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Extreme short stacking on PKR


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I've just been playing around on PKR and there is no minimum buy in on the cash tables - people were arriving ans sitting down with 1xBB - seems crazy! There must be a strategy to exploit this? (though I dont know what it is yet) - playing pretty loose from early position in multi way pots? Playing any two cards in a raised pot? (you're getting 5-2 pre flop against 1 opponent - play for half a big blind and you're getting 3-1) If there are limpers raised then it gets even better (say 2 limpers raised, you call and the limpers fold, you're getting 9-2 pre flop)

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Re: Extreme short stacking on PKR It's clearly a mistake to sit down at a cash table with 1xBB, and there should be an optimal strategy to exploit it. The question is, is it worth it? Normally you want to be playing for stacks, and when all you can win is 1xBB....? Chanses are you give up some of your edge versus other (normal sized) stacks at the table. I wouldn't bother

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Re: Extreme short stacking on PKR Why would it be a mistake? I'm not convinced it would be, but I definitely cant see that it's "clear" :loon Is there an optimal strategy to exploit it? Or is the optimal startegy for the others be to ignore you and play against the deeper stacks, allowing you to exploit them? Is it worth it? What if you're sat down at $50/$100? I'd be happy with 1xBB ev per hour at that level ;) I think I'll play around a bit....so I'll start low whilst I develop my strategy. To start off with... -My current pkr bankroll is $21.19 -I'll sit down at the table where the BB is 10% of my bankroll minus $20. So to start off with that is 11.9c, so I can sit at 10c/5c - I will buy in and rebuy for 0.5xBB, so I'll be all in first two hands in the blinds - I will then go all in with any two cards in a raised pot - I will go all in with any two suited cards, any two broadway or any pocket pair - I will go all in with any two cards where there are 2 players VPIP in the hand

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Re: Extreme short stacking on PKR

Quality thread yet again. :rollin:rollin
Oh ffs :lol.
Oy! Some of us geeks find this kind of thing interesting! :lol For what it's worth, I'm virtually certain that if it were possible to buy in for 1xBB, then it would be very easy to make a profit doing this, assuming that most other players at the table were not doing the same thing and that you could top up to 1xBB whenever you went broke. I doubt it would make you very popular, though.
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Re: Extreme short stacking on PKR

I've heard PKR are thinking of adding Bingo to their site - might have a go at this as well..... :tongue2
If you're playing to positive EV, it's not bingo ;) Every decision you take at the poker table is an ev decision - if you find a positive ev way of playing, then you're (skillfully) beating the game ;)
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Re: Extreme short stacking on PKR Playing short stack is a real strategy, but only if you play with at least 10xbb. Seating at a table with 1xbb it's pure bingo and you're chances to win are around 10-20% each hand, cause you'll always play against best hand's on that deal.

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Re: Extreme short stacking on PKR

If you're playing to positive EV, it's not bingo ;) Every decision you take at the poker table is an ev decision - if you find a positive ev way of playing, then you're (skillfully) beating the game ;)
What a load of b:)llox! How can you call being allin on the blinds every time you buy in, poker? It may be +ev (I doubt it) - it may be PKR - but its NOT NLHE poker! Why not go play blackjack or red/black on roulette you will probably get as much pleasure. If someone was doing this on my table I think I would standup and go find another table with poker players on it. Its bad enough having to play against the 10bb hit and run merchants. Glad I don't play on PKR if that is the way you want to play..... Without prejudice ;)
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Re: Extreme short stacking on PKR

I play a lot of NL200 on pkr and if i was playing half a tablefull of 1bbers i would soon change site! Interesting strategy though.. would like to see if it would work
For sure - but that's good for the strategy too as all the regulars will desert, leaving you with the bad players ;) Though as said early in the thread - its all academic anyway as PKR only allow that at 2c/4c.
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