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Retarded calls


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I simply don't have words for the level of stupidity that some people display in double or nothing games. Seen a few recently, but felt compelled to post this They sensibly check it to the river, and then get into a betting frenzy; fair enough for Polo he has the nuts and should play, but there are all manner of hands that are beating Vickypieter here. second bottom set is no hand to hang yourself on. Key point is dollar has 255 chips after posting the ante, around 1 x BB and he's coming up to the blinds. They are almost 100% certain to cash, but Vicky throws away the money. Had this happen to me yesterday when I cashed with 400 chips after two big stacks went all in preflop at the end. :lol Standard in these games is worse then before I reckon.

*********** # 1 ************** PokerStars Game #32862717898: Tournament #195587771, $5.00+$0.20 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level VI (100/200) - 2009/09/15 5:09:33 ET Table '195587771 1' 10-max Seat #6 is the button Seat 3: Rustambul (5835 in chips) Seat 4: Polo181279 (2175 in chips) Seat 6: dollar5784 (275 in chips) Seat 8: asjohnstone (3255 in chips) Seat 9: vickypieter (2005 in chips) Seat 10: zhouzhongjie (1455 in chips) Rustambul: posts the ante 20 Polo181279: posts the ante 20 dollar5784: posts the ante 20 asjohnstone: posts the ante 20 vickypieter: posts the ante 20 zhouzhongjie: posts the ante 20 asjohnstone: posts small blind 100 vickypieter: posts big blind 200 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to asjohnstone [5d 8s] zhouzhongjie: folds Rustambul: folds Polo181279: calls 200 dollar5784: folds asjohnstone: folds vickypieter: checks *** FLOP *** [2h Th 4d] vickypieter: checks Polo181279: checks *** TURN *** [2h Th 4d] [Ac] vickypieter: checks Polo181279: checks *** RIVER *** [2h Th 4d Ac] [Kd] vickypieter: bets 200 Polo181279: raises 200 to 400 vickypieter: raises 200 to 600 Polo181279: raises 1355 to 1955 and is all-in vickypieter: calls 1185 and is all-in Uncalled bet (170) returned to Polo181279 *** SHOW DOWN *** Polo181279: shows [Jc Qs] (a straight, Ten to Ace) vickypieter: shows [4c 4s] (three of a kind, Fours) Polo181279 collected 4190 from pot
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Re: Retarded calls

There's a guy with 255 chips. It's a bubble on a double or nothing. i'd have folded pocket tens on that flop if I'd faced a bet. It's fundamental ICM. People consistantly display zero situational knowledge.
I mis-counted, thought there was 7 left :sad Still, amazing the amount of times you see this, where players get so caught up in it that they forget where they are at. Whether it is "retarded" or not is up for debate IMO. Not clever ... yes.
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Re: Retarded calls

You should get out into the real world from time to time.
Tried it, didn't like it. look, have i offened you in some way here ? I don't use the word in any way to reference down syndrome or anything. Really wasn't what I meant, just thought it was a dreadful play. If I've upset you, I didn't mean it. Sorry.
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Re: Retarded calls

Tried it, didn't like it. look, have i offened you in some way here ? I don't use the word in any way to reference down syndrome or anything. Really wasn't what I meant, just thought it was a dreadful play. If I've upset you, I didn't mean it. Sorry.
Not offended, just think its a slightly stronger word than is needed to describe a play in a game of cards. Stupid, dumbass or idiotic would suffice:ok
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Re: Retarded calls I think the following hand is the worst call I've ever seen, and will be tough to beat. The guy had 4-bet me a couple of times and I was just waiting for a hand to get all-in with. Grabbed by Holdem Manager NL Holdem $0.50(BB) Replayer Hero ($67.25) SB ($92.85) Dealt to Hero Jclub.gif Jheart.gif SB raises to $1.50, Hero raises to $5, SB raises to $15.50, Hero raises to $67.25 (AI), SB calls $51.75 FLOP ($134) 5heart.gif 5club.gif Qdiamond.gif TURN ($134) 5heart.gif 5club.gif Qdiamond.gif 8spade.gif RIVER ($134) 5heart.gif 5club.gif Qdiamond.gif 8spade.gif Kspade.gif Hero shows Jclub.gif Jheart.gif (Pre 83%, Flop 94.2%, Turn 100.0%) SB shows 4heart.gif 3spade.gif (Pre 17%, Flop 5.8%, Turn 0.0%) Hero wins $134

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