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Manufacturing Winning Runs

billy the punter

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This is really a response to a couple of posts from Woodie and VoJ in the 2k threads. I didn't want to clog up their threads. Although a record can inspire you to play well you must take care in not manufacturing a winning run. By that I mean wanting too much to show a profit on a given day. When I first started playing full time I was obsessed with a winning run I notched up. It came immediately after leaving work and it was a 21 day winning run at the Vic's £100 cash game. I grinded losses back if I was behind and shut up shop when in front, really trying hard to keep it going. Why? It doesn't mean anything and it will affect your decisions to stay/leave a game. You will end up leaving a game because you're slightly in front and are fearing a loss, or you will stay in a bad game longer than you should in order to get level. It's probable the winning run I went actually cost me money, in fact I'm certain it did as I definitely left the game too early on many occaisions. Keeping record is imperative in all forms of gambling, but remember that is all they are, a record of your action. Don't be ruled by them. There ARE going to be losing days - end of. So maximise your winning days. This doesn't apply as much if you're a confidence/tilty player. If you feel you play better on the back of a winning session/day then there is an argument that manufacturing a winning run may not be as damaging.

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Re: Manufacturing Winning Runs Good thoughts BtP - I definitely think during the first few days of the 2m2k challenge I had in my mind that I must hit a daily target. Which looking back was a little stupid, as pre-challenge my 'gameplan' had never been to hit the daily figure - I was certain the only way I'd hit the 2k figure, with the bankroll restrictions, would be to post the 'occassional' bigger return. This method, by its nature, meant a lot of smaller losing days, offset by the bigger winning days - hopefully i've come to terms with that fact now.

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