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Weekly PL Cash Game?


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Anyone interested in a weekly PL Cash game? Would be micro stakes ($0.02/$0.05 or $0.05/$0.10), which is obviously below what some people play but would enable everyone to play, and would be fine as long as everyone played their "A-game". Probably find a site where we can set up private tables and set up 4 6-max tables (would allow plenty of people to play, or multi tablers), play every Monday evening for a few hours. Hopefully would stimulate some excellent discussion in here too, as we'd be able to discuss hands from the perspective of all players involved in the hand. Anyone interested?

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Re: Weekly PL Cash Game? Yes - I'd be interested - so long as I felt it was educational :ok I'd quite like somewhere we could all upload our hand histories so we could watch the tables back and really learn about whats going on at the tables (maybe pokerxfactor has the technology to let us do that?) - as we came to understand one another better week on week, we'd have to really start increasing the depth at which we think and trying different things.

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Re: Weekly PL Cash Game? Good Idea - Just 2 to requests 1. Not IPoker - as I can't get a bloody signal on there 2. Providing we don't get 'experts' giving the WTF and berating players for what they would consider less than optimal moves - (is that OK Tom ?) ;) even if they lose their whole stack to the 72o call-all-in which hits the Full House on the river

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Re: Weekly PL Cash Game?

Will people play their "A" game at these stakes? Saying you will and actually doing so are two different things.
I think at these stakes normally people might not take it seriously if it's below what they normally play. However, when you know the people you're playing against it's a lot more likely that people will not want to be seen playing badly. Plus a lot of people either play micro stakes anyway, or don't really play cash at all.
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Re: Weekly PL Cash Game?

maybe have two games. one micro stakes and one 0.25/0.50 or .50/1.00 depending on what's agreed?
If that's the case, might be better to stagger them (say the NL10 between 6pm and 8pm and NL50 between 8pm and 10pm)
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