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Betfair Points - Official Player Declarations - Closing 6pm Wednesday!


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I've had two reports from Betfair now, and both seem to be quite a long way from reporting what we need. My fear is that we get to the end of the month (or closing stages) and we arent in a position to report winners/leaders. I feel I need to work on a contingency to ensure we are ready. The only way I can think of is to ask players to "self report" their Betfair Points, honestly and completely for the period in question, with a screen print. When the report comes through from Betfair, I will of course verify all player declarations. If the reports from Betfair dont come through before the end of the month, then I will use the player declarations. (If I deem anyone to be willfully misdeclaring, then I will boot them out of the competition ;) ) If anyone is uncomfortable displaying this information, you can PM it to me if you prefer. If you dont want to do that either, then please tell me and we can see what we can work out that satisfies us both :ok I'd ask all players, from all teams to post their screenshot or PM me please. Obviously I'll need updates too (teams who max out, wont need to provide updates once we know they've maxed out). I will keep a summary in this post of the thread. I'll get us started. We're interested in 26th August to the present. f_3hy8lw14b5im_6783896.gif

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Re: Betfair Points - Official Player Declarations I may well put deadlines on when points need to be claimed by, after which they wont count (I need to "encourage" everyone to post). Obviously people who are not about at the moment, there wont be a problem giving them extra time. However people about now, who arent about when the deadline is published wont be given the same grace - so if you're going offline at all for more than a few days, then please post before your break.....

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Re: Betfair Points - Official Player Declarations Cheers ooblio and rivrd :ok aldric - if you click the "download to spreadsheet" option, can you easily delete the sports betting options, then post whats left (the poker)? I prefer the screenshots from everyone else (less likely to be errors), however will accept the spreadsheet option where this isn't practical.

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Re: Betfair Points - Official Player Declarations

>Betfair Points scheme explained 1 - 22 of 22 Records
DateDescriptionPointsBP Balance
19-Sep-2009Points from Poker Tournament Games 3162
18-Sep-2009Points from Poker Tournament Games 20159
17-Sep-2009Points from Poker Cash Games 3139
17-Sep-2009Points from Poker Tournament Games 15136
16-Sep-2009Points from Poker Tournament Games 15121
15-Sep-2009Points from Poker Tournament Games 25106
14-Sep-2009Weekly decay 15% -1581
14-Sep-2009Points from Poker Tournament Games 096
13-Sep-2009Points from Poker Tournament Games 596
10-Sep-2009Points from Poker Tournament Games 1291
07-Sep-2009Weekly decay 15% -1579
07-Sep-2009Points from Poker Tournament Games 2794
06-Sep-2009Points from Poker Tournament Games 067
05-Sep-2009Points from Poker Tournament Games 667
04-Sep-2009Points from Poker Tournament Games 661
03-Sep-2009Points from Poker Cash Games 055
03-Sep-2009Points from Poker Tournament Games 1255
02-Sep-2009Points from Poker Tournament Games 3043
01-Sep-2009Points from Poker Cash Games 113
01-Sep-2009Points from Poker Tournament Games 1212
31-Aug-2009Weekly decay 15% 00
24-Aug-2009Weekly decay 15% 00
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Re: Betfair Points - Official Player Declarations I'm confused by this. Why do we need individual totals? I thought it was about team points? I suppose I really should read the original posts more, rules etc. Here are mine anyway.... 26/8 - 846 27/8 - 2093 28/8 - 2721 29/8 - 831 30/8 - 232 31/1 - 519 1/9 - 239 2/9 - 314 3/9 - 496 5/9 - 1973 6/9 - 239 7/9 - 1005 8/9 - 802 9/9 - 516 10/9 - 463 11/9 - 650 12/9 - 536 14/9 - 485 15/9 - 297 16/9 - 248 17/9 - 775 18/9 - 217

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Re: Betfair Points - Official Player Declarations I'm after individual totals solely so that I can calculate the team totals. It is a contingency so that we can award the prizes at the end of the month, even if we dont get the data needed from Betfair in time. (The tournament ends on 30th September, and the first prize will be played 1st October, so there wont be time to collate the information at the end!) Having said that, I've just had an email from John seeking some clarification on exactly what we're looking for in the report - which is good news :ok So I'm getting my hopes up again that we'll get the data from Betfair :ok (I'm just replying - so wont be updating this thread immediately)

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Re: Betfair Points - Official Player Declarations

I'm after individual totals solely so that I can calculate the team totals. It is a contingency so that we can award the prizes at the end of the month, even if we dont get the data needed from Betfair in time. (The tournament ends on 30th September, and the first prize will be played 1st October, so there wont be time to collate the information at the end!) Having said that, I've just had an email from John seeking some clarification on exactly what we're looking for in the report - which is good news :ok So I'm getting my hopes up again that we'll get the data from Betfair :ok (I'm just replying - so wont be updating this thread immediately)
Gotcha. :ok
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Re: Betfair Points - Official Player Declarations

31-Aug-2009 Points from Poker Tournament Games 47 1,874
30-Aug-2009 Points from Poker Tournament Games 39 1,827
29-Aug-2009 Points from Poker Cash Games 49 1,788
29-Aug-2009 Points from Poker Tournament Games 30 1,739
28-Aug-2009 Points from Poker Tournament Games 288 1,709
27-Aug-2009 Points from Poker Cash Games 41 1,421
27-Aug-2009 Points from Poker Tournament Games 244 1,380
26-Aug-2009 Points from Poker Tournament Games 261 1,136
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Re: Betfair Points - Official Player Declarations

Date Description Points
19-Sep-09 Points from Poker Cash Games 10
19-Sep-09 Points from Poker Tournament Games 24
18-Sep-09 Points from Poker Cash Games 18
18-Sep-09 Points from Poker Tournament Games 18
17-Sep-09 Points from Poker Cash Games 8
16-Sep-09 Points from Poker Cash Games 11
16-Sep-09 Points from Poker Tournament Games 9
15-Sep-09 Points from Poker Cash Games 8
15-Sep-09 Points from Poker Tournament Games 15
14-Sep-09 Points from Poker Tournament Games 5
12-Sep-09 Points from Poker Cash Games 4
12-Sep-09 Points from Poker Tournament Games 11
10-Sep-09 Points from Poker Cash Games 7
09-Sep-09 Points from Poker Cash Games 5
08-Sep-09 Points from Poker Cash Games 9
07-Sep-09 Points from Poker Cash Games 11
05-Sep-09 Points from Poker Cash Games 6
05-Sep-09 Points from Poker Tournament Games 6
04-Sep-09 Points from Poker Cash Games 9
03-Sep-09 Points from Poker Cash Games 6
02-Sep-09 Points from Poker Cash Games 3
02-Sep-09 Points from Poker Tournament Games 6
01-Sep-09 Points from Poker Cash Games 12
01-Sep-09 Points from Poker Tournament Games 6
31-Aug-09 Points from Poker Cash Games 31
30-Aug-09 Points from Poker Cash Games 13
30-Aug-09 Points from Poker Tournament Games 6
29-Aug-09 Points from Poker Cash Games 9
28-Aug-09 Points from Poker Cash Games 69
28-Aug-09 Points from Poker Tournament Games 12
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