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Multiple All-ins


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How does the presence of extra callers affect your decision to go all-in? Background. Weekly game, final table, 7 players. I'm the BB Blinds are 800/400 and I have 5100 chips left with 800 posted, so my M is just under 5. Player 1 goes all-in for 2500....his range could be almost any 2 cards Player 2 goes all-in for 3800. He knows player 1 is desperate, and could be getting in with any pair, any ace, most suited Ks, and even some suited Qs even J,10s Player 3 is the big stack about 25,000 chips and is all in. I reckon he could be making this move with a premium hand, but also a small pocket pair, or two high cards like K,Q or K,J, or even a suited K down to 9. Folded to me the pot is now effectively 13,400 and it costs me my last 5,100 to call. My hand is A,9 suited. My question is this. How does the presence of extra callers affect my decision to call here? Obviously my chances of winning have gone down, but the reward is decent size stack, one that will put me near the top of the leader board. I folded. Was I right? What sort of hand would I need here to call to justify the risk/reward.

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Re: Multiple All-ins

How does the presence of extra callers affect your decision to go all-in? Background. Weekly game, final table, 7 players. I'm the BB Blinds are 800/400 and I have 5100 chips left with 800 posted, so my M is just under 5. Player 1 goes all-in for 2500....his range could be almost any 2 cards Player 2 goes all-in for 3800. He knows player 1 is desperate, and could be getting in with any pair, any ace, most suited Ks, and even some suited Qs even J,10s Player 3 is the big stack about 25,000 chips and is all in. I reckon he could be making this move with a premium hand, but also a small pocket pair, or two high cards like K,Q or K,J, or even a suited K down to 9. Folded to me the pot is now effectively 13,400 and it costs me my last 5,100 to call. My hand is A,9 suited. My question is this. How does the presence of extra callers affect my decision to call here? Obviously my chances of winning have gone down, but the reward is decent size stack, one that will put me near the top of the leader board. I folded. Was I right? What sort of hand would I need here to call to justify the risk/reward.
AA, KK, would start thinking if I had QQ. Ideally we need the prize money list and stack sizes in order to answer correctly, but there is no way I'd even thinking of calling with Ace-high. I don't think you're giving enough credit to a couple of the players here. It's fair to say that seat 1 is gambling, but that doesn't mean seat 2 is. If he was calling Seat 1's all-in in the BB, or in late position then maybe, but he has reraised all-in with plenty of people still to act. Also you must give credit to the big stack having something as he is moving in against two early all-in's. Unless they are really bad players then you are in poor shape. Pass. You'll move up the ladder as well. IF you are in "ok" shape with A9, then they ARE bad players - you should still fold and out play them later. You'll get them to put it in when you're odds on. Like I say, pass anything bar AA, KK, QQ (maybe), seriously think about JJ - I probably pass JJ.
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Re: Multiple All-ins

AA, KK, would start thinking if I had QQ. Unless they are really bad players then you are in poor shape. Pass. You'll move up the ladder as well. Like I say, pass anything bar AA, KK, QQ (maybe), seriously think about JJ - I probably pass JJ.
Yes, they are bad players. Player 1 had Q,8s..fair enough. Player two had K,Q....big stack had 5,5. I have trouble at this stage of the tournament because hands that are meant to have some fold equity get called more often than they should. I tend to start looking for a spot to push once my M falls below 5, but I notice that everyone else waits until their M is about 2 before they feel their situation is critical. A few hands earlier I passed a double all in with 6,6. In both cases my hand would have won. I'm pretty sure that most people at that table would have called with either of these hands, regardless of position. Just after this I went all-in with A,7s (first in) and got called by A,10 by someone with a stack less than twice mine. The A,10 held up. The good news, I guess, is that an all-in with a premium hand is going to get called by some poor sap holding A,x.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Multiple All-ins

How does the presence of extra callers affect your decision to go all-in? Background. Weekly game, final table, 7 players. I'm the BB Blinds are 800/400 and I have 5100 chips left with 800 posted, so my M is just under 5. Player 1 goes all-in for 2500....his range could be almost any 2 cards Player 2 goes all-in for 3800. He knows player 1 is desperate, and could be getting in with any pair, any ace, most suited Ks, and even some suited Qs even J,10s Player 3 is the big stack about 25,000 chips and is all in. I reckon he could be making this move with a premium hand, but also a small pocket pair, or two high cards like K,Q or K,J, or even a suited K down to 9. Folded to me the pot is now effectively 13,400 and it costs me my last 5,100 to call. My hand is A,9 suited. My question is this. How does the presence of extra callers affect my decision to call here? Obviously my chances of winning have gone down, but the reward is decent size stack, one that will put me near the top of the leader board. I folded. Was I right? What sort of hand would I need here to call to justify the risk/reward.
Yeah, easy fold. You've got to think you're behind, racing at best. Letting the big stack potentially take out two other players, moving you up the money tree, is a good move.
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