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Spending VPoints


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Is there any real value to VPoints anywhere beyond converting them into cash? I've been saving them, but just coming to the realisation that I may as well just cash them in? For 50,000 VPoints, I can get a return to Vegas. I still have to pay £220 ish in charges and taxes. Or I can convert them into £500 cash. Given I can book flights to Vegas with Virgin with cash for less than £720, the VMiles are a worse option than the cash. Am I missing anything? Are there any other spending options for VPoints that are good value?

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Re: Spending VPoints They did a half price (christmas?) promo (couple of years ago now?) where they gave 2 VMiles for 1 VPoint - wonder if there's any likelyhood of that being repeated :unsure

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Re: Spending VPoints

Is there any real value to VPoints anywhere beyond converting them into cash? I've been saving them, but just coming to the realisation that I may as well just cash them in? For 50,000 VPoints, I can get a return to Vegas. I still have to pay £220 ish in charges and taxes. Or I can convert them into £500 cash. Given I can book flights to Vegas with Virgin with cash for less than £720, the VMiles are a worse option than the cash. Am I missing anything? Are there any other spending options for VPoints that are good value?
I came to the same conclusion as you GaF, however the value in the air miles comes with an upgrade to Premium Economy (PE) or Upper Class (UC). I use mine for a bit of extra comfort, there's no better way to fly back from Vegas than in your own bed in UC. You also get the bonus of the clubhouse with all you can eat and drink and a massage too. Go on treat yourself - you may never fly Economy again. :D
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Re: Spending VPoints I'm way too tight to spend that kind of money on upgrading. Actually it's not tight, I just cannot bring myself mentally to spend that much more on a seat when there's another seat on the same plane for a fraction of the price - It's only 8 hours - I can put up with a bit of a squeeze for the sake of 8 hours - I'd much rather have an extra £500 out there to spend (lose ;) )

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Re: Spending VPoints

I'm way too tight to spend that kind of money on upgrading. Actually it's not tight' date=' I just cannot bring myself mentally to spend that much more on a seat when there's another seat on the same plane for a fraction of the price - It's only 8 hours - I can put up with a bit of a squeeze for the sake of 8 hours - I'd much rather have an extra £500 out there to spend (lose ;) )[/quote'] It's only 8 hours now? Awesome! Them planes must go faster when you are on them :tongue2 Having done the economy dash to Vegas many times I'm with Mr Arca on this one. Although Chris Fergsuon told me he always flies economy and he's got a few quid so you are not alone there GaF.
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Re: Spending VPoints I'm glad you've put this thread up GaF as was thinking about Vpoints myself last night. I'm going to make a concerted effort in VROLL's etc.. now as I am going to Vegas in November so want as many points as possible to bring down the cost. Now when I was looking for flights last night for the date's we are going, I could get a direct flight to and from Vegas for £492 total (without airmiles). I then tried the 'miles + money' route but for some reason it couldn't give me a quote for this (maybe as I haven't redeemed any of my points into miles yet?), however, I am guessing that this would be 2000 miles + approx £400? so effectively £600 altogether? So I'm with you GaF in that the best option with Vpoints is to cash them in... my aim by the end of October is to have about 50,000! :hope

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Re: Spending VPoints

Gaz' date=' to get a miles plus money quote you must be logged into your Virgin Flying Club a/c (which is different from your Virgin V-point a/c).[/quote'] yea, I was in my flying club a/c but it couldn't give me a quote, may because it was 3 in the morning when I tried? :unsure Will check it again now.. edit: nope, still no good, i'm guessing its cos I have no miles on my account therefore they can't give me a quote!
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Re: Spending VPoints

I am guessing that this would be 2000 miles + approx £400? so effectively £600 altogether?
reading this again, it doesn't quite make sense. If it is 2000 miles + £400 then the effective cost would be £420, in the above post I was working out 2000 miles as £200 :\. So based on that, the miles thing would make me a saving! :ok
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