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What do I do next? (3,3)


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Hi Guys, Had an hour to kill earlier, couldn't find any MTT's and as I am still trying to play myself back into regular poker, I decided to have a little crack at a cash table on Virgin. Only bought in for $10 By the time I had to leave, I cashed out $29.20, not much I know, but a start. Anyways, this one hand is puzzling me, as I don't know how I should be playing it on a cash table, even at small stakes. What should I be doing next here? BB had slowed down for the previous 10 mins, only playing a couple of hands after losing $40 or so in the previous 20 mins. I'm pretty sure I have the best hand on the flop here, so what should I be doing next? ***** Hand 1794373258 ***** 0.05/0.10 Texas Hold'em (No Limit) - 30 September 2009 10:49:45 Turbo TH 259 (Real/Cash Game) Seat 1: ruleb79 (13.16) Seat 4: B (10.99) Seat 2: C (10.60) Seat 3: D (12.30) Seat 5: E (10.21) ruleb79 post SB 0.05 B post BB 0.10 ** Deal ** ruleb79 [3h, 3c] B [N/A, N/A] C [N/A, N/A] D [N/A, N/A] E [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** C Fold D Fold E Fold ruleb79 Raise to 0.30 B Call 0.30 *** Flop(Board): *** : [2d, Qc, 3d] *** Bet Round 2 *** ruleb79 Check B Bet 0.90 ruleb79 ????????

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Re: What do I do next? (3,3) I'd probably just go out and bet the flop, he's prob gonna raise you if he's got anything, and maybe as a bluff too. Check-raising is ok too, prob just raise to 2.50 or something, and he's stacking off with a Q all day long. Check-calling is the worst option, as you give him control of the pot size (as you're going to look pretty suspicious leading the turn after check-calling the flop)

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Re: What do I do next? (3,3) depends on how youve been playing really:unsure if youv'e been check raising a lot then maybe you can get some money out of it that way, but i'd usually bet out on the flop. usually at lower stakes a check raise is a sign of reasonable strength,you don't tend to see too many check raise bluffs so most people are fairly wary of a check raise.its okay on later streets when you can get them more pot commited but with a small pot its not worth it. you do however seem to get a lot of players willing to keep calling or to reraise with a lot worse hand than you have. so i would have bet out half to three quarters and see if i got some action. the fact that the villian is 4+buy ins down in 30 mins would suggest he's fairly loose(or unlucky). if the villan is very aggro then id be tempted to flat call on the flop and hopefully let him pot commit himself on the turn/river.

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Re: What do I do next? (3,3) I would have flung in a C bet on the flop to see what he did. I'm assuming at this stage you have him on AQ ? Raise to about $2, if he reraises push. Unless a Q hits on the turn, lead out next time around with about 50% of the pot

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Re: What do I do next? (3,3)

I'd probably just go out and bet the flop' date=' [/quote'] Interesting that all 3 replying so far have said they are leading out with a bet. Inexperience definitely showing with me checking there clearly.... Up until this point I had been fairly tight, probably due to not being a cash player and not knowing how to go about it. No, I have him on QJ, Q10 or Q9 as he would have almost certainly come over the top of my pre-flop raise with a K or an A. I am also wary he COULD be betting on a flush draw.
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Re: What do I do next? (3,3) On a rainbow board like that, checking the flop after raising pre just screams strength most of the time and any decent opponent will check behind. I like to cbet a lot and here is no exception as pre-flop aggressor.

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Re: What do I do next? (3,3) Check raising has way most value imo, if he has any piece of the board he'll bet and if he has air he might cbet too, it keeps the betting open so they can re-raise as bluff, semi-bluff or with a Q too. Leading out OOP they will mostly just call even with a Q and fold all their air which on this board is a huge part of their range. Jam on any turn card even a diamond, villains will call down with all sorts of random stuff i.e. will put you on the 1 hand they beat for whatever reason and you have equity vs a flush anyways.

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Re: What do I do next? (3,3) Alright n/m didn't see we raised first Pre. Checking here looks massively weak, villains will bet this flop all day long. The problem is if you c/c the flop villain will go hmmmmmm wtf can't bluff him off anything will shut down on the turn and river so c/c is no good. C/R is better than c/c as it can look like a semi-bluff so ppl will stack off lighter. Generally i'd go for just 3 barrelling this board as checking just makes things more awkward then they could be and we have a set, just go for value and bomb it up.

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Re: What do I do next? (3,3)

If you pot him on a queen then you have to lead out imo and if he calls then check and wait for him to pay you off.
If he has a Q he'll pay off 3 streets of bets but if checked to will likely check turn or river behind as people don't know value when it smacks them in the face so never check to let them bluff as they will only ever bluff 1 street.
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Re: What do I do next? (3,3) This is what happened next. Got to say, I reckon the subsequent fold is due to the way I played pf and the flop rather than the bet on the turn. This is why I was asking for opinions as I will definitely play this hand differently next time, especially in this sort of position where I have an opponent isolated HU. ***** Hand 1794373258 ***** 0.05/0.10 Texas Hold'em (No Limit) - 30 September 2009 10:49:45 Turbo TH 259 (Real/Cash Game) Seat 1: ruleb79 (13.16) Seat 4: B (10.99) Seat 2: C (10.60) Seat 3: D (12.30) Seat 5: E (10.21) ruleb79 post SB 0.05 B post BB 0.10 ** Deal ** ruleb79 [3h, 3c] B [N/A, N/A] C [N/A, N/A] D [N/A, N/A] E [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** C Fold D Fold E Fold ruleb79 Raise to 0.30 B Call 0.30 *** Flop(Board): *** : [2d, Qc, 3d] *** Bet Round 2 *** ruleb79 Check B Bet 0.90 ruleb79 Raise to 2.50 B Call 2.50 *** Turn(Board): *** : [2d, Qc, 3d, 8s] Ruleb79 Bet 3.00 B Fold

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Re: What do I do next? (3,3)

On a rainbow board like that, checking the flop after raising pre just screams strength most of the time and any decent opponent will check behind. I like to cbet a lot and here is no exception as pre-flop aggressor.
I'm c-betting here, and for the same reason as Banzai. You can't just c-bet when you miss or your opponents will get to realise that when you do it means nothing. When I flop trips I'm hoping my opponent has hit top pair and hits two pair or trips on the river. That way I have a chance of winning all his chips. You have to build the pot here. If he folds to your c-bet, bad luck.
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Re: What do I do next? (3,3)

If he has a Q he'll pay off 3 streets of bets but if checked to will likely check turn or river behind as people don't know value when it smacks them in the face so never check to let them bluff as they will only ever bluff 1 street.
i think in most circumstances vs good opposition your right nade:ok but at this level vs someone who is down 4 buyins in 20 mins i'd be prepared to check call the flop if i thought his line was, bet bet bet . a lot of times players like that see a call as weakness instead of strength and would just bet more:loon admittedly its all on your read of the player but someone down that much that quick would stand out as someone who like to throw their chips in. have you got the HH of b bets hands he lost on RB? be interesting to see how he lost those buyins.
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Re: What do I do next? (3,3) I have a very LAG image so I bet with nothing and similiarly when i have a monster to try and build the pot. It's frustrating if you bet out and they fold but that's life. In your case I think you played it well enough, you can't stack someone all the time:tongue2

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Re: What do I do next? (3,3) I would put in a 60-70% pot-sized cbet here most of the time, but it also depends alot on your table image, and how you've been playing the previous 10-20 hands. If you have a very loose table image and have been caught bluffing shortly before it might pay to make a larger cbet to lead your opponent to think you're bluffing, and check on the flop if you have a tight image to induce a probe bet or a bluff. To reiterate, really depends on the table conditions at that time, but if you want to be on the safe side leading out with a bet is the best option :)

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Re: What do I do next? (3,3)

have you got the HH of b bets hands he lost on RB? be interesting to see how he lost those buyins.
Can't find em mate, but one of them will be forever planted in my brain as the worst play I have ever witnessed. I had $9 and on BB and dealt Ah, Kc. He was first to act (with around $11) and led out with a pot size bet of $0.35. Folds round to the SB who has ($13), he raises to $0.70, I flat call and "player B" also calls. Pot is now $2.25. Flop comes, AK2 rainbow. I lead out with a $1 bet to which "player B" moves All in for $10 or so. SB quickly calls and I think christmas has come early, and call as well. Turn comes 4 and River was 7 I think..... SB flips Ac, Kh :lol "Player B" wishes he had auto muck on, as he genuinely believed his 88 was good enough on that flop. That's the way he lost most of the buy ins, believing that his hands were stronger than they actually were. Scary thing is, he was also playing on 25/50 tables :unsure
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Re: What do I do next? (3,3)

Can't find em mate, but one of them will be forever planted in my brain as the worst play I have ever witnessed. I had $9 and on BB and dealt Ah, Kc. He was first to act (with around $11) and led out with a pot size bet of $0.35. Folds round to the SB who has ($13), he raises to $0.70, I flat call and "player B" also calls. Pot is now $2.25. Flop comes, AK2 rainbow. I lead out with a $1 bet to which "player B" moves All in for $10 or so. SB quickly calls and I think christmas has come early, and call as well. Turn comes 4 and River was 7 I think..... SB flips Ac, Kh :lol "Player B" wishes he had auto muck on, as he genuinely believed his 88 was good enough on that flop. That's the way he lost most of the buy ins, believing that his hands were stronger than they actually were. Scary thing is, he was also playing on 25/50 tables :unsure
this is exactly what i meant:ok some players are just cash machines,okay sometimes they get lucky but they tend to lose buyin after buyin occasionally getting lucky every now and then. as long as you dont push the pot too much they tend to think your weak and they can bet you out :) even if he has nothing he'll probably try to bet you out right down to the river because he thinks he can, but because he's already been at it it's unlikely most people would fold but he hasn't quite worked that out yet(you'd think he would learn:eyes). so although you got your money out of him on the flop i think you would have got at least a bit more by letting him keep betting. the ak hand also goes to show that a smallish cont bet lead out works just as well if not better. a bad player sees it as weakness and a good player sees it as not ultra strong(like a check raise) so your more likely to get action either way:clap
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Re: What do I do next? (3,3)

Had another hour tonight' date=' and only made a $2.50 profit. :$:$:$[/quote'] $2.50 an hour isnt so bad at this level,if you could do this on a 50c/$1 table thats $25 an hour:dudenot to be sniffed at i'm sure you'll agree. oh and moved this to the cashy forum:ok
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Re: What do I do next? (3,3) Amazingly was sat with the same player tonight..... He hung himself after just 3 hands and never bothered buying in again. ***** Hand 1799582834 ***** 0.05/0.10 Texas Hold'em (No Limit) - 03 October 2009 17:43:08 Turbo TH 27 (Real/Cash Game) Seat 3: BOB 1 (2.63) Seat 5: ruleb79 (9.60) Seat 1: BOB 2 (4.63) Seat 4: Villain (9.09) Seat 2: BOB 3 (8.11) BOB 1 post SB 0.05 Villain post BB 0.10 ** Deal ** BOB 1 [N/A, N/A] ruleb79 [As, Ac] BOB 2 [N/A, N/A] Villain [N/A, N/A] BOB 3 [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** ruleb79 Raise to 0.50 BOB 2 Fold BOB 3 Fold BOB 1 Fold Villain Raise to 1.00 ruleb79 Call 1.00 *** Flop(Board): *** : [Qs, Ad, 9h] *** Bet Round 2 *** Villain Bet 1.02 ruleb79 Raise to 2.04 Villain All-in 8.09 ruleb79 Call 8.09 *** Turn(Board): *** : [Qs, Ad, 9h, Qc] *** River(Board): *** : [Qs, Ad, 9h, Qc, 5s] *** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.91 Total Pot: 17.32 BOB 1 Fold Win: 0.00 ruleb79 [As, Ac] Full house Win: 17.32 BOB 2 Fold Win: 0.00 Villain [3s, 3d] Two pair queens and threes Win: 0.00 BOB 3 Fold Win: 0.00

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Re: What do I do next? (3,3) rake is the precentage of the pot the company takes (they gotta make some money somewhere:)) its usually about 5% of the pot but only take up to a max of $3-5 ,which of course favours those playing higher up:ok this is why rake back schemes are very important ,if you can get 30% of your rake back from a whole month it can run to quite a bit of moola if you play a lot:loon

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