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My first ever live game - Day 1b of the WSOPE ME... NOW IN DAY 2


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Re: My first ever live game - Day 1b of the WSOPE ME... NOW IN DAY 2 This is bringing back memories of runadrum in the Aussie Millions - sat here clicking refresh - I'm sure it's more nerve racking for us with little news than it actually is for the player :tongue2

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Re: My first ever live game - Day 1b of the WSOPE ME... NOW IN DAY 2 Hell of a table that Hellmuth was on when he busted out Seat 1: Lubor Dedic - 68,200 Seat 2: Laurence Houghton - 74,200 Seat 3: Antonio Esfandiari - 132,500 Seat 4: Thomas McCormick - 22,400 Seat 5: Thomas Bichon - 100,100 Seat 6: Doyle Brunson - 131,500 Seat 7: Nadeem Riaz - 45,200 Seat 8: Phil Hellmuths ghost - 0 Seat 9: Jonathan Aguiar -- 149,700

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Re: My first ever live game - Day 1b of the WSOPE ME... NOW IN DAY 2 I hope he's been moved :hope Chip Counts Five tables remain in the adjoining cardroom: Yevgeniy Timoshenko -- 26,000 Christer Johansson -- 38,000 Wooka Kim -- 45,000 Erik Friberg -- 36,000 John Kabbaj -- 92,000 Markus Golser -- 76,000 Devilfish -- 80,000 Dennis Phillips -- 19,000 James Akenhead -- 98,000 John Juanda -- 23,000 Jonathan Plens -- 8,000 Andre Akkari -- 54,000 Sam Trickett -- 44,000 Fabrizio Baldassari -- 60,000 Andrew Chen -- 49,000 Matt Hawrilenko -- 67,000 Men Nguyen -- 42,000 Justin Smith -- 42,000 Tommy Pavlicek -- 212,000 No sign of Mick :unsure

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Re: My first ever live game - Day 1b of the WSOPE ME... NOW IN DAY 2 Best of luck:hope, hopefully their will be a live feed for the final table like last year. if i remember Chris Elliot was playing his first live mtt last year and made the last nine so hopefully a case of dejavu:hope

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Re: My first ever live game - Day 1b of the WSOPE ME... NOW IN DAY 2

Best of luck:hope, hopefully their will be a live feed for the final table like last year. if i remember Chris Elliot was playing his first live mtt last year and made the last nine so hopefully a case of dejavu:hope
Yeah, he had the iridescent shades on didn't he? :hope for similar run for Mick
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Re: My first ever live game - Day 1b of the WSOPE ME... NOW IN DAY 2 :sad Chapman Assassinated Michael Chapman is busto after getting his last in with qc.gifqd.gif, the board reading ks.gif8d.gif10s.gif2h.gif. Jonathan Reynolds had him thoroughly beaten with ac.gifkc.gif though, and the as.gif on the river was the final nail in Chapman's tournament coffin.

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Re: My first ever live game - Day 1b of the WSOPE ME... NOW IN DAY 2 Chapman Assassinated Michael Chapman is busto after getting his last in with qc.gifqd.gif, the board reading ks.gif8d.gif10s.gif2h.gif. Jonathan Reynolds had him thoroughly beaten with ac.gifkc.gif though, and the as.gif on the river was the final nail in Chapman's tournament coffin.

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Re: My first ever live game - Day 1b of the WSOPE ME... NOW IN DAY 2 Hi all, thankyou so much for the support, absolutely gutted at the moment but just popped back to the hotel to post on here and I see you already know I'm gone. Everyone is telling me I played the last hand correctly but I dunno, I had 26k or so and UTG raised to 2,400, Reynolds called from mid position, and all folded round to me in the BB, I look down to see QQ and make it 7k to go, UTG folds and Reynolds thought about it for a minute before calling. The flop came K 8 4 rainbow which obviously I didn't like but had felt I needed to play it strong and threw out a 7k bet, Reynolds tanked for a good 4-5 mins before calling, the turn came 10s, I didn't think he had a K at this point because of the time he took, I had 10,900 left and decided if he had it then so be it but I needed this pot to stand a chance and shoved the rest on the turn, Reynolds again tanked for about 4 mins before calling and flipping over the AK. Even Devilfish asked why the heck he took so long to think about it and thought he had JJ, to be fair to him I tried to play it like AA and maybe he needed to decide if I had it but he had me well covered so I feel he should have called the last 11k especially alot sooner, not to worry I just shook his hand, said 'nice hand' and wished everyone luck. What an amazing time I had but I'm pretty devastated that I hung myself like that and am now going back to the casino to get drunk. :cheers Mick

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