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Pocket Kings with 3 diamonds on flop


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Ok guys.. I seriously have no idea what to do in this position. 9man SnG, im sitting comfortably in 2nd place. I have Ks Kd and i raised 3xBB in mid pos and i get 1 caller whos got position over me. I check the flop pretending i have 2 picture cards (KQ/KJ) and missed the board. He raises the POT. I know he has Ad. The problem is.. every time i know im ahead i will go all in not taking my position into account or how much i have invested (only 180). Obviously if he has Ad.. i am ahead. I raised him then he went all in and i called. A diamond hit on the turn. Full Tilt Poker Game #11951202255: $5 + $0.50 Sit & Go (89547502), Table 1 - 30/60 - No Limit Hold'em - 13:17:12 ET - 2009/04/30 Seat 1: samdo217 (1,024) Seat 2: Bozzusmc (1,750) Seat 3: Box Kev (1,290) Seat 5: Electromagnet (720) Seat 6: ModzillaPL (2,660) Seat 7: THELANG (2,496) Seat 8: dichdeche (2,920) Seat 9: luvdiamonds (640) Bozzusmc posts the small blind of 30 Box Kev posts the big blind of 60 The button is in seat #1 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to ModzillaPL [Ks Kd] Electromagnet folds ModzillaPL raises to 180 THELANG calls 180 dichdeche folds luvdiamonds folds samdo217 folds Bozzusmc folds Box Kev folds *** FLOP *** [Td 6d 8d] ModzillaPL checks THELANG bets 450 ModzillaPL has 15 seconds left to act ModzillaPL raises to 1,440 THELANG raises to 2,316, and is all in ModzillaPL calls 876 THELANG shows [Ad 7c] ModzillaPL shows [Ks Kd] *** TURN *** [Td 6d 8d] [5d] *** RIVER *** [Td 6d 8d 5d] [Qh] THELANG shows a flush, Ace high ModzillaPL shows a flush, King high THELANG wins the pot (5,082) with a flush, Ace high ModzillaPL: WOW ModzillaPL: BRUTAL *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 5,082 | Rake 0 Board: [Td 6d 8d 5d Qh] Seat 1: samdo217 (button) didn't bet (folded) Seat 2: Bozzusmc (small blind) folded before the Flop Seat 3: Box Kev (big blind) folded before the Flop Seat 5: Electromagnet didn't bet (folded) Seat 6: ModzillaPL showed [Ks Kd] and lost with a flush, King high Seat 7: THELANG showed [Ad 7c] and won (5,082) with a flush, Ace high Seat 8: dichdeche didn't bet (folded) Seat 9: luvdiamonds didn't bet (folded)

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Re: Pocket Kings with 3 diamonds on flop think you did the right thing but got unlucky,cant really see how you lay it down after the reraise(you'd already commited too many chips then and i dont think your raise was a bad idea in the situation). you were a pretty big favourite against his hand and you looked in good shape except against a made nut flush or axad. yes you were in second at the time but there's a lot of play left ,getting the money in on a 60/40 will win you more in the long run and with the doubled thru stack you can realy start bullying,so i don't see a problem:ok.

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Re: Pocket Kings with 3 diamonds on flop

you were a pretty big favourite against his hand
He was actually a 47/53 dog Villain had the other eight diamonds, three Aces and three non-diamond 9s on his side. If you KNEW he had the :Ad: then why didn't you just call his flop raise, and see the turn. Then if there's a diamond you KNOW you're in bad shape and can fold. I think checking the flop wasn't the best way to play it, he could easily have checked behind and seen a free card with his nut flush draw
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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Pocket Kings with 3 diamonds on flop You dont know what to do on this flop? This is really easy and I always love this kind of flops coz you can never make mistake by going all in... What do you think he is doing with JdJ or QdQ, or any pocket pair of tens with Jd, Qd 9d, he can have so many hands at this point that you beat, even vs sets you are not in too bad shape...

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Re: Pocket Kings with 3 diamonds on flop

He was actually a 47/53 dog Villain had the other eight diamonds, three Aces and three non-diamond 9s on his side. If you KNEW he had the :Ad: then why didn't you just call his flop raise, and see the turn. Then if there's a diamond you KNOW you're in bad shape and can fold.
That's not how you should think about poker. It's not a guessing game. "I think he has A of diamond". You have to think about possible range of hands he can have and it is much more than ace of diamond, you can never know exactly what he has, and bad players always talk about "i thought he had"... That's why they are bad. And when u are 47-53 underdog and going all in on flop you are not making any mistake, but if u give him free turn card then u are.
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