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GaF Pokerstars Video - 4 tabling NL10


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http://rapidshare.de/files/48543590/GaFPokerstars4Table.mp4.html This is the video recorded as a part of my staking - it is 116mb in size and plays for just over an hour. The screen resolution is 1252x900 - if this is larger than your screen, you will probably struggle to see it clearly. I've recorded absolutely everything from the very beginning - opening tables, tiling tables, setting up HUD etc .... I dont know what aspects Dave (or anyone else) may have good advice for me on (e.g. table selection) - so whilst the first couple of minutes may appear meaningless, I view it to have some value :) Although I finished in profit I'm not particularly happy with the way I played and am expecting some (justified and welcome) strong criticism :$
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Re: GaF Pokerstars Video - 4 tabling NL10 I found it hard to watch all the way through with no commentary or anything so skipped through it really but it seemed like you played well with some good value bets early on with mid pairs which even a lot of 100nl regs miss out on those opportunities. The last hand with AK i'm playing exactly the same you have to ship the river. The other day i checked the river with a flush or straight when the river paired because of the way the action went -3 way pot quite big i reraised turn this guy called a lot OOP then checked river when it paired and he had hit the full house so there are situations but in yours Gaf he'll call with so much random on turn and river it's a simple ship. Everything i've ever seen from you, plays, graphs, stats etc always lead me to think you could beat 100nl comfortably but you never have the confidence for whatever reason.

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Re: GaF Pokerstars Video - 4 tabling NL10 Yeah - appreciate it's not easy to watch - I was tempted to add commentary, explain what I was thinking, but decided not to as I didn't want to sway, or lead Dave at all - I want to know what he's thinking. I dont have the confidence because I havent achieved good results consistently at this level - 5000 hands here, and I've basically broke even - I havent beat it. My core philosiphy that I totally believe in is that you shouldn't move up a level until you're pretty sure you're beating the level before that......

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Re: GaF Pokerstars Video - 4 tabling NL10 Any thoughts on the hand on the top left table (55) at about 1 min 55 secs? :$ I thought that was pretty bad. I also made some highly questionable calls on the river :$ (I think my problem at this level may be that I'm a complete disbeliever of the players at these tables - I never believe they have what they say they have!)

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Re: GaF Pokerstars Video - 4 tabling NL10

I dont have the confidence because I havent achieved good results consistently at this level - 5000 hands here, and I've basically broke even - I havent beat it. My core philosiphy that I totally believe in is that you shouldn't move up a level until you're pretty sure you're beating the level before that......
Out of interest, have you ever taken a shot at higher stakes? While I agree that it seems unlikely that somebody who can't make a consistent good profit at NL10 could beat NL100, it's not absolutely obvious. There may be psychological reasons: I've never played cash very seriously, but I'm sure I play a lot better (well, less badly) in higher buy-in tournaments, just because I find it easier to concentrate. And in lower stakes cash you're paying more rake, as a multiple of the big blind, on average? I don't know if that's likely to make a significant difference.
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Re: GaF Pokerstars Video - 4 tabling NL10 Not really. Looking through my poker databases (not necessarily comprehensive) - On Boss, I can see I played 274 hands at 50c/$1 NL for a $139 profit! This has been various sessions between november 2007 and July this year. I've played 3601 hands at €0.25/€0.50 for a profit of €530.41!! On Microgaming I played 1627 hands at €0.25/€0.50 for a profit of €348.94. Cant find anything else. Lol - why arent I playing at those levels (and higher) with results like that?

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Re: GaF Pokerstars Video - 4 tabling NL10 I knew I had a great coach :notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy As well as the initial 5 page report, I've now got a 3 page report on the first 20 mins of the video and this gem:

14:42 TABLE 1

What are you doing folding 27o UTG? You’ll never make it!!

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Re: GaF Pokerstars Video - 4 tabling NL10

Any thoughts on the hand on the top left table (55) at about 1 min 55 secs? :$ I thought that was pretty bad. I also made some highly questionable calls on the river :$ (I think my problem at this level may be that I'm a complete disbeliever of the players at these tables - I never believe they have what they say they have!)
That 55 is totally fine i was praying you would snap call when the other guy folded.
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Re: GaF Pokerstars Video - 4 tabling NL10

Not really. Looking through my poker databases (not necessarily comprehensive) - On Boss, I can see I played 274 hands at 50c/$1 NL for a $139 profit! This has been various sessions between november 2007 and July this year. I've played 3601 hands at €0.25/€0.50 for a profit of €530.41!! On Microgaming I played 1627 hands at €0.25/€0.50 for a profit of €348.94. Cant find anything else. Lol - why arent I playing at those levels (and higher) with results like that?
So why do we always go round in circles?? I say all your stats and plays show you can win at a lot higher level, you then deny it, then show the proof you have beaten higher levels. This seems a monthly occurence. Grow some.
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Re: GaF Pokerstars Video - 4 tabling NL10

Grow some.
From what I've seen so far I kind of agree. GaF does have some leaks (don't we all) and I've been pretty critical so far, but what I have seen is that he's a player who's thinking about why he's doing what he's doing (most of the time :lol). I think once a few pre-flop leaks have gone, it's just going to be a case of playing lots and lots of hands, and then it's very possible that he could consistently beat higher stakes than the micros. EDIT : But in the meantime, make me some cash ;)
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Re: GaF Pokerstars Video - 4 tabling NL10 in th first 7 mins did i see you fold AQ and you where going to bet 0.50 but checked instead then when it come round to you it was 0.80 a 10 came on the river, why did you fold :unsure. what was the thing you where resting at the start never seen that before??

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Re: GaF Pokerstars Video - 4 tabling NL10 reseting? That's the PT3 HUD - PokerTracker3 is software that collects data from opponents in real time and displays the information in a heads up display. It also stores every hand you play allowing you to analyse what you do and find your leaks/weaknesses. The alternative to PT3 is Holdem Manager. Both packages have free trials - I'd recommend taking advantage if you're going to start playing Cash games online (less important for MTTs, but still has its utility) Just hunting out the AQ hand - I dont recall it....

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Re: GaF Pokerstars Video - 4 tabling NL10 The AQ hand - table 2 at 5 minutes - out of position (BB) with an (unknown) early position raiser and caller (the SB). I called pre flop, the flop was KJ3 rainbow (I had a gutshot) - was going to donk semi bluff into the initial raiser, but changed my mind and went for some pot control - the original raiser put in a weak bet, SB called and I folded - was an error - the odds on offer were good enough (better than 4-1 immediate and nice implied odds against 2 opponents) that I should have peeled a card - I'm about 12-1 to turn the nuts - and would have done :lol :lol :lol (not that we're results orientated ;) However I think the implied odds were good enough for me to draw)

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Re: GaF Pokerstars Video - 4 tabling NL10

Not really. Looking through my poker databases (not necessarily comprehensive) - On Boss, I can see I played 274 hands at 50c/$1 NL for a $139 profit! This has been various sessions between november 2007 and July this year. I've played 3601 hands at €0.25/€0.50 for a profit of €530.41!! On Microgaming I played 1627 hands at €0.25/€0.50 for a profit of €348.94. Cant find anything else. Lol - why arent I playing at those levels (and higher) with results like that?
I believe you could make a good profit at higher stakes. You appear to be a great student (always trying to learn) and very disciplined. However, I don't know your financial situation so it's not for me to say. However, if you could have a shot at playing higher and losing it all wouldn't effect how you live (kids, wife etc) then why not go for it:unsure Nothing ventured, nothing gained:ok
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Re: GaF Pokerstars Video - 4 tabling NL10 If you want to work out something in the staking section for a roll of say 1000 with 10 stakers putting up 100 each returning 5% each of your profits each and you keeping 40% with remaining 10% added to roll count me in. Returns on a monthly basis for an indefinite period would be nice as I like the idea of retiring on the fruits of your labour:loon

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Re: GaF Pokerstars Video - 4 tabling NL10 I've made good profits from poker over the last few years, so could quite easily put, say $1000 down for a shot, without it changing anything in my life if I lose - so the finance isnt really the problem - I think it's confidence - I just dont want to lose (as opposed to dont want to lose the money). I think I once read somewhere that Bill Gates plays ridiculously low stakes for pretty much the same reasons. I think I hate the idea of losing money playing poker more than I like the idea of winning money playing poker .... if that makes sense. However I do quite like the staking option glceud has suggested - more than anything - to have someone else tell me what stakes to play!! To set the rules I play by. And hopefully to have some feedback on my play. Maybe something like (this is off the top of my head and would need some more thought before I went ahead with it) a 12 month deal on a $1000 staking - proportion of profits shared monthly. I commit to 10,000 hands per month minimum. Investors collectively decide what stakes I play at, what stop losses I play with, what bankroll rules are etc. I'd give all the HH's to those who invest in me, so hopefully getting feedback (coaching) there.... Anyway - that's further down the road .... I have a very good coaching staking to work through at the moment :)

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Re: GaF Pokerstars Video - 4 tabling NL10 FFS GaF (I'll be blunt ;)) you've raked up some pretty old shit here, it reminds of threads years ago where everyone was giving you the advice and you were the only one stubbornly saying no :wall However you have never said this before

I think I hate the idea of losing money playing poker more than I like the idea of winning money playing poker .... if that makes sense.
Which is not the mentality of a cash game player (or even a poker player period) I think you come from the school that believes poker is not gambling which has always been bollox of course but some people do believe it. If you are just playing for 'fun' (cue glceud headbangs) then why step up or why play cash at all??. You have to lose money and lots of it!! to play poker IMO and then it clicks and you get that money back... then you step up... rinse and repeat... If you hate the idea of losing money I'd say don't bother, as some people lose a few bags do not realise they are at the bottom of their curve and give up!! I haven't watched the video btw but I could have probably wrote the script before you filmed it :tongue2
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Re: GaF Pokerstars Video - 4 tabling NL10

I think you come from the school that believes poker is not gambling which has always been bollox of course but some people do believe it.
Think your mistaking poker from that omaha stuff you keep winning at.:eyes Having said that Omaha hi/lo's the only fun game left:wall
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