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Call, Fold (or reraise)???


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Got myself into a bit of a spot here very early on in torunament, by initially raising and then betting pot size, so had made myself seem a little stronger than I actually was at the time. Im wondering, what you would gave done in this situation? In my eyes, looking back, I could have played the hand better post flop.... wouldnt do much differently again pre-flop. If I fold, will it seem weak, given that I had initially raised and then betted? If I call, Im risking being beaten by the Q and have taken my stack down to 2/3 of what it was, and although early in the tournament, would dent my hopes if losing. If I re-raise, Im as well shoving surely? and I don't have the hand to shove. Might mean nothing to you guys, this sort of hand but means a lot to me in the learning process. Ps, Chikilooka had already been getting involved in any hand that he could and I hadnt seen him fold post flop yet in the tourney. ** Hand # 2671242674 starting - 2009-06-18 20:12:32 ** The Four Dartsmen - Game 4 Week 3[2984881]:Table 5 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (20.00|40.00 NL - MTT) Real Money kail234 sitting in seat 1 with 1970.00 28LL sitting in seat 2 with 3920.00[sitting out] chikilooka sitting in seat 3 with 3740.00 fermanagh1 sitting in seat 4 with 2100.00[Dealer] 24ginger sitting in seat 5 with 340.00[sitting out] miha1006 sitting in seat 6 with 2310.00[sitting out] raycool sitting in seat 7 with 2100.00 richardcairn sitting in seat 8 with 2070.00 rulebPL sitting in seat 9 with 1890.00 rosies sitting in seat 10 with 2300.00 24ginger posted the small blind - 10.00 miha1006 posted the big blind - 20.00 ** Dealing cards to rulebPL: Jd, Kc 24ginger reconnected 24ginger reconnected raycool folded richardcairn folded rulebPL raised to 100.00 rosies folded kail234 folded 28LL folded chikilooka called - 100.00 fermanagh1 called - 100.00 24ginger folded miha1006 called - 100.00 ** Dealing the flop: Qs, 3h, 4c miha1006 checked rulebPL checked chikilooka checked fermanagh1 checked ** Dealing the turn: Jc miha1006 checked rulebPL bet - 200.00 chikilooka called - 200.00 fermanagh1 folded miha1006 folded ** Dealing the river: 7h rulebPL checked chikilooka bet - 375.00 rulebPL --- ?????????????

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Re: Call, Fold (or reraise)??? I'm a rookie too, but here's what I would have done different. You've shown strength pre-flop, so a c-bet of about 200 on the flop would seem reasonable. If chikilooka calls or re-raises then at least you know he's got some sort of hand. As it is you don't know if he hit the 7 or the Q, or is on a bluff. You're getting good odds to call (maybe he knows that), but I reckon you're beat. I'd fold.

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Re: Call, Fold (or reraise)???

I'd fold KJ off preflop. You have a weak starting hand and you have 7 people still to act. The blinds aren't worth stealing so why are you building a big pot out of position.
Initially, KJ is one of my favourite hands. Seems to run quite well for me and Im wanting to see the flop. I raise it to a level not too high, but high enough to throw some others off.
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Re: Call, Fold (or reraise)??? Raising it to 100 all suited connectors are calling and so are all pairs and of course most premium hands will raise. Your raise to 100 is only achieving what araise to 50 or 60 would. I'd fold KJ but I would play KJ suited. Of course KJ suited is only a couple of % better than KJos but it's the difference the hand makes when it hits the flop hard.

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Re: Call, Fold (or reraise)???

Raising it to 100 all suited connectors are calling and so are all pairs and of course most premium hands will raise. Your raise to 100 is only achieving what araise to 50 or 60 would. I'd fold KJ but I would play KJ suited. Of course KJ suited is only a couple of % better than KJos but it's the difference the hand makes when it hits the flop hard.
:ok So now the flaw's pre-flop have been pointed out (noted and will be dealt with in future ... thanks mate). Now we have made the error of raising initially.... are we folding/calling or re-raising at the end?
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Re: Call, Fold (or reraise)??? The way you played it mate I'd have to call but the guy could have absolutely anything. I just think that as you're still fairly new to the game you're asking for trouble playing those kinds of hands out of position.

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Re: Call, Fold (or reraise)???

The way you played it mate I'd have to call but the guy could have absolutely anything. I just think that as you're still fairly new to the game you're asking for trouble playing those kinds of hands out of position.
:ok Thanks for the advice mate. This is part of the reason why I post up troublesome hands, so that more experienced players can have a look and pick up where I can improve and indeed Need to improve.
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Re: Call, Fold (or reraise)???

Initially, KJ is one of my favourite hands. Seems to run quite well for me and Im wanting to see the flop.
Probably the biggest mistake poker players make (even experienced ones) is to have a favourite hand. Apart from superstition having no place in poker, your actual holding is not the most important factor in playing a hand. Position is paramount, add to that the situation and recent table dynamics, then add to that the player you are likely to be up against and his stack size, then add in all the other information you are processing etc etc etc. If all these things are in your favour your hand doesn't matter :ok
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Re: Call, Fold (or reraise)???

If all these things are in your favour your hand doesn't matter
I love pocket jacks. That said, ^ that advice right there is as good as it gets. I decide sometimes, before the deal (the deal not the flop), that I'm winning the next hand.
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Re: Call, Fold (or reraise)???

Probably the biggest mistake poker players make (even experienced ones) is to have a favourite hand. Apart from superstition having no place in poker' date=' your actual holding is not the most important factor in playing a hand. Position is paramount, add to that the situation and recent table dynamics, then add to that the player you are likely to be up against and his stack size, then add in all the other information you are processing etc etc etc. If all these things are in your favour your hand doesn't matter :ok[/quote'] good post brian:notworthy:notworthy i personally wouldnt be playing kj on that table as theres a couple of loose players on there and your unlikely to just pick up the blinds easily(which is really what you want with kj) chiki is pretty loose from what ive seen but can be tricky and could well be behind or trying a cheap steal or well ahead.so i think i would have to call but deffo no raise,he's only calling if hes ahead so no point:ok
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