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How is your HUD set up?


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(If you have a HUD of course) I've been playing Heads Up mostly, so this has a lot more info that my standard set up. hud.jpg Name/VPIP/PFR/3bet/Fold to 3bet/4 Bet SB VPIP/SB PFR/BB VPIP/BB PFR C-Bet/Fold to C-Bet/Turn C-Bet/Check Raise/Number Of Hands Donk Bet/Fold Donk Bet to raise/Fold vs Donk Bet Don't really use the last row all that much, and I think I need to add Fold to C-Bet in 3-bet pots. Anyone have any stats that they use and couldn't live without?

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Re: How is your HUD set up? My HUDs not as I want it and not working for me - I need to work on it and get it right - the problem is that I go through phases, and never seem to sort out the HUD during a current fad (I'm back on DoNs again now) - I also switch between PT3 and HEM a lot now - HEM for Betfair - PT3 for Boss (Cash only), which doesn't help me. I dont look much beyond VPIP/PFR/AttToStl/FoldToStl - but know I have to!!

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Re: How is your HUD set up? This is mine atm, the only other main stats i look at are cbet flop cbet turn but they're easy to look at when needed in the pop-up. Colour coded some of the stats so the higher (aggro/strange) are in red and the low numbers (nits) are in green so its easy to scan across when playing 6 or 8 tables. I took this screenshot a few weeks ago so i'm sure i've lowered the green threshold to below 15 VPIP since. Just small and simple really. Like me :ok ftp1.jpg

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Re: How is your HUD set up? The red and gold on the cards is a lot brighter than it's come out in that pic so they look awesome IRL. Don't know if you're being sarcastic about the seat selection but i jus jumped on any random table to take the screenshot for a mate to show them my set up :lol It looks a pretty bad table apart from the guy UTG depending on his stack size ... The stats i like most are fold to turn cbet and turn cbet, just look at opponents stats for these two areas and you find 8/10 times there's big opportunity to exploit people for example pick the next 10 random people in your cash game i'm certain 8/10 will have a lot bigger flop cbet then turn cbet, sometimes even 70% flop and 35% turn, i see this from regs every day and it's massively exploitable.

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Re: How is your HUD set up?

The red and gold on the cards is a lot brighter than it's come out in that pic so they look awesome IRL. Don't know if you're being sarcastic about the seat selection but i jus jumped on any random table to take the screenshot for a mate to show them my set up :lol It looks a pretty bad table apart from the guy UTG depending on his stack size ... The stats i like most are fold to turn cbet and turn cbet, just look at opponents stats for these two areas and you find 8/10 times there's big opportunity to exploit people for example pick the next 10 random people in your cash game i'm certain 8/10 will have a lot bigger flop cbet then turn cbet, sometimes even 70% flop and 35% turn, i see this from regs every day and it's massively exploitable.
Re Seat Selection : Talking about seat selection rather than table selection, there's clearly better tables out there. You've got position on the 2 regs (who I assume are decent) and a complete nit to your left. Pretty good I would say, not being sarcastic. Of course you didn't actually select the seat so my point is a bit invalid. Hadn't actually considered putting fold to turn c-bet, but definitely seems like a useful stat which I will consider adding :ok
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Re: How is your HUD set up? I see what you're saying it is a pretty good seat in that respect but as you say there are a lot better tables out there which is why i'd normally not think this is a very good table to be sat at (too many regs and shortstacker).

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