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Hypothetical WWYD

billy the punter

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Re: Hypothetical WWYD fold for me too:ok i had the same sort of situation in a ftops limit hilo super sat the other night. i had 3k, limit was 1000/2000 and i got dealt aa25 double suited. there were about 15 people below me with 5 to go till the seat,i was on the button so had at least 2 revolutions left before i'd be all in and i knew at least 10 of those below me would be all in in the next 8 hands.i folded and qualied easily:) the fact that the big stack is the one pushing and the shorty is on the bb should make it an even easier fold. on a side note i dont like daves bet here.your giving toms bb a little protection.he has to go all in within the next 10 hands or so and id guess he'd want that hu ,so he may call here with a hand. also one of the other players may call the bet.say you did with your aces and they did hold up,what a monumental fook up that would be:tongue2 at most id be betting 2000 and if one of the other big stacks wanted in on the hand so be it,i would much rather be checking down a hand losing 2000 chips but making sure tom didnt win the hand.technically its better for the bigger stacks to gang up on the shorties not each other ,so thats what i'd be doing.

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Re: Hypothetical WWYD

Why ? It's a sat tourney, top 5 go through. Why would you want to risk it ? The maths don't remotely support a call in these circumstances
I missed the "SAT" bit, I thought was just the "bubble so to speak". So yeah, easy fold here with the stacks still in your favour for going through.
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Re: Hypothetical WWYD Yes it IS an auto-fold. But that doesn't mean that most will fold the hand. The majority of players will call here and I also think that even a few PL's would've initially answered "call" had they not time to think about the situation or read some already informative answers. IMO over 90% of players in internet land call here, it's just an auto-response. I wouldn't and many of you wouldn't but plenty would auto-call just because it's aces. I played a sat last night at the player called (in almost an exact situation) with AK. Which is so bad. And with 7 left a player in 3rd reraised (committed) a big stack with ATx, and lost. So you really think average Joes are folding AA here? :loon Plenty of players have no idea to adapt to certain situations which is something we all need to take into consideration. Just because we know this is a fold it's wrong to assume that everyone else knows it too. In so many of these posts people answer the question as if they were the villian, or that the villian is of reasonable standard - that is incorrect.

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Re: Hypothetical WWYD

I might be wrong, but I genuinely think the vast majority on here would fold in that situation. It's obviously good to hear that there are people out there who have no idea of the dynamics of a satellite bubble though :D
Indeed. I suppose its impossible to tell really, but two from two in similar situations last night, with weaker hands too - AK and AT. And it's something I've seen a lot of in sats over the years. Players just don't realise they need to switch off when comfortable.
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Re: Hypothetical WWYD As I said above, I didn't analyse the actual details of the tourney, ie 6 left in a 5gtd satellite, So on first look it was insta call, but when looking closer, it is definitely insta fold. If I was playing the tourney, I would have been aware of such, so to call an AI raise by the big stack in this situation would not be in my mind at all, if anything he is the one stack Im avoiding more than any other.

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Re: Hypothetical WWYD Ok how about this..lets say you are John, but are now sitting behind Dave. Your stack is 2500, he moves all in...you have aa. Do you take this opportunity to try and move into a really comfortable spot or assume Tom is going to drop to 1600 assuming he folds, and therefore take your chances that he'll be forced to push at a later stage with hopefully marginal holdings?

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Re: Hypothetical WWYD

Ok how about this..lets say you are John' date=' but are now sitting behind Dave. Your stack is 2500, he moves all in...you have aa. Do you take this opportunity to try and move into a really comfortable spot or assume Tom is going to drop to 1600 assuming he folds, and therefore take your chances that he'll be forced to push at a later stage with hopefully marginal holdings?[/quote'] If I'm holding 2500 I will call with AA in a heartbeat. I'm not that safe with 2500. Yes Tom is possibly down to 1600 here but one double up and I'm the short stack. At this stage, with 2500 I have to keep "playing". :ok
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Re: Hypothetical WWYD

Ok how about this..lets say you are John' date=' but are now sitting behind Dave. Your stack is 2500, he moves all in...you have aa. Do you take this opportunity to try and move into a really comfortable spot or assume Tom is going to drop to 1600 assuming he folds, and therefore take your chances that he'll be forced to push at a later stage with hopefully marginal holdings?[/quote'] It's basic final table ICM. Haven't run the numbers to back it up, but I'm sure it's a very easy push.
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Re: Hypothetical WWYD I'd say the maths says to call here. When you show down, the pot's worth 15,200 chips, of which you've contributed 7,500 including the small blind. This means you're getting just over 2/1 against on your money. If your opponent holds the other 2 aces, then he is 50/1 against to beat you with a flush at this stage. If he holds Kings, then he is about 4.5/1 against to beat you with another 5 cards. Your pot odds are telling you to call if you think your chances of winning the hand are 33% or greater. Since you're going to win this showdown about 80% of the time (assuming he doesn't have aces), it's a no brainer in my book. But then again... I have only just started playing!

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Re: Hypothetical WWYD I'd fold...as long as I was concentrating on the damned game and not distracted by watching the bloody Matrix at the same bloody time and realising my beaten Aces cost me my bloody place in a massive Ladbrokes game. :$

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