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Double or Nothing - Have you given up on them and why?


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Just as topic says. Some half a year ago everybody seemed to play coolers and they were subject to alot of discussion. Looking at PL, it would seem people don't play them anymore, or at least discuss them. I was never caught with the hype but am tempted to give this a go. If you stopped playing them, why?

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Re: Double or Nothing - Have you given up on them and why? I don't think I ever really made a conscious decision to give them up, but I went away for a week or so, not playing any poker, and just never really felt the urge to start playing them again when I got back, though I may do some time in the future. I think the profitability was dropping (on the €50 Boss tables), and Stars seem to have stopped running double or nothing satellites to the Sunday Warm Up/Million, which both probably contributed to my losing interest.

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Re: Double or Nothing - Have you given up on them and why?

...due to what? People getting better at them in general?
Probably. Though I can't say I noticed a huge change in standard, so it may just have been random fluctuations; or maybe I wasn't concentrating as much as I got a bit bored by them, so that I was playing slightly worse.
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Re: Double or Nothing - Have you given up on them and why? I still play them, on stars or coolers on pokerkings, they quite fun and I like them a lot, I think it is just really different to "normal" poker, most times is just sitting and waiting :-), but they nice I prefer the coolers more then to play them on stars

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Re: Double or Nothing - Have you given up on them and why? The 6 max turbo ones on ipoker are a good bankroll builder :ok always play them in the background as you don't need a brain to play them and they tick the rake over as well.

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Re: Double or Nothing - Have you given up on them and why?

The 6 max turbo ones on ipoker are a good bankroll builder :ok always play them in the background as you don't need a brain to play them and they tick the rake over as well.
Thanks for the advice, i was actually planning to do this with the money i have on iPoker, will try them out tonight :ok Is there any particular buy-in where you feel that the competition gets much harder? As i understand it, you profit above all from the other players mistakes
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Re: Double or Nothing - Have you given up on them and why?

Thanks for the advice, i was actually planning to do this with the money i have on iPoker, will try them out tonight :ok Is there any particular buy-in where you feel that the competition gets much harder? As i understand it, you profit above all from the other players mistakes
I've found the buy in doesn't matter but if anything the higher you go the reckless player is more frequent as they seem unable to contain their aggression. Yes waiting for others to make a mistake is key and fold your way to victory, in most games though you will have to play at least one big hand.
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