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Official: Worst Beat Ever

billy the punter

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Forget all the bad beats stories, this tops them all. Live SnG and we're on the bubble. Blinds 100/200. In in BB with JJ. Folded to SB who calls. I raise 400. He calls. Flop 67J rainbow :nana SB bets 1200. I move in for 1900. He has about 900 left so has to call my 700 raise. On their backs... Him 86 Me JJ Turn 67J6 :nana River 67J66 :cry Runner runner quads, the biggest beat you can get. I would have gone mad at the dealer but couldn't - it was me! A pal of mine organised a tournament, I went to support him, and the SnG's were only small money for those knocked out the tournament. Thankfully it was only a £20 buy-in at stake.

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Re: Official: Worst Beat Ever

95% fav' date='[/quote'] There are runner runner straight options too, and maybe runner runner flushes too - coming out at 91% for me - 1 in 11. Those odds are short enough, they could almost be the same as the odds of the favourite winning the national ...... nothing exceptional.... Text results appended to pokerstove.txt 990 games 0.017 secs 58,235 games/sec Board: 6c 7d Jd Dead: equity win tie pots won pots tied Hand 0: 09.192% 09.19% 00.00% 91 0.00 { 8c6d } Hand 1: 90.808% 90.81% 00.00% 899 0.00 { JhJs }
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Re: Official: Worst Beat Ever

Gaf - if runner runner quads isn't exceptional then you are playing with a crooked dealer. :rollin
So if he'd won with runner runner straight? or runner runner flush, then it wouldn't have been as bad? :unsure Surely once the money is in the middle, it's win or lose - the specific hand that beats you doesn't matter.... What if it was 50/50 when the money went in (it wasnt in this case I know), but you lose to runner runner quads instead of something else that would have beat you - is that as bad? :unsure
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Re: Official: Worst Beat Ever

So if he'd won with runner runner straight? or runner runner flush, then it wouldn't have been as bad? :unsure Surely once the money is in the middle, it's win or lose - the specific hand that beats you doesn't matter.... What if it was 50/50 when the money went in (it wasnt in this case I know), but you lose to runner runner quads instead of something else that would have beat you - is that as bad? :unsure
Whatever you say mate, it wasn't a bad beat. I don't really understand this poker lark.
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Re: Official: Worst Beat Ever

Whatever you say mate' date=' it wasn't a bad beat.[/quote'] I didn't say it wasn't a bad beat (though if pushed you could probably get that out of me, :tongue2 though I know I'm in the minority there) - however the title of the thread is "Official: Worst Beat Ever" - and I'm sorry - being a 91% favourite isn't the worst bad beat ever - it's not even close. I am sure I lose hands every day where I put the money in as a 91% favourite. That's poker. It's nothing out of the ordinary. I don't know why I came to this thread (I spose I came because I knew it was highly improbable that it really was the "worst beat ever") - I'd usually just ignore a thread with such a title, but as I'm sure many will testify - my views were predictable and I've expressed them many times before to many people in many threads on here - so please, dont take my views personally!
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Re: Official: Worst Beat Ever

I didn't say it wasn't a bad beat (though if pushed you could probably get that out of me, :tongue2 though I know I'm in the minority there) - however the title of the thread is "Official: Worst Beat Ever" - and I'm sorry - being a 91% favourite isn't the worst bad beat ever - it's not even close. I am sure I lose hands every day where I put the money in as a 91% favourite. That's poker. It's nothing out of the ordinary. I don't know why I came to this thread (I spose I came because I knew it was highly improbable that it really was the "worst beat ever") - I'd usually just ignore a thread with such a title, but as I'm sure many will testify - my views were predictable and I've expressed them many times before to many people in many threads on here - so please, dont take my views personally!
I think I posted somewhere a hand where I completely and utterly mis-read the play and got it badly badlywrong and shoved. I was sitting with 7s 7d on a xc xc 5c board. I go AI for some reason and villain turns over A7c for a Nut Flush. I then hit a 5 on the turn, with the remaining 7 on the river. Took a lot of abuse for it as well. The other player was NOT amused.
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Re: Official: Worst Beat Ever

I didn't say it wasn't a bad beat (though if pushed you could probably get that out of me, :tongue2 though I know I'm in the minority there) - however the title of the thread is "Official: Worst Beat Ever" - and I'm sorry - being a 91% favourite isn't the worst bad beat ever - it's not even close. I am sure I lose hands every day where I put the money in as a 91% favourite. That's poker. It's nothing out of the ordinary. I don't know why I came to this thread (I spose I came because I knew it was highly improbable that it really was the "worst beat ever") - I'd usually just ignore a thread with such a title, but as I'm sure many will testify - my views were predictable and I've expressed them many times before to many people in many threads on here - so please, dont take my views personally!
I really do think you missed the whole 'spirit' of the original post. It wasn't a serious poker thread which invited discussion. Like I explained, it was a fun game, for small money and I was the dealer. I just felt the manner of the hand was sick. It was a one-outer after all, I mean the odds on turning a house and then losing to one-outer quads is pretty amazing and definitely a story you tell. Runner runner quads is the biggest beat you can get, against a made hand on the flop obviously, I understand that the straight possibilities in this hand made things different. And don't worry I do not take your comments personally, I'm a big boy and have been playing big boy's poker games for some time. I've seen it all (as I know you have), all levels of stakes and all levels of players. I just wish there could be a few funs threads of tales without the constant quest for one upmanship in their replies. I really think it's best to save the over-competitive stuff for the tables. Good luck. :ok
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Re: Official: Worst Beat Ever Chip leader in 5000 gtd MTT... got 13500...59 players left in the BB...blinds are 100/200 I have KK. all folds late position raise to 600 sb calls and has 10k I reraise to 2600 raiser folds sb thinks for ages and calls flop 2 4 6 rainbow sb bets 1200, i think he might be on high cards or pair like 88 99 I reraise to 3500, sb reraises all in I call SB shows 4 6 W T F I know not the worst of the worst of bad beats but just the situation of calling nearly a 1/3 of ur stack out of position vs chip leader with 46 off suit was just rediculous!

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Re: Official: Worst Beat Ever I think the worst badbeat ive inflickted on somebodyelse...well not so much the beat just the amount of money we were playing for.... Playing $5/$10 cash KJ on the button....I have around $1500 if i remember correctly 2 callers for $10 then to a loose agressive player to my right raises it to $75, I call everybodyelse folds. Flop A Q 10 rainbow....nut straight. KAAABOOM!! Raiser bets $200, I re pop to $400 hoping hes got AK or something as he would reraise me again. He reraises me ALL IN as hes got me covered by about $800. Instant call by me. He turns over AA. Im praying right now for no paired board. Cant remember the turn... J on the river, and for a split second I thought it was a queen but my straight held up. Anyway thats the most ive won in a single hand..was about $3000+. :)

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