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Paradise Poker Tour


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Re: Paradise Poker Tour

Just found my Paradise alias with some ninja searching on here :ok As an aside i just looked up the Madrid info on their site and saw this: Dress Code Players will be required to wear a suit jacket while in the casino. Jackets will be available to rent for a fee of €30 refundable on return. Was this the same for Prague? It's about time i got myself a suit :lol
No sign of suits in Prague - just some dodgy underground casino :rollin Ah well, looks like I'll have to wear my work suit :\
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Re: Paradise Poker Tour You have to satellite in - there's a few €3 sats running every day, a couple of them re-buys and each sat the top 2 qualify. All in all to qualify for Madrid you only have to get past about 40ppl including the satellite so it's a pretty good shot. The final is a €30 re-buy tourn with usually less than 20ppl so at most a couple of re-buys and you can almost guarantee getting close then just hope to get some luck at the end but not sure how much i'm going to outlay trying to qualify, at the moment have spent about €90.

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Re: Paradise Poker Tour Got to Madrid late Friday night after a 2 hour flight delay :@ Then taxi to my hotel cost 65 euros :wall:wall Had a walk around yesterday morning, but tbh, there's not a lot to see where I am, so got a taxi the 5 minute drive to the casino about 1pm yesterday (another 20 euros :puke). Casino not open until 4pm, so walked to local shopping centre and had lunch and a couple of beers :D Then finally back to casino - really nice place, but staff could have told us a bit more about where things were. Finally found Paradise tournament in a dedicated room, with 25 tables of 10, plus free drinks :ok Had a steady start, dropping about 1500 chips over first hour or so, before I got QQ, raised and got 1 caller. K high flop, but I bet out again, and he called. We then checked to river, with my hand holding up against his draw. 10 minutes later got same hand again, this time 4 players to the flop which was 7h 4h 2h. I had Qh, but wasn't calling someone's pot bet, so back below 10k again. After first break, I call a raise with 88, to see a dream flop of 852 rainbow. I bet, and get called, bet the turn, and get called again. River brings a flush draw, but I'm committed by this stage, so push in my last 5k, which gets called and he insta-mucks when I show my set :nana:nana Then after another 10 mins, I raise UTG with AK, short stack shoves for about 4k and I call. He shows AT and gets no help, so am now up to 24k. Stay there through dinner (after 4 levels) - proper sit down job with waiters and free wine :clap:clap:clap. Shortly after dinner get moved to a new table - manage to keep my stack at same level with a few steals, before I get QQ again UTG. I raise 3x to 1800, next guy re-raises to 4.5k. I just call, hoping to avoid any A or K on the flop. Bingo - J high rainbow flop - I bet out about 7k, he pushes, I call. He has JJ :cry:cry Ah well, always next time :hope

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