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2m2k - GaFs Thread


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Re: 2m2k - GaFs Thread Cheers Dave - u2 :hope I've just posted this in VoJs thread :

I'm coming to the same conclusion - in spite of what I said before I think I will count it too. No-one else from Team Kent appears available to play tonight, and I am, so it'll probably be me - and I've just realised that if I'm focusing on that, I wont be playing all the other games I was thinking of playing.
It looks like the 18k staking may be a little delayed now, but the principal still holds up
I'll list everything I play though' date=' in this thread before I start :ok[/quote'] I've had a second thought on this too - the challenge isn't really competitive between the participants - just competitive with ourselves - so I dont view any "honesty" issues - I do have a small number of "secret" aliases that I keep to myself - and I've just realised that I may be playing on them over the month, so may not want to declare any winnings (or losses) - so I'll just post cumulative net daily results.
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Re: 2m2k - GaFs Thread Erm....just realised how it sounds :$ So for absolute clarity - I only have a "secret alias" on sites where I dont have a known alias!! I dont have more than 1 account on any skins (except where skins have merged).

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Re: 2m2k - GaFs Thread

Made some money on the DoN to finish $57.24 up on the night all in :)
I found an error in my spreadsheet, so need to reduce my claim for Day 1 to $48.89. Day 2 was not so good - $34.07 down on the day, leaving me $14.82 up overall.
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Re: 2m2k - GaFs Thread Day 3 (Yesterday) wasn't much good - didnt play much - just the PL HU League Games and the BTB. €11 ($16.18) down in the BTB (I was out before the add on break). I dont know what the Pokerstars buy in was :unsure Think it was $3+30c - having finished 1-1, that would leave me 60c down. Hopefully I can get on track this evening :hope

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Re: 2m2k - GaFs Thread Given up on my first target of the day :sad Trying to get 100 RH on SJ for the Sunday Roast - but came up way way way short - need to do it during the week I think..... I did finish $12.03 up though :) I spose I'd better get a move on with the Virgin RH now for VRoll :loon Was planning on playing VCMAT, Boyle no lose, Tonyg G Bike RIde tonight - but they're all iPoker arent they? Any thoughts on which offers best added value if I can only play one? (Afraid the Paddy Power freeroll - focus game - is 4th on the iPoker list)

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Re: 2m2k - GaFs Thread

Was planning on playing VCMAT' date=' Boyle no lose, Tonyg G Bike RIde tonight - but they're all iPoker arent they? Any thoughts on which offers best added value if I can only play one? (Afraid the Paddy Power freeroll - focus game - is 4th on the iPoker list)[/quote'] Had a quick look and Sunday Bike Ride is $1500 freeroll plus $300 bounty - so $1800 added value - just 133 in so far. It is "open to all TonyG depositing players" - so I've just deposited £20 ..... no ticket yet though (and live support not answering...)
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Re: 2m2k - GaFs Thread Probs a little bit against the rules mate... but if all you have to do is "stake $25" why not do $12.50 on red and $12.50 on black? ;) Obv. if you hit zero you've done $25 :lol but doing 5 x $5 spins you run the same risk?

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Re: 2m2k - GaFs Thread I didn't have enough money in my account :lol :lol (and nothing in Neteller and didnt want to deposit (again :wall) ) I had £5.50 - enough for the super series tomorrow - anyway the roulette was in GBP and I had to clear $25 - didnt know how that worked - seemed to vaguely recall that they did it as $25 = £25 for this promo :unsure - so I thought I'd do 50x bets of 50p on red ..... I got to 47 before I blew my bank - looks like I'll have to deposit again :lol :lol I dont really view it as against the rules - it's negative ev, I've kept it low variance (I.e. it's not a wild gamble to try and increase my bankroll) - it's simply using my poker bankroll to buy into a poker game :unsure

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Re: 2m2k - GaFs Thread A $4 profit for me tonight - but the real problem is volume - I'm looking for value added MTTs and that's just stifling me from getting the volume. Tonight I played just 3 games (the 9 I played on the first night just isnt sensible/profitable/feasible) - problem is - when I'm knocked out, I dont want to start up other games - mixing sites and mixing games just isnt good for my game!! I'm starting to think that I may need to forget MTTs and grind out DoNs instead to have any chance :unsure

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Re: 2m2k - GaFs Thread

A $4 profit for me tonight - but the real problem is volume - I'm looking for value added MTTs and that's just stifling me from getting the volume. Tonight I played just 3 games (the 9 I played on the first night just isnt sensible/profitable/feasible) - problem is - when I'm knocked out, I dont want to start up other games - mixing sites and mixing games just isnt good for my game!! I'm starting to think that I may need to forget MTTs and grind out DoNs instead to have any chance :unsure
Do they really need to be Value Added MTT's ? Your looking at an alternative of DoN's - wheres the added value in them :unsure - I can see no problem playing regular MTT's, although the problem I'm finding is the field sizes mean your looking at early morning if you final table - while thats not bad at the Weekends on 'School Nights' its not healthy, or condusive to giving yourself the best chance to cash. (Can you really make $1k per month grinding Low Stake DoN's ?)
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Re: 2m2k - GaFs Thread I believe that Value added MTTs are where I have an edge (i.e. a profit!) - I'm not convinced that I have an edge (profit) without value added :unsure I think $1k month on DoN's is obtainable. Lets assume I play Boss €5+50c ($7.35+73c) DoNs (I have played higher, profitably) and I play 3 hours per night during the week and 6 hours per day at the weekend (I've never done that kind of volume over a month, but it seems achievable to me!). I can reasonably comfortably play 10xDoNs an hour (6 tabling). That's about 1220 DoNs a month - I'll get $270 rakeback on that - plus inevitably on that volume some "rake race" winnings, but I'll ignore that in these calculations. So I need $730 from the games - that would mean I need to win 721 from the 1220 games - or 59.01% - definitely a number I can achieve! If we go up to €10+€1 games - then the rakeback is $538.23 and the rest can be made up by an ITM of 687/1220=56.3%. (and just for glceud, $1000 profit from 280 hours "work" is $3.57 per hour ;) )

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Re: 2m2k - GaFs Thread

Given up on my first target of the day :sad Trying to get 100 RH on SJ for the Sunday Roast - but came up way way way short - need to do it during the week I think..... I did finish $12.03 up though :)
Dont know what stakes you are playing at but the easiest way to get the 100 raked hands is short stacking the full ring bad beat tables. $20 buyin at table, are you allowed that in your bankroll management rules? $3.57 an hour I make at least $5:tongue2
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Re: 2m2k - GaFs Thread I have a cash game staking from Dave (Cash Game Staking/Coaching Offer ). For the purposes of 2M2K I will count games played in this as if I were playing with my own money - I view the challenge more as about achieving the level of profitability than achieving the cash flow.... I wont do the same with the Betfair 18k, where I will just count my net rewards. The reason I will treat this differently is because it is so far outside of the bankroll rules.

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Re: 2m2k - GaFs Thread

Can I ask what the theory is behind that? Dont you pay higher rake on the bad beat tables?
Apart from the fact there's never any non bad beat full ring tables at Prima:tongue2 The raked hands have to be raked for 25 cents ie $5 pot and the majority of hands are raked at the bad beat tables( you dont have to be in them) Yes the rake is higher but the standard of play is worse with all the muppets who actually think any suited connector is a potential bad beat and will draw to straight flushes accordingly. Are you allowed short stacking at 5% of bankroll?
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Re: 2m2k - GaFs Thread

Are you allowed short stacking at 5% of bankroll?
I dont know :lol :lol :lol To be honest - I havent considered bankroll in any of the games I've played - so could well be in breach :$ I've just been playing to my usual levels.
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