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The Brian Townsend Aggressive Bankroll Management Challenge


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NB : There is a $50 reward for anyone who at anytime catches me not following the rules of this challenge. Yes, I know I said I was quitting poker for a couple of months. And yes, I know I said I was going to play tons of MTTs. And I probably signed up for that 2m2k thing too. There's a pretty obvious pattern emerging, and that's that I don't finish (or even get very far with) challenges. Yesterday I read something written by Brian Townsend from a few years ago. For those of you who don't know him, he once managed to move up from something like 50NL to 40kNL in less than a year. His aggressive bankroll management was simple. Start with 15 buy-ins for whatever level, and keep going until you have 15 buy-ins for the next level. If at any point you drop to/below 12 buy-ins you should drop down. Nothing revolutionary really, but very much different to my very conservative bankroll management. Meanwhile, I've been thinking about what I like about poker, in order that I can concentrate (for at least 3 days :lol) on that. I came to 3 conclusions. a) I like winning money b) I like being better than other people at poker c) I like being better than I was in the past at poker I've also thought about why I'm not discipline in poker and came to 1 conclusion - I don't like spending a lot of time achieving very little (ie playing 250k hands and still being at the same level because I'm too scared to move up). So put all this together, and I will be following Brian Townsend's bankroll management, and trying to move up the levels.

  • I will be starting with a bankroll of $1500 at $100NL 6-max NLHE
  • I'll be moving up if I have 15 buy-ins for the next level. I'll be moving down in I don't have at least 12 buy-ins for the current level
  • The levels that I will play (assuming I don't drop below $1200, in which case I will move down to 50NL) are 100NL, 200NL, 400NL, 600NL and 1000NL. If by some freak of nature (and I don't expect to) I get to 1000NL, I will re-assess.
  • I'm currently playing on an i-poker skin which stores my money in GBP - therefore it's possible that currency fluctuations may force me to move up or down.
  • I will mostly be playing 4-tables at once (this rule is not applicaple to the $50 reward).
  • I will not be playing any MTTs, SNGs, etc, etc, unless it is posted on here beforehand, and not paid for out of this bankroll. I don't expect to plpay any MTTs soon, but will probably be playing quite a bit of the miniFTOPs

I will be posting on here regular updates, including my bankroll, and what level I am currently at. Anyone who catches me playing at the a level above my bankroll or a non-posted MTT/SNG (my username on i-poker is deadlydaveLDN) will be entitled to a $50 reward. I actually started this earlier today, so my bankroll is slightly above $1.5k Current Bankroll = $1605.63 Current Level = $100NL

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Re: The Brian Townsend Aggressive Bankroll Management Challenge All the best with this and good to see someone else adopting my bankroll management plan. Unfortunately for me after 10 years online I've only ever made it past $100nl (briefly) but as I know I can beat $10nl with 4 buy ins(variance doesn't exist in my parallel universe) I will never go broke. Hopefully your brick wall is a fair bit higher than mine:ok

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Re: The Brian Townsend Aggressive Bankroll Management Challenge

I hope you do well in your challenge:hope What happens if (and i hope you dont) don't have 12 by-ins for 50NL??
25NL ldo After my horrendous efforts yesterday, and a poor start today (I was on the wrong end of some coolers - set under set, nut flush v rivered full house, lost QQ v AK - but I've also played well below par), I've gone through some stats in HEM, and I'm leaking money big time out of the blinds and UTG, and also in pots where I'm not the pre-flop aggresor. I'm going to play a decent session now, where I try to address these areas, and hopefully I can turn the slump around. At the rate I've started, there won't be any stakes low enough soon.
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Re: The Brian Townsend Aggressive Bankroll Management Challenge :wall:wall Something seriously wrong with my game right now. I know how to beat low stakes, I approach the tables with the perfect mindset, yet 150 hands in I always start doing stuff that I know is ridiculous. For the purposes of the next 1/2 hour, the $50 reward is not in operation, as I'm off to tilt at 200NL.

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Re: The Brian Townsend Aggressive Bankroll Management Challenge I managed to avoid tilting off a buy-in and actually came out with a small profit, easily playing the best I have for some time. I think playing 1 table, combined with the fact that the stakes actually mattered helped me a lot. I'm going to put this challenge on hold for a bit (don't worry I'm not quitting again, I'll definitely be continuing this one sometime soon), so no $50 if you catch me playing 200NL ;)

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Re: The Brian Townsend Aggressive Bankroll Management Challenge I was going to suggest playing 1 table for a time. I had a really bad run recently so I played a single table, turned off the web and concentrated more on my game and my opponents. It then became scarily easy to make money and the odd cooler didn't effect me as I knew I'd win it back in the long run. I'm now up to 2 tables and I think I'll stick with that for a while. A few people will probably slag me off for this but I also turned off PT for a bit as I was doing to much based on peoples stats rather than playing my own way. It's back on now but I only use a couple of the stats during play in my decision making. Good luck with your challenge(s). I'll just be glad to progress 1 level.

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Re: The Brian Townsend Aggressive Bankroll Management Challenge Dave your game might be suffering from the pressure of making yourself play. One week it's one challenge, the next week you're taking a few months off the next week it's a new challenge. Maybe you haven't properly sat down and thought about what you want or should be doing with poker at the moment i don't know for sure but it might work. GL.

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