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AG's Matrix Clean Sweep Challenge


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I was browsing the PL Achievements thread this week and noticed we have a category for Full Tilt Matrix Clean Sweep. I played a few of these SnGs when they first came out (I think I played the 6 seat ones and made a small profit) but then had forgotten about them. I don't tend to play normal SnGs or Cash and I can't commit a lot of time to MTTs at the moment so these seem ideal to get a quick fix. I tried a $2+25c 9-seat last night and won overall, winning 1 table, and same again tonight got 2nd overall with 1 table win. So I'll probably stick to the 9 seat ones at the $2+25c level (NLHE). Certainly won't be playing every night and likely just 1 game when I do play. I'll keep a track of my profit/loss as well. So if I can cheat slightly to give me start: 2 games - Buy-ins $4.50 - Winnings $9.36 - Profit $4.86

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Re: AG's Matrix Clean Sweep Challenge Back from the brink tonight. After 2 early outs didn't think I had any chance of an overall place but managed to pull a win out of the bag in my final table which grabbed 3rd overall from the guy I was HU with. So $3.24 back for my $2.25. Overall profit now $5.85. :ok matrix3rd070709.jpg

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Re: AG's Matrix Clean Sweep Challenge Game 5. Out no cash in 3 (and no heads:spank) then managed to push my way to a win in my last which was good enough for 3rd overall when the guy I beat HU also lost the other HU he was in. Scraped a profit of 27c on this one to keep up my 100% profit record so far. :ok Buy-ins (5) $11.25 - Returns $19.35 matrix3rd110709.jpg

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Re: AG's Matrix Clean Sweep Challenge Catching up. Played a couple of nights ago and had my first duck. Felt like I lost every race but think I played badly and blame it on reading PL at the same time (I normally log out before I start)! So decided to prove a point and played a second game. Didn't win a table but got 3 2nds and joint 2nd overall which left me 36c down on the night. matrix140709.jpg matrix2nd140709.jpg

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Re: AG's Matrix Clean Sweep Challenge And tonight's... No good in 3 tables and way short stack of 3 in my last but with enough to wait for a hand and eventually took them both out within 3 hands. :D Total buy ins (8) $18.00, returns $28.26, profit $10.26 matrix3rd150709.jpg

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