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MTT Team Challenge - Saturday 8th August


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Re: MTT Team Challenge - Saturday 8th August

(7th and I expect the other teams will concede defeat :tongue2)
Well, I might delay betting that it won't be over by the end of September until you've lost a bit of the winnings. :tongue2 Good luck, Starshine. :hope
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Re: MTT Team Challenge - Saturday 8th August

Nice time to get quads. :ok
Sure was!! :lol PokerStars Game #31389945101: Tournament #183605987, $5.00+$0.50 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XIV (800/1600) - 2009/08/08 12:49:56 ET Table '183605987 224' 9-max Seat #4 is the button Seat 1: iicode222ii (53349 in chips) Seat 2: RX3-BOi (21000 in chips) Seat 3: man inven (37718 in chips) Seat 4: Rocky1326 (54506 in chips) Seat 5: Tuskanas (55412 in chips) Seat 6: ole poli (19860 in chips) Seat 7: plstarshine (34434 in chips) Seat 8: Slimsmoke (37965 in chips) Seat 9: lizzybetinha (62561 in chips) iicode222ii: posts the ante 150 RX3-BOi: posts the ante 150 man inven: posts the ante 150 Rocky1326: posts the ante 150 Tuskanas: posts the ante 150 ole poli: posts the ante 150 plstarshine: posts the ante 150 Slimsmoke: posts the ante 150 lizzybetinha: posts the ante 150 Tuskanas: posts small blind 800 ole poli: posts big blind 1600 *** HOLE CARDS *** plstarshine: calls 1600 Slimsmoke: folds lizzybetinha: calls 1600 iicode222ii: folds RX3-BOi: folds man inven: raises 4800 to 6400 Rocky1326: folds Tuskanas: folds ole poli: folds plstarshine: calls 4800 lizzybetinha: calls 4800 *** FLOP *** [9d As 9h] plstarshine: checks lizzybetinha: checks man inven: bets 1600 plstarshine: calls 1600 lizzybetinha: calls 1600 *** TURN *** [9d As 9h] [Kd] plstarshine: checks lizzybetinha: checks man inven: bets 3200 plstarshine: raises 3200 to 6400 lizzybetinha: folds man inven: calls 3200 *** RIVER *** [9d As 9h Kd] [Ks] plstarshine: checks man inven: bets 23168 and is all-in plstarshine: calls 19884 and is all-in Uncalled bet (3284) returned to man inven *** SHOW DOWN *** man inven: shows [Ac Ad] (a full house, Aces full of Kings) plstarshine: shows [9c 9s] (four of a kind, Nines) plstarshine collected 80318 from pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 80318 | Rake 0 Board [9d As 9h Kd Ks] Seat 1: iicode222ii folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 2: RX3-BOi folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 3: man inven showed [Ac Ad] and lost with a full house, Aces full of Kings Seat 4: Rocky1326 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 5: Tuskanas (small blind) folded before Flop Seat 6: ole poli (big blind) folded before Flop Seat 7: plstarshine showed [9c 9s] and won (80318) with four of a kind, Nines Seat 8: Slimsmoke folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 9: lizzybetinha folded on the Turn
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Re: MTT Team Challenge - Saturday 8th August PokerStars Game #31391406749: Tournament #183605987, $5.00+$0.50 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XVII (1500/3000) - 2009/08/08 18:38:06 WET [2009/08/08 13:38:06 ET] Table '183605987 224' 9-max Seat #8 is the button Seat 1: iicode222ii (73849 in chips) Seat 3: nutsbabyaa (168105 in chips) Seat 4: Rocky1326 (74664 in chips) Seat 5: Tuskanas (77274 in chips) Seat 6: lazeeboy19 (52582 in chips) Seat 7: plstarshine (121436 in chips) Seat 8: t.habl (93472 in chips) Seat 9: lizzybetinha (49170 in chips) iicode222ii: posts the ante 300 nutsbabyaa: posts the ante 300 Rocky1326: posts the ante 300 Tuskanas: posts the ante 300 lazeeboy19: posts the ante 300 plstarshine: posts the ante 300 t.habl: posts the ante 300 lizzybetinha: posts the ante 300 lizzybetinha: posts small blind 1500 iicode222ii: posts big blind 3000 *** HOLE CARDS *** nutsbabyaa: folds Rocky1326: folds Tuskanas: calls 3000 lazeeboy19: raises 49282 to 52282 and is all-in plstarshine: raises 68854 to 121136 and is all-in t.habl: folds lizzybetinha: folds iicode222ii: folds Tuskanas: calls 73974 and is all-in Uncalled bet (44162) returned to plstarshine *** FLOP *** [4h 8s 2h] *** TURN *** [4h 8s 2h] [Jd] *** RIVER *** [:4h: :8s: :2h: :Jd:] [:Jh:] *** SHOW DOWN *** Tuskanas: shows [Qc Jc] (three of a kind, Jacks) plstarshine: shows [Ad As] (two pair, Aces and Jacks) Tuskanas collected 49384 from side pot lazeeboy19: shows [Ac 9c] (a pair of Jacks) Tuskanas collected 163746 from main pot nutsbabyaa said, "omfg" *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 213130 Main pot 163746. Side pot 49384. | Rake 0 Board [4h 8s 2h Jd Jh] Seat 1: iicode222ii (big blind) folded before Flop Seat 3: nutsbabyaa folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 4: Rocky1326 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 5: Tuskanas showed [:Qc: :Jc:] and won (213130) with three of a kind, Jacks Seat 6: lazeeboy19 showed [:Ac: :9c:] and lost with a pair of Jacks Seat 7: plstarshine showed [:Ad: :As:] and lost with two pair, Aces and Jacks Seat 8: t.habl (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 9: lizzybetinha (small blind) folded before Flop

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Re: MTT Team Challenge - Saturday 8th August Just a thought - do they do "deals" on the FT on PS? How would that impact the challenge? I think my view is that the prize money counts as shown in the lobby (which presumably will be with the result of any deal) - any thoughts from anyone? Any reason why that would be unreasonable for the challenge? Obviously it could be hugely advantagous - first prize in this is $2611 which smashes the target of $500 - a deal that locks in a $450 return would seal the competition - would that be against the spirit of the competition? (we have some time to mull it over - still 71 players left...)

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Re: MTT Team Challenge - Saturday 8th August Unlucky, Starshine. But well played. :clap

Just a thought - do they do "deals" on the FT on PS? How would that impact the challenge?
I'd blame your team captain for his pre-egg-hatching chicken-counting, if I were you. :tongue2
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Re: MTT Team Challenge - Saturday 8th August thanks all for railing PokerStars Turnier #183605987, No Limit Hold'em Buy-in: $5.00/$0.50 USD 4049 Spieler Preispool gesamt: $20245.00 USD Turnierbeginn 08.08.2009 15:00:00 MEZ [08.08.2009 9:00:00 ET] Hallo plstarshine, Sie haben in diesem Turnier Platz 65. erreicht. Das Preisgeld in Höhe von USD 32,40 wurde Ihrem Echtgeldkonto gutgeschrieben. Sie haben für dieses Turnier 135,76 Turnierranglistenpunkte erhalten. Weitere Informationen zu unserer Turnierrangliste finden Sie unter http://www.pokerstars.com/de/poker/tournaments/leader-board/ Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Danke für Ihre Teilnahme.

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