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WPT Mag GUKPT freeroll - Blue Square


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Re: WPT Mag GUKPT freeroll - Blue Square

good luck all playing tonight' date=',i have the mother-in-laws funeral later today so no poker for a few days,hopefully a PL`er will take this down :hope[/quote'] sorry to hear that mate. I lost my mother in law just a few weeks ago, not a good time.
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Re: WPT Mag GUKPT freeroll - Blue Square Ugh. Generally card dead and can't connect with the board. Impossible to bluff as well as people are calling down with third, fourth and bottom pair. EDIT; Bag o'shite that was. Getting desperate I go all-in and in the big blind holding AQd, and get called by some guy with TQo. They promptly hit trip tens but I have a diamond flush draw which I don't hit it and I'm out 205th.

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