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deadlydaveLDN's (latest) challenge


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Ok, my latest challenge is simple - to not play poker until 2010 :lol Hopefully after a few months off I'll come back a bit more motivated. I'll try and come up with a decent challenge in the meantime (I've got a couple of ideas), and I'm also going to use the time to sort myself out a much better computer setup, watch some more videos, read some more books etc.. I might also try to get a bit more involved in staking some people.

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Re: deadlydaveLDN's (latest) challenge That is a long time. From my personal experience i don't recommend taking even a month off anymore if you're looking to go back into it seriously afterwards. The reason is when i go back after a long break i make tons of really bad plays because i forget how other people play in situations so i call them down to see what they have or raise to see if it works again, whereas now i know exactly what's right and wrong as i've played a few months solidly. Reading books and videos are good in the meantime but nothing can replace action at the felt IMO.

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Re: deadlydaveLDN's (latest) challenge

That is a long time. From my personal experience i don't recommend taking even a month off anymore if you're looking to go back into it seriously afterwards. The reason is when i go back after a long break i make tons of really bad plays because i forget how other people play in situations so i call them down to see what they have or raise to see if it works again, whereas now i know exactly what's right and wrong as i've played a few months solidly. Reading books and videos are good in the meantime but nothing can replace action at the felt IMO.
These days, due to time constraints, I take about five months off every year. I can honestly say it really doesn't effect me. I think we're all different, I hate NLHE cash games, where's you and Dave love them. Perhaps that is why a break may effect you? NLHE cash is like a constant long game. Tournament play is pretty stop/start anyway. If that makes sense, dunno, maybe, maybe not. Know what is good for you, then act upon it. That is key.
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Re: deadlydaveLDN's (latest) challenge

Cash games are a totally different kettle of fish IMO.
That's what I meant, a break in play may affect a cash game player wheres it may no affect a tournament player. OR, it may just be a case of different mentalities. Some may be able to jump back in as if they never left, some may not. One thing I'm certain of however, no breaks throughout the year is good for no-one. When I was playing cash (PLHE live), it was long sessions and from time to time I felt pokered-out. I felt a break (two/three days) freshened my game up.
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Re: deadlydaveLDN's (latest) challenge I understand the point that it can be hard to get back into cash games after a break, but right now I have no motivation to play them. I was planning to just take a month off, but I'm on holiday for a month in late Dec/early Jan, so I feel like it's better to take time off until after that, rather than 2 month breaks. It may be after the break that I still don't feel like playing, or I want to switch my focus to MTTs, but I'm pretty sure I'll come back really psyched up + pretty sure I'll be playing profitable cash games again, even if I have to start at a lower level. NB : Although I say I'm going to play no poker, I'll probably play a couple of MTTs in the ECOOP and FTOPS, and possibly the odd live cash game. But I won't be touching the online cash grind.

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