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Marcus's Diary Room Rant.....

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Hmm.... can't help thinking that as much as I agree with Marcus's statements in the diary room about the show's hierarchy being too PC and not being consistent with the punishments/reprimands for imitating accents etc..... I can't help feel that he may have shot himself in the foot with a lot of the voting public. Opinions guys?

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Re: Marcus's Diary Room Rant..... He'll be up for eviction next week, as enough of the others are turning against him (I think he got 4 nominations this week?) and the voters (mainly female) will vote him out. As for his diary-room rant, for a so-called "Mr Cool", he got too uppity when he thought they were playing the racist card. He doesn't realise that BB's main concern is his aggressive tone "Shut up, you idiot!" and "He's a fcuking little pr1ck". Oh, and when did his hair get 2 shades darker?

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Re: Marcus's Diary Room Rant..... The guys a fcking tool. Cool be fcuked, about as cool as wearing white socks and sandals. He's definitely been bullying Sree. Sree is a little prick but I think Marcus just dislikes Pakis:unsure

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Re: Marcus's Diary Room Rant..... Couldnt agree more BB is being very politically correct and very dodgy on warnings etc. like when people take the piss out of freddie and do nothing about it!! BUT I F*CKIN hate marcus he is an arrogant pig who has no respect for females it is absolutely disgusting he has no chance of winning as a huge propportion of BB voters are women!

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Re: Marcus's Diary Room Rant.....

The guys a fcking tool. Cool be fcuked, about as cool as wearing white socks and sandals. He's definitely been bullying Sree. Sree is a little prick but I think Marcus just dislikes Pakis:unsure
I would say that Lisa, Kris and Karly have been worse with Freddie than Marcus has been with Sree tbh..... For instance last night, After Marcus has been called to the diary room, Sree is still going off on one in the garden "but he attacked my language etc...." and Noirin told him to leave it and had a go at him, no-one said anything. Freddie then tells him Marcus is no longer there and he can stop going on and what happens? Lisa and Kris jump onto it, telling Freddie to keep out of it. Why they say nothing to Noirin yet feel they have to have a go at Freddie? Because they are attempting (unsuccesfully, I may add) to bully/gang up on the guy.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Marcus's Diary Room Rant..... Ha, I backed Marcus to win at the start because I disliked him and in the past the ones that have won have been the ones that I've disliked at the start, but which had grown on me over time. This time though, Marcus hasn't grown on me!! It annoys me when he goes on about 'cock blocking'. Its laughable that he thinks he can pull a girl like Noirin, and now the new blokes have come in you could see him getting jealous, "get your sexy ass sat down here next to me" etc on last nights show, wanting her by his side rather than on the dancefloor with the new guys.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Marcus's Diary Room Rant.....

Hmm.... can't help thinking that as much as I agree with Marcus's statements in the diary room about the show's hierarchy being too PC and not being consistent with the punishments/reprimands for imitating accents etc..... I can't help feel that he may have shot himself in the foot with a lot of the voting public. Opinions guys?
I think Marcus has serious authority issues but sometimes he talks alot of sense about stuff in the house. Then other times utta bollocks. He has made Big Brother much more entertaining. I would like him to punch Lisa in the face tho.
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