourney Level:1 Blinds(10/20-(no ante)) Cabhan posts small blind [10] lukiladi posts big blind [20] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Harold Boom [ Ks, Ac ] Harold Boom calls [20] Acehigh1977 folds navonod calls [20] pcplod folds Andreas2008 folds 5hortstak folds steviemac folds Cabhan calls [10] lukiladi checks ** Dealing Flop ** [ 5s, Qs, 3s ] Cabhan checks lukiladi checks Harold Boom bets [80] navonod calls [80] Cabhan folds lukiladi folds ** Dealing Turn ** [ Ah ] Harold Boom checks navonod bets [240] Harold Boom calls [240] ** Dealing River ** [ As ] Harold Boom bets [360] navonod raises to [720] Harold Boom calls [360] ** Showdown ** navonod shows [ 5h, 5d ] full house, Fives full of Aces Harold Boom shows [ Ks, Ac ] a Flush ** Hand Conclusion ** navonod wins 2,160 from main pot with full house, Fives full of Aces ************ Game 593731067 ends ************ A killer hand very early on, down to less than a 1000 after 2 minutes. I knew I was beat after his min-raise on the river and even though I didn't think I could pass for 360 with the nut flush I really should have. Would he min-raise with the Js? To be fair there is only one card in the deck that was going to get him paid, and it fell.

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Re: The 18k - Key Hands

Posting this into hopefully embarassing myself into learning the lesson!!! I so often overvalue an overpair' date=' but I still cant put it down :wall :wall :wall :wall I [b']knew I was beat :wall :wall :wall
Hmmm not really I went out at DTD similar recently. He's called preflop which would have thrown me slightly, bad play by him really...make a note move on :ok
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Re: The 18k - Key Hands ***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 593747693 ***** NL Texas Hold'em $100 Buy-in + $9 Entry Fee, Level:3 Blinds(25/50-(no ante)) - Thursday, October 22, 19:49:33 GMT 2009 $18,000 Guaranteed NL Hold'em #287207 Table 13 9-max (Real Money) Seat 1 is the button Total number of active players : 9 Seat 1: BigBanker ( 1,815 ) Seat 2: Harold Boom ( 2,275 ) Seat 3: diki70 ( 5,245.34 ) Seat 4: GREATGUNS ( 6,310 ) Seat 5: oliveuh ( 5,900 ) Seat 6: pcplod ( 2,400 ) Seat 7: ACEMAN 1 ( 3,917.50 ) Seat 8: Frank2770 ( 2,170 ) Seat 9: AL BANCO ( 1,647.50 ) Tourney Level:3 Blinds(25/50-(no ante)) Harold Boom posts small blind [25] diki70 posts big blind [50] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Harold Boom [ 5h, 5d ] GREATGUNS calls [50] oliveuh calls [50] pcplod folds ACEMAN 1 folds Frank2770 folds AL BANCO folds BigBanker calls [50] Harold Boom calls [25] diki70 checks ** Dealing Flop ** [ 8s, 2d, 6c ] Harold Boom checks diki70 checks GREATGUNS checks oliveuh checks BigBanker checks ** Dealing Turn ** [ 5s ] Harold Boom bets [250] diki70 folds GREATGUNS raises to [500] oliveuh folds BigBanker folds Harold Boom goes all-in Harold Boom raises to [2,225] GREATGUNS calls [1,725] ** Showdown ** Harold Boom shows [ 5h, 5d ] GREATGUNS shows [ 8d, Qd ] ** Dealing River ** [ 7c ] ** Hand Conclusion ** Harold Boom wins 4,700 from main pot with three of a kind, Fives ************ Game 593747693 ends ************ Even though I had trips I didn't like the min-raise in the turn. I wouldn't raise the turn with worse than trip 5s personally. Luckily I had notes on the raiser. One word...."mushroom". So I shoved and was pleased to find out he was drawing dead.

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Re: The 18k - Key Hands Nearing the bubble - easy fold ? NL Texas Hold'em $100 Buy-in + $9 Entry Fee, Level:11 Blinds(250/500-50 ante) - Thursday, October 22, 22:08:30 GMT 2009 $18,000 Guaranteed NL Hold'em #287207 Table 3 9-max (Real Money) Seat 1: 5hortstak ( 15,689.01 ) Seat 2: Mrgard ( 10,495 ) Seat 3: ace112Lucky ( 5,115 ) Seat 5: goyring ( 12,251.50 ) Button: derzhimorda ( 10,883.68 ) SB: squeezebox ( 17,011.12 ) BB: Swalbart ( 9,209 ) Tourney Level:11 Blinds(250/500-50 ante) Swalbart posts ante [50] derzhimorda posts ante [50] goyring posts ante [50] ace112Lucky posts ante [50] squeezebox posts ante [50] Mrgard posts ante [50] 5hortstak posts ante [50] squeezebox posts small blind [250] Swalbart posts big blind [500] Preflop: 5hortstak is dealt 9, 9 5hortstak raises to 1,200, Mrgard folds, ace112Lucky folds, goyring folds, derzhimorda raises all in 10,833.68, squeezebox folds, Swalbart folds, 5hortstak folds, Returning uncalled bet 9,633.68 to derzhimorda

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Re: The 18k - Key Hands I was aware of gafs 3xbb from early pos but being already in the money should i have passed ? Not sure i could of waited much longer. NL Texas Hold'em $100 Buy-in + $9 Entry Fee, Level:14 Blinds(500/1,000-100 ante) - Thursday, October 22, 22:50:42 GMT 2009 $18,000 Guaranteed NL Hold'em #287207 Table 1 9-max (Real Money) SB: goyring ( 11,711.50 ) BB: sam19 ( 25,484.10 ) Seat 3: volvere ( 45,425.31 ) Seat 4: MerryMozart ( 42,565.96 ) Seat 5: Telepe ( 12,056.88 ) Seat 6: AL BANCO ( 14,312.50 ) Seat 7: punkfl0yd ( 29,866.97 ) Seat 8: squeezebox ( 26,182.96 ) Button: 5hortstak ( 8,333.54 ) Tourney Level:14 Blinds(500/1,000-100 ante) goyring posts ante [100] sam19 posts ante [100] volvere posts ante [100] AL BANCO posts ante [100] Telepe posts ante [100] punkfl0yd posts ante [100] 5hortstak posts ante [100] MerryMozart posts ante [100] squeezebox posts ante [100] goyring posts small blind [500] sam19 posts big blind [1,000] Preflop: 5hortstak is dealt A, Q volvere folds, MerryMozart folds, Telepe raises to 3,000, AL BANCO folds, punkfl0yd folds, squeezebox folds, 5hortstak raises all in 8,233.54, goyring folds, sam19 folds, Telepe calls 5,233.54 **Showdown** Telepe shows K, K 5hortstak shows A, Q Flop: 2, 7, 4 Turn: 7 River: 3 Telepe wins 18,867.08 from main pot with two pair, Kings and Sevens

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Re: The 18k - Key Hands You're the short stack - quite a while till we level up - no way you can put down AQ in my opinion.... I suppose it's changed a bit by the fact it's a known player you're up against - how wide a range do you put me on in that situation?

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Re: The 18k - Key Hands

Nearing the bubble - easy fold ? NL Texas Hold'em $100 Buy-in + $9 Entry Fee, Level:11 Blinds(250/500-50 ante) - Thursday, October 22, 22:08:30 GMT 2009 $18,000 Guaranteed NL Hold'em #287207 Table 3 9-max (Real Money) Seat 1: 5hortstak ( 15,689.01 ) Seat 2: Mrgard ( 10,495 ) Seat 3: ace112Lucky ( 5,115 ) Seat 5: goyring ( 12,251.50 ) Button: derzhimorda ( 10,883.68 ) SB: squeezebox ( 17,011.12 ) BB: Swalbart ( 9,209 ) Tourney Level:11 Blinds(250/500-50 ante) Swalbart posts ante [50] derzhimorda posts ante [50] goyring posts ante [50] ace112Lucky posts ante [50] squeezebox posts ante [50] Mrgard posts ante [50] 5hortstak posts ante [50] squeezebox posts small blind [250] Swalbart posts big blind [500] Preflop: 5hortstak is dealt 9, 9 5hortstak raises to 1,200, Mrgard folds, ace112Lucky folds, goyring folds, derzhimorda raises all in 10,833.68, squeezebox folds, Swalbart folds, 5hortstak folds, Returning uncalled bet 9,633.68 to derzhimorda
Yes fold - from me
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Re: The 18k - Key Hands

You're the short stack - quite a while till we level up - no way you can put down AQ in my opinion.... I suppose it's changed a bit by the fact it's a known player you're up against - how wide a range do you put me on in that situation?
Borderline - But I'd always rather wait until I'm first when Shortstack (within reason) - you've still another 6 hands to get that opportunity. 3xBB from EP from another Short(ish) stack speaks a strong hand - AQ is hardly ever in front here.
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Re: The 18k - Key Hands lost quite a bit on this one but could have been a lot worse. maybe my flop bet should have been bigger:unsure maybe i shouldnt have called the river:unsure ***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 593229282 ***** NL Texas Hold'em $100 Buy-in + $9 Entry Fee, Level:1 Blinds(10/20-(no ante)) - Wednesday, October 21, 19:29:05 GMT 2009 $18,000 Guaranteed NL Hold'em #287100 Table 11 9-max (Real Money) Seat 6 is the button Total number of active players : 8 Seat 1: jerseyrock ( 2,577.50 ) Seat 2: uberpl ( 2,670 ) Seat 3: ladyvee ( 5,727 ) Seat 4: heatheli ( 2,175 ) Seat 6: Boollean ( 6,702 ) Seat 7: lou saban ( 2,094 ) Seat 8: Sweetcorn22 ( 3,502 ) Seat 9: rockme ( 2,270 ) Tourney Level:1 Blinds(10/20-(no ante)) lou saban posts small blind [10] Sweetcorn22 posts big blind [20] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to uberpl [ Qs, Qc ] rockme folds jerseyrock folds uberpl raises to [60] ladyvee folds heatheli folds Boollean calls [60] lou saban folds Sweetcorn22 calls [40] ** Dealing Flop ** [ 3d, 6h, 2s ] Sweetcorn22 checks uberpl bets [160] Boollean calls [160] Sweetcorn22 calls [160] ** Dealing Turn ** [ 4c ] Sweetcorn22 checks uberpl checks Boollean checks ** Dealing River ** [ 4h ] Sweetcorn22 bets [420] uberpl calls [420] Boollean folds ** Showdown ** Sweetcorn22 shows [ 5h, 3h ] a straight, Six To Deuce uberpl mucks [ Qs, Qc ] ** Hand Conclusion ** Sweetcorn22 wins 1,510 from main pot with a straight, Six To Deuce ************ Game 593229282 ends ************ i thought this was pretty standard,late position raise i gotta push with a shortish stack. as ak is played differently by different people i thought i'd get views:unsure ***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 593269215 ***** NL Texas Hold'em $100 Buy-in + $9 Entry Fee, Level:5 Blinds(75/150-(no ante)) - Wednesday, October 21, 20:27:56 GMT 2009 $18,000 Guaranteed NL Hold'em #287100 Table 11 9-max (Real Money) Seat 1 is the button Total number of active players : 9 Seat 1: ITFC1 ( 2,476.25 ) Seat 2: uberpl ( 1,639 ) Seat 3: navonod ( 1,401.25 ) Seat 4: yeats ( 2,732.50 ) Seat 5: Washman ( 3,163.75 ) Seat 6: Boollean ( 8,378.25 ) Seat 7: lou saban ( 3,027.50 ) Seat 8: Sweetcorn22 ( 5,423.50 ) Seat 9: Acesjoel ( 5,944.75 ) Tourney Level:5 Blinds(75/150-(no ante)) uberpl posts small blind [75] navonod posts big blind [150] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to uberpl [ Ad, Kh ] yeats folds Washman folds Boollean folds lou saban folds Sweetcorn22 folds Acesjoel raises to [360] ITFC1 folds uberpl goes all-in uberpl raises to [1,639] navonod folds Acesjoel calls [1,279] ** Showdown ** uberpl shows [ Ad, Kh ] Acesjoel shows [ Jh, Jd ] ** Dealing Flop ** [ Jc, Kd, 6h ] ** Dealing Turn ** [ 3d ] ** Dealing River ** [ Ts ] ** Hand Conclusion ** Acesjoel wins 3,428 from main pot with three of a kind, Jacks ************ Game 593269215 ends ************

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Re: The 18k - Key Hands :pukethought he had kj/aj didnt think he'd call with a straight draw on the flop with a flush draw out there:wall ***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 594227369 ***** NL Texas Hold'em $100 Buy-in + $9 Entry Fee, Level:3 Blinds(25/50-(no ante)) - Friday, October 23, 19:48:24 GMT 2009 $18,000 Guaranteed NL Hold'em #287314 Table 11 9-max (Real Money) Seat 3 is the button Total number of active players : 9 Seat 1: ACEMAN 1 ( 2,137.50 ) Seat 2: thekiid ( 1,082.50 ) Seat 3: time2go ( 3,306 ) Seat 4: philly ( 5,281.87 ) Seat 5: jork ( 3,085 ) Seat 6: TAYLS ( 3,486.13 ) Seat 7: uberpl ( 2,275 ) Seat 8: davie04 ( 2,285 ) Seat 9: riles ( 2,121 ) Tourney Level:3 Blinds(25/50-(no ante)) philly posts small blind [25] jork posts big blind [50] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to uberpl [ 4d, 4s ] TAYLS folds uberpl calls [50] davie04 folds riles calls [50] ACEMAN 1 calls [50] thekiid folds time2go folds philly calls [25] jork checks ** Dealing Flop ** [ Jh, 4h, Kc ] philly checks jork checks uberpl bets [210] riles folds ACEMAN 1 calls [210] philly folds jork folds ** Dealing Turn ** [ Ac ] uberpl bets [490] ACEMAN 1 calls [490] ** Dealing River ** [ 6d ] uberpl bets [800] ACEMAN 1 goes all-in ACEMAN 1 raises to [1,387.50] uberpl calls [587.50] ** Showdown ** ACEMAN 1 shows [ Qh, Td ] a straight, Ace to Ten uberpl shows [ 4d, 4s ] three of a kind, Fours ** Hand Conclusion ** ACEMAN 1 wins 4,425 from main pot with a straight, Ace to Ten ************ Game 594227369 ends ************

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Re: The 18k - Key Hands

lost quite a bit on this one but could have been a lot worse. maybe my flop bet should have been bigger:unsure maybe i shouldnt have called the river:unsure
Can't see anything wrong with the flop bet - on the flip side I also can't see what you think your beating on the river to call a bet that size - except complete bluff. You would only know if he was capable of betting with air on the river from your image of him from previous rounds.
i thought this was pretty standard,late position raise i gotta push with a shortish stack. as ak is played differently by different people i thought i'd get views:unsure
For me thats a standard over shove - given the stack sizes
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Re: The 18k - Key Hands

Can't see anything wrong with the flop bet - on the flip side I also can't see what you think your beating on the river to call a bet that size - except complete bluff. You would only know if he was capable of betting with air on the river from your image of him from previous rounds. For me thats a standard over shove - given the stack sizes
he had been very active ,maybe he was hitting a lot but he did call with 35, so hardly a rock:lol yeah i thought he might be betting with air or small pair 7s 8s or a6 k6 on a board that didnt look like it'd hit an early raiser very hard,i must admit i did have a bad feeling once he called the flop bet tho:eyes.
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Re: The 18k - Key Hands How do you play an AK type hand here? Kalamara is playing 50/25, aceselli is 21/3 (pretty small samples) ***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 596638451 ***** NL Texas Hold'em $55 Buy-in + $5 Entry Fee, Level:3 Blinds(25/50-(no ante)) - Wednesday, October 28, 20:35:58 GMT 2009 HOT! Stack Up $12,000 GTD Freezeout #291456 Table 13 9-max (Real Money) Seat 1 is the button Total number of active players : 9 Seat 1: billy1234 ( 1,385 ) Seat 2: Telepe ( 1,905 ) Seat 3: pirate bay ( 1,660 ) Seat 4: sickotex ( 615 ) Seat 5: bonuss ( 2,780 ) Seat 6: kalamaras11 ( 6,842.50 ) Seat 7: acesellie ( 2,520 ) Seat 8: IBustedYou ( 1,785 ) Seat 9: Bentist ( 2,182.50 ) Tourney Level:3 Blinds(25/50-(no ante)) Telepe posts small blind [25] pirate bay posts big blind [50] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Telepe [ :Ad:, :Kh: ] sickotex folds bonuss folds kalamaras11 raises to [100] acesellie calls [100] IBustedYou folds Bentist folds billy1234 folds Telepe raises to [500] pirate bay folds kalamaras11 calls [400] acesellie calls [400] ** Dealing Flop ** [ :8s:, :2d:, :Jd: ] Telepe checks kalamaras11 bets [1,550] acesellie folds Telepe folds Returning uncalled bet [1,550] to kalamaras11 ** Hand Conclusion ** kalamaras11 wins 1,550 from main pot ************ Game 596638451 ends ************

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